The Waitresses – Christmas Wrapping Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Bah! Humbug! Now that’s too strong
– Ba! Aldamshy! Bul qazirdiń ózinde tym kóp aıtylǵan
‘Cause it is my favorite holiday
– Sebebi bul meniń súıikti merekem
But all this year’s been a busy blur
– Biraq bıylǵy jyl tuman sıaqty ótti
Don’t think I have the energy
– Meniń kúshim jetpeıdi dep oılaımyn

To add to my already mad rush
– Meniń onsyz da essiz ımpúlsimdi kúsheıtý úshin
Just ’cause it’s ’tis the season
– Dál qazir ýaqyt bolǵandyqtan
The perfect gift for me would be
– Men úshin tamasha syılyq bolar edi
Completions and connections left from last year
– Ótken jyldan qalǵan pysyqtaýlar men qosylymdar

Ski shop encounter, most interesting
– Shańǵy dúkenindegi kezdesý, eń qyzyqty
Had his number but never the time
– Mende onyń nómiri boldy, biraq eshqashan ýaqyt bolmady
Most of ’81 passed along those lines
– 81-niń kóp bóligi osy baǵytta ótti

So deck those halls
– Sondyqtan bul bólmelerdi bezendirińiz
Trim those trees
– Bul aǵashtardy kesińiz
Raise up cups of Christmas cheer
– Rojdestvolyq sálemdesý arqyly kózildirikti kóterińiz
I just need to catch my breath
– Men jaı ǵana tynys alýym kerek
Christmas by myself this year
– Bıylǵy jyly Rojdestvo jalǵyz

Calendar picture, frozen landscape
– Kúntizbelik sýret, muzdatylǵan peızaj
Chill this room for 24 days
– Bul bólmeni 24 kún boıy salqyndatyńyz
Evergreens, sparkling snow
– Máńgi jasyl ósimdikter, jarqyraǵan qar
Get this winter over with!
– Osy qysty aıaqtaıyq!

Flashback to springtime, saw him again
– Kóktem týraly estelik, men ony qaıtadan kórdim
Would have been good to go for lunch
– Túski asqa barý jaqsy bolar edi
Couldn’t agree when we were both free
– Ekeýmiz de erkin bolǵan kezde kelise almadyq
We tried, we said we’d keep in touch
– Biz tyrystyq, biz baılanysta bolamyz dedik

Didn’t of course, ’til summertime
– Árıne, men muny jazǵa deıin jasaǵan joqpyn
Out to the beach, to his boat, could I join him?
– Jaǵajaıǵa, onyń qaıyǵyna, men oǵan qosyla alamyn ba?
No, this time it was me
– Joq, bul joly men boldym
Sunburn in the third degree
– Úshinshi dárejeli kúnniń kúıip qalýy

Now the calendar’s just one page
– Endi kúntizbede bir ǵana bet bar
Of course I am excited
– Árıne, men qýanyshtymyn
Tonight’s the night I’ve set my mind
– Búgin men sheshim qabyldaǵan tún.
Not to do too much about it
– Bul týraly kóp nárse jasamańyz

Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
– Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn, Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn
But I think I’ll miss this one this year
– Biraq men ony bıyl saǵynatyn bolamyn dep oılaımyn
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
– Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn, Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn
But I think I’ll miss this one this year
– Biraq men ony bıyl saǵynatyn bolamyn dep oılaımyn

Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
– Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn, Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn
But I think I’ll miss this one this year
– Biraq men ony bıyl saǵynatyn bolamyn dep oılaımyn
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
– Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn, Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn
But I think I’ll miss this one this year
– Biraq men ony bıyl saǵynatyn bolamyn dep oılaımyn

Hardly dashing through the snow
– Qarda áreń júrip
‘Cause I bundled up too tight
– Sebebi men tym qatty oraldym
Last minute have-to-dos
– Sońǵy mınýttaǵy shuǵyl ister
A few cards, a few calls because it’s
– Birneshe kartalar, birneshe qońyraýlar, sebebi bul

– Shaqyrýǵa jaýap
No, thanks, no party lights
– Joq, rahmet, merekelik shamdar joq
It’s Christmas Eve, gonna relax
– Búgin Rojdestvo qarsańynda demalamyn
Turned down all of my invites
– Meniń barlyq shaqyrýlarymnan bas tartty

Last Fall I had a night to myself
– Ótken kúzde mende jalǵyz tún boldy
Same guy called, Halloween party
– Sol jigit qońyraý shaldy, Helloýın keshi
Waited all night for him to show
– Men onyń paıda bolýyn túni boıy kúttim
This time his car wouldn’t go
– Bul joly onyń kóligi barmady

Forget it, it’s cold, it’s getting late
– Bul týraly umytyńyz, sýyq, kesh
Trudge on home to celebrate
– Úıge súıreý toılaý
In a quiet way, unwind
– Tynysh ortada demalyńyz
Doing Christmas right this time
– Bul joly biz Rojdestvony durys toılaımyz

A&P has provided me
– A & P maǵan berdi
With the world’s smallest turkey
– Álemdegi eń kishkentaı kúrketaýyqpen
Already in the oven, nice and hot
– Qazirdiń ózinde peshte, dámdi jáne ystyq
Oh damn!
– O, tozaq!
Guess what I forgot
– Meniń ne umytyp ketkenimdi tap

Back out in the snow
– Qaıtadan qarǵa shyǵyńyz
To the only all night grocery
– The jalǵyz táýlik boıy jumys isteıtin azyq-túlik dúkeni
Here on the line is that guy I’ve been chasing all year
– Men jyl boıy qýǵan jigit qaýip tónip tur
“Spendin’ this one alone” he said
– “Men bul ýaqytty jalǵyz ótkizemin”, – dedi ol
“Need a break, this year’s been crazy”
– “Úzilis kerek, bıylǵy jyl aqylsyz boldy”

I said, “Me too, but why are you…?
– Men: “Men de, biraq sen nege?..?
You mean you forgot cranberries too?”
– Siz múkjıdekti de umytyp kettińiz dep aıtqyńyz kele me?”
Then suddenly we laughed and laughed
– Kenetten biz bárimiz kúldik jáne kúldik
Caught on to what was happening
– Ne bolyp jatqanyn túsindim
That Christmas magic’s brought this tale
– Bul Rojdestvolyq sıqyr osy ertegini ákeldi
To a very happy ending
– Óte baqytty aıaqtalýǵa

Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
– Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn, Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn
Couldn’t miss this one this year
– Bıylǵy jyly bul oqıǵany jiberip almadym
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
– Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn, Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn
Couldn’t miss this one this year
– Bıylǵy jyly bul oqıǵany jiberip almadym

Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
– Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn, Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn
Couldn’t miss this one this year
– Bıylǵy jyly bul oqıǵany jiberip almadym
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
– Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn, Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn
Couldn’t miss this one this year
– Bıylǵy jyly bul oqıǵany jiberip almadym

Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
– Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn, Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn
Couldn’t miss this one this year
– Bıylǵy jyly bul oqıǵany jiberip almadym
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
– Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn, Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn
Couldn’t miss this one this year
– Bıylǵy jyly bul oqıǵany jiberip almadym
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
– Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn, Rojdestvo qutty bolsyn

The Waitresses



