The Weeknd – Dancing In The Flames Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Lyrics from Live Performance & Teaser
– Live Performance ánderi &Amp; Tızer

Oh-oh, yeah
– O-o-o, ıá

Traffic lights while we are racin’ home
– Biz úıde jarysyp jatqanda baǵdarshamdar
Melted lights above the open road
– Ashyq joldyń ústindegi erigen shamdar
I hope we make it, ’cause I’ve been chasin’
– Biz jetistikke jetemiz dep úmittenemin, óıtkeni men qýdym”.
Another odyssey
– Taǵy bir odısseıa

I can’t wait to see your face
– Men seniń júzińdi kórýdi shydamaımyn
Crash when we’re switching lanes
– Biz jolaqty aýystyrǵan kezde apat
My love’s beyond the pain
– Meniń mahabbatym azaptan asyp túsedi
But if I miss the brake
– Biraq eger men tejegishti jiberip alsam
We’re dancin’ in the flames
– Biz jalynda bıleımiz
It’s indescribable
– Bul sózben aıtyp jetkizý múmkin emes

Traffic lights while we are racin’ home
– Biz úıde jarysyp jatqanda baǵdarshamdar
Melted lights above the open road
– Ashyq joldyń ústindegi erigen shamdar
I hope we make it, ’cause I’ve been chasin’
– Biz jetistikke jetemiz dep úmittenemin, óıtkeni men qýdym”.
Another odyssey
– Taǵy bir odısseıa

I can’t wait to see your face
– Men seniń júzińdi kórýdi shydamaımyn
Crash when we’re switching lanes
– Biz jolaqty aýystyrǵan kezde apat
My love’s beyond the pain
– Meniń mahabbatym azaptan asyp túsedi
But if I miss the brake
– Biraq eger men tejegishti jiberip alsam
We’re dancin’ in the flames
– Biz jalynda bıleımiz
It’s indescribable
– Bul sózben aıtyp jetkizý múmkin emes

The world can’t heal, they say on the radio (Oh no)
– Álem emdeı almaıdy, deıdi olar radıodan (O, joq)
So grab the wheel, want you to be in control
– Sondyqtan rúldi ustańyz, baqylaýda bolǵanyńyzdy qalaımyn
We’re dodging headlights and you say, “Hold tight”
– Biz faralardan jaltaryp jatyrmyz, siz: “myqtap ustańyz”deısiz.
Another odyssey, oh
– Taǵy bir odısseıa, o

I can’t wait to see your face
– Men seniń júzińdi kórýdi shydamaımyn
Crash when we’re switching lanes
– Biz jolaqty aýystyrǵan kezde apat
My love’s beyond the pain
– Meniń mahabbatym azaptan asyp túsedi
But if I miss the brake
– Biraq eger men tejegishti jiberip alsam
We’re dancin’ in the flames
– Biz jalynda bıleımiz
It’s indescribable
– Bul sózben aıtyp jetkizý múmkin emes

Ooh (Indescribable)
– Ooh (Sózben Aıtyp Jetkizý Múmkin Emes)
– O
Everything’s fadin’, we barely made it
– Bári joǵalyp ketti, biz áreń jettik
The fire’s ragin’, but you’re so beautiful
– Ot janyp tur”, biraq sen sondaı ádemisiń
And it’s amazin’, ’cause I can taste it
– Jáne bul tańqalarlyq, óıtkeni men onyń dámin tata alamyn
Our final odyssey, oh
– Bizdiń sońǵy odısseıamyz, o

I can’t wait to see your face
– Men seniń júzińdi kórgenshe kúte almaımyn
Crash when we’re switching lanes
– Biz jolaqty aýystyrǵan kezde apat
My love’s beyond the pain
– Meniń mahabbatym azaptan asyp túsedi
But if I miss the brake
– Biraq eger men tejegishti jiberip alsam
We’re dancin’ in the flames
– Biz jalynda bıleımiz
So just have faith, we’re dancin’ in the flames
– Sondyqtan senińiz, biz jalynmen bıleımiz
It’s indescribable
– Bul sózben aıtyp jetkizý múmkin emes
Indescribable, ooh
– Sózben aıtyp jetkizý múmkin emes, ooh
– Sózben aıtyp jetkizý múmkin emes

The Weeknd



