The Weeknd – House Of Balloons / Glass Table Girls (Original) Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Been on another level
– Basqa deńgeıde boldy
Since you came, no more pain
– Siz kelgennen beri aýyrsyný joq
You look into my eyes
– Sen meniń kózime qaraısyń
You can’t recognize my face
– Sen meniń betimdi tanı almaısyń
You’re in my world now
– Endi sen meniń álemimdesiń
You can stay, you can stay
– Siz qalýyńyz múmkin, qalýyńyz múmkin
But you belong to me
– Biraq sen maǵan tıesili
Ooh, you belong to me
– O, sen menikisiń

If it hurts to breathe, open a window (woo-ooh)
– Eger siz tynys alýdan aýyrsańyz, terezeni ashyńyz (U-U-u)
Oh, your mind wants to leave (leave), but you can’t go
– O, sizdiń oıyńyz ketkisi keledi (ketińiz), biraq siz kete almaısyz
This is a happy house (a happy house)
– Bul baqytty úı(baqytty úı)
We’re happy here (we’re happy here), in a happy house
– Biz munda baqyttymyz (biz munda baqyttymyz), baqytty úıde
Oh, this is fun, fun, fun, fun, fun
– O, bul kóńildi, kóńildi, kóńildi, kóńildi
Fun, fun, fun, fun
– Kóńildi, kóńildi, kóńildi, kóńildi
Fun, fun, fun, fun
– Kóńildi, kóńildi, kóńildi, kóńildi

Music got you lost
– Mýzyka sizdi shatastyrdy
Nights pass so much quicker than the days did
– Túnder kúnderge qaraǵanda áldeqaıda jyldam ushady
Same clothes, you ain’t ready for your day shift
– Sol kıim, siz kúndizgi aýysymǵa daıyn emessiz
This place will burn you up
– Bul jer sizdi órtep jiberedi
Baby, it’s okay, them my niggas next door
– Balam, bári jaqsy, bul meniń kórshiles nıggerlerim.
And they workin’ in the trap, so get naughty if you want
– Jáne olar tuzaqta jumys isteıdi, sondyqtan qalasańyz, tentek bolyńyz
So don’t blame it on me
– Sondyqtan bul úshin meni kinálamańyz
That you didn’t call your home
– Siz úıge qońyraý shalǵan joqsyz
So just don’t blame it on me, girl
– Sondyqtan bul úshin meni kinálamańyz, qyz
‘Cause you wanted to have fun
– Sebebi siz kóńildi bolǵyńyz keldi

If it hurts to breathe, open a window (yeah, yeah, yeah)
– Eger siz tynys alýdan aýyrsańyz, terezeni ashyńyz (ıá, ıá, ıá)
Oh, your mind wants to leave, but you can’t go (ooh)
– O, sizdiń oıyńyz ketkisi keledi, biraq siz kete almaısyz (oo)
This is a happy house
– Bul baqytty úı
We’re happy here, in a happy house
– Biz baqytty úıde baqyttymyz
Oh, this is fun, fun, fun, fun, fun (this is fun)
– O, bul kóńildi, kóńildi, kóńildi, kóńildi (bul kóńildi)
Fun, fun, fun, fun (this is fun to me)
– Kóńildi, kóńildi, kóńildi, kóńildi (men úshin bul kóńildi)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
– Kóńildi, kóńildi, kóńildi, kóńildi

Bring the 707 out
– 707-shi shyǵaryńyz
Bring the 707 out
– 707-shi shyǵaryńyz
Bring the 707 out
– 707-shi shyǵaryńyz
Bring the 707 out
– 707-shi shyǵaryńyz
Bring the 707 out
– 707-shi shyǵaryńyz
Bring the 7
– 7 ákelińiz

Two puffs for the lady who be down for that
– Buǵan kelisetin hanymǵa arnalǵan eki pýf
Whatever, together
– Ne bolsa da, birge
Bring your own stash of the greatest, trade it
– Ózińizdiń eń jaqsy qoryńyzdy ákelińiz, ony aıyrbastańyz
Roll a dub, burn a dub, cough a dub, taste it
– Teksheni aınaldyryńyz, teksheni kúıdirińiz, teksheni jótelińiz, dámin tatyńyz
Then watch us chase it
– Sodan keıin biz ony qalaı qýyp jatqanymyzdy qarańyz
With a handful of pills, no chasers
– Bir ýys tabletkamen, qýǵynshylarsyz
Jaw clenchin’ on some super-sized papers
– Men jaqtarymdy úlken qaǵazdardyń ústine qysamyn

And she bad and her head bad
– Ol jaman, al basy jaman
Escapin’, her van is a Wonderland
– Qashyp bara jatyp, onyń fýrgony ǵajaıyptar eline aınaldy
And it’s half-past six
– Al qazir jetinshi jartysy
Read skies ’cause time don’t exist
– Aspandy oqyńyz, óıtkeni ýaqyt joq
But when the stars shine back to the crib
– Biraq juldyzdar jarqyrap turǵanda, besikke oralyńyz.
Superstar lines back at the crib
– Sýperjuldyz qaıtadan besikke kezekke turady

And we can test out the tables
– Biz kestelerdi teksere alamyz
We’ve got some brand new tables
– Bizde jańa ústelder bar
All glass and it’s four feet wide
– Barlyǵy shynydan jasalǵan jáne eni tórt fýt
But it’s a must to get us ten feet high
– Biraq bul bizdi on fýt bıiktikke kóterý úshin qajet
She give me sex in a handbag
– Ol maǵan sómkede seks beredi
I get her wetter than a wet nap
– Men ony dymqyl uıqydan góri ylǵaldandyramyn
And no closed doors, so I listen to her moans echo
– Jabyq esikter joq, sondyqtan men onyń stoyrsyǵan jańǵyryǵyn tyńdaımyn.

“I heard he do drugs now”
– “Men onyń qazir esirtki qoldanatynyn estidim”
You heard wrong, I been on it for a minute
– Siz qate estidińiz, men muny bir mınýt qana istep jatyrmyn
We just never act a fool, that’s just how we fuckin’ live it
– Biz eshqashan aqymaq bolmaımyz, biz osylaı ómir súremiz.
And when we act a fool, it’s probably ’cause we mixed it
– Biz aqymaq bolǵan kezde, bul bárimizdi shatastyrǵandyqtan shyǵar
Yeah, I’m always on that okey-dokey
– Iá, Men árqashan “okı doktaryna”baramyn.
Them white boys know the deal, ain’t no fuckin’ phony
– Bul aq jigitter munyń ne ekenin biledi, olar jalǵan emes
Big O know the deal, he the one who showed me
– Úlken O, ol maǵan kórsetti
Watch me ride this fuckin’ beat like he fuckin’ told me
– Qarańyzshy, Men bul gaqpen sekiremin, ol sıaqty, blád, maǵan aıtty

“Is that your girl, what’s her fuckin’ story?
– “Bul seniń qyzyń, onyń qandaı oqıǵasy bar?
She kinda bad but she ride it like a fuckin’ pony”
– Ol jaman sıaqty, biraq ony ponı sıaqty minedi”
I cut down on her man, be her fuckin’ story
– Men onyń adamynan qutylamyn, onyń áńgimesine aınalamyn.
Yeah, I’m talkin’ ’bout you, man, get to know me
– Iá, Men sen týraly aıtyp otyrmyn, adam, meni jaqsyraq bil
Ain’t no offense, though, I promise you
– Biraq bul renish emes, Men saǵan ýáde beremin
If you a real man, dude, you gon’ decide the truth
– Eger siz naǵyz adam bolsańyz, adam, Siz shyndyqty sheshýińiz kerek
But I’m a nice dude, with some nice dreams
– Biraq men jaqsy jigitpin, mende jaqsy armandar bar
And we could turn this to a nightmare: Elm Street
– Biz muny koshmarǵa aınaldyra alamyz: Qaraǵash kóshesi

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
– La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
I’m so gone, so gone
– Men joǵalyp kettim, sondyqtan joǵalyp kettim
Bring out the glass tables
– Shyny ústelderdi shyǵaryńyz
Bring the 707 out
– 707-shi shyǵaryńyz

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
– La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
I’m so gone, so gone
– Men joǵalyp kettim, sondyqtan joǵalyp kettim
Bring out the glass tables
– Shyny ústelderdi shyǵaryńyz
Bring the 707 out
– 707-shi shyǵaryńyz

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
– La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
I’m so gone, so gone
– Men joǵalyp kettim, sondyqtan joǵalyp kettim
Bring out the glass tables
– Shyny ústelderdi shyǵaryńyz
Bring the 707 out
– 707-shi shyǵaryńyz

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
– La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
I’m so gone, so gone
– Men joǵalyp kettim, sondyqtan joǵalyp kettim
Bring out the glass tables
– Shyny ústelderdi shyǵaryńyz
Bring the 707 out
– 707-shi shyǵaryńyz

Bring the 707 out
– 707-shi shyǵaryńyz
Bring the 707 out
– 707-shi shyǵaryńyz

The Weeknd



