Youth Group – Forever Young Aǵylshyn Tekst Pesnı & Qazaq (latyn) Aýdarmalar


Tekst Pesnı

Let’s dance in style
– Stılde bıleıik
Let’s dance for a while
– Biraz bıleıik
Heaven can wait
– Aspan kúte alady
We’re only watching the skies
– Biz tek aspandy baqylap otyrmyz
Hopin’ for the best
– Jaqsylyqqa úmittenemin
But expectin’ the worst
– Biraq siz eń jamanyn kútesiz
Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?
– Siz bombany tastaısyz ba, joq pa?

Let us die young or let us live forever
– Jas óleıik nemese máńgi ómir súreıik
Don’t have the power
– Mende ondaı kúsh joq
But we never say never
– Biraq biz eshqashan”eshqashan” dep aıtpaımyz
Sittin’ in the sandpit, life is a short trip
– Qumsalǵyshta otyryp, ómir-qysqa sapar.
Music’s for the sad men
– Qaıǵyly adamdarǵa arnalǵan Mýzyka

Can you imagine when this race is run?
– Bul jarystyń qashan bolatynyn elestete alasyz ba?
Turn our golden faces into the sun
– Bizdiń altyn júzderimizdi kúnge qaraı buraıyq
Praising our leaders, getting in tune
– Biz kóshbasshylarymyzdy madaqtaımyz, durys jolmen baptaımyz
The music’s played by the mad men
– Mýzykany jyndylar oınaıdy

Forever young
– Máńgi jas
I wanna be forever young
– Men máńgi jas bolǵym keledi
Do you really wanna live
– Siz shynymen ómir súrgińiz keledi
Forever, forever, forever?
– Máńgi, máńgi, máńgi?

Some are like water
– Olardyń keıbireýleri sý sıaqty
Some are like the heat
– Olardyń keıbireýleri ystyqqa uqsaıdy
Some are a melody
– Olardyń keıbireýleri áýen
Some are the beat
– Olardyń keıbireýleri rıtaq
Sooner or later they’ll all be gone
– Erte me kesh pe olardyń bári ketedi
Why don’t they stay young?
– Nelikten olar jas bolyp qalmaıdy?

It’s hard to get old without a cause
– Sebepsiz qartaıý qıyn
I don’t wanna perish like a fadin’ horse
– Men solǵan jylqy sıaqty ólgim kelmeıdi.
Youth is like diamonds in the sun
– Jastyq shaq kún sáýlesindegi Gaýhar tastarǵa uqsaıdy
And diamonds are forever
– Al Gaýhar Máńgilik

Forever young
– Máńgi jas
I wanna be forever young
– Men máńgi jas bolǵym keledi
Do you really wanna live
– Siz shynymen ómir súrgińiz keledi
Forever, forever, forever?
– Máńgi, máńgi, máńgi?

Forever young
– Máńgi jas
I wanna be forever young
– Men máńgi jas bolǵym keledi
Do you really wanna live
– Siz shynymen ómir súrgińiz keledi
Forever, forever, forever?
– Máńgi, máńgi, máńgi?

Forever young
– Máńgi jas
I wanna be forever young
– Men máńgi jas bolǵym keledi
Do you really wanna live
– Siz shynymen ómir súrgińiz keledi
Forever, forever, forever?
– Máńgi, máńgi, máńgi?

Forever young
– Máńgi jas
I wanna be forever young
– Men máńgi jas bolǵym keledi
Do you really wanna live
– Siz shynymen ómir súrgińiz keledi
Forever, forever, forever?
– Máńgi, máńgi, máńgi?

Youth Group



