Video Clip
I know these stars above the ocean
– Scio has stellas supra oceanum
Now new skies call me by name
– Nunc caelum novum voca me nomine
And suddenly, nothing feels the same
– Et subito nihil idem sentit
I know the path that must be chosen
– Scio viam quae eligenda est
But this is bigger than before
– Sed hoc maius est quam ante
Winds have changed, tides turn me far away from shore
– Ventis mutata, aestus averte me procul a litore
What waits for me
– Quid me expectas
Forever far from home
– Namque ursus longe
From everything
– Per tutto
And everyone I’ve ever known?
– Ego autem omnes semper notum?
What lies beyond
– Quid ultra mendacium
Under skies I’ve never seen?
– Sub caelo ego numquam vidi?
Will I lose myself between
– Venisti perdere nos
My home and what’s unknown?
– Domum meam et quid suus ‘ ignotum?
If I go beyond
– Si quis excesserit
Leaving all I love behind
– Relinquens omnia amo a tergo
With the future of our people still to find
– Conoscere i mali futuri rovinerebbe il nostro presente
Can I go beyond?
– Possum ire quam?
There is destiny in motion
– Fatum est motum
And it’s only just begun
– Et suus tantum iustus coepit
Now will this life I’ve worked so hard for come undone?
– Nunc autem haec vita ego laboravi tam durum venire periit?
They’re calling me
– Me vocat
I must reply
– Ma si risponde
But if I leave
– Ca se ti non vuoi altro
How could I ever say goodbye?
– Quomodo umquam vale dicere potui?
What lies beyond (E mafai he mafai e)
– Quam qui abundat sensu et transgreditur legem altissimi.
On the vast, uncharted sea? (E mafai he mafai e)
– De mari incognito? (E mafai ipse mafai e)
Will I lose myself between (E mafai he mafai e)
– Et me alias tanto honore [honorasti] postmodum, et damna maxima intulisti.
All that we know right here (E mafai he mafai e)
– Omnia quae hic scimus (E mafai ille mafai e)
What’s out there beyond? (E mafai he mafai e)
– Quod suus ‘ sicco illic ultra? (E mafai ipse mafai e)
Leaving all I love behind (E mafai he mafai e)
– Adoro esse clipe (E mafai ipse mafai e)
With the future of our people still to find (E mafai he mafai e)
– Conoscere i mali futuri rovinerebbe il nostro presente (E mafai ille mafai e)
(E mafai he mafai e) Can I go beyond?
– (E mafai ipse mafai e) possum ire ultra?
If I’m not here to hold her hand
– Si non est qui portet eam
Will she grow to understand?
– Non intellego?
I’ll always be right beside you
– Tutto diventa vecchio, forse anch ‘ io
But, perhaps, you’re meant for more
– Sed fortasse, vos erant ‘ intelligitur enim magis
I can’t see where your story leads
– Nescio unde hae hic spectavit
But we never stop choosing who we are
– Non cessavi iam eligere quem
I’ll go beyond
– Ego vadam quam
And although I don’t know when
– Nescio quando
I will reach these sands again
– Ego pervenire haec harenas iterum
‘Cause I know who I am
– Laquelle je suis ce que je suis
I am Moana (E mafai he mafai e)
– Sunt [do] Qui Optio, sint Ut et sapiente distinctio.
Of the land and of the sea (Olo ake ake)
– De terra et de mari (Olo ake ake)
And I promise that is who I’ll always be (E mafai he mafai e, ake ake)
– Et promissum est quod ego semper erit (E mafai ille mafai e, ake ake)
I must go, I will go, then we’ll know (Fakamalohi, talitonuga, te nofoaga)
– Ego vadam, et ego vadam, tunc youll scire (Fakamalohi, talitonuga, te nofoaga)
What lies beyond
– Quid ultra mendacium