Video Clip
– Anxietatem
Keep on trying me
– Me intentum
I feel it quietly
– Mihi quidem quieto
Tryna silence me
– Tryna silentium mihi
My anxiety
– Anxietatem meam
Can’t shake it off of me
– Me adspirare non posses
Somebody’s watching me
– Aliquis me quaerit
And my anxiety
– Anxietatem meam
Solo, no mojo
– Non solum
I bounce back, no pogo
– Regressus sum, nullus pogo
Unhappy, no homo
– Infelix, nullus homo
New brands, no logos
– Nova faces, nullus logos
Money on my juggla, a natural hustler
– Pecuniam meam juggla, naturalis hustler
Think I need a smuggler up in Russia
– Mihi opus esse videtur smuggler in Russia
You could be the butler, shine my cutla’
– Tu potes esse pincerna, luceat mihi cutla’
Shout out to Oyenda, that’s the guzzler
– Oyenda oyenda, quae est guzzler
Okay, next thing, my life is a wet dream
– Bene, deinde res, vita mea infectum est somnium
I call it a sex scene, the bag is a nice tease
– Voco eam scaenam sexum, sacculus est delicatus vexare
I tried to escape, my life is an X-rate
– Conatus sum evadere, Vita Mea X-rate est
I’m sorry, a sex tape, you only get one take
– Paenitet me, sexus tape, vos tantum adepto unum accipere
Quiet on the set, please
– Quid istud, quaeso
– Omnes
Okay, rolling
– Bene, volvens
Anxiety, three, two, one
– Anxietatem, tres, duo, unum
Anxiety keep on trying me
– Anxietatem mihi in custodiam conatur
I feel it quietly, tryna silence me, yeah
– Ego quidem sentio, tryna silentium mihi, yeah
Anxiety, shake it off of me
– Anxietatem, excutite eam a me
Somebody’s watching me, it’s my anxiety
– Quis suus ‘vigilantes me, suus’ anxietatem meam
Anxiety, anxie—
– Anxietatem, anxietatem—
Oh, I feel it tryin’
– O sentio eam tryin’
Keep it tryin’, keep it tryin’, oh, I feel the silence
– Tryin eam serva’, tryin custodi’, o, sentio silentium
Keep it quiet, keep it tired, oh, somebody’s touching me
– Ut quietam eam, fessi custodiant eam, o, quis suus ‘ tangens me
Anxiety, anxie—
– Anxietatem, anxietatem—
Oh, I feel anxiety
– Anxietatem sentio
My anxie—, my anxie— (It’s my anxiety)
– Am ante me, vel [am] o, si occurrit.
Oh, I feel it tryin’ (Can’t let it conquer me)
– O sentio eam tryin ‘ (non potest eam vincere me)
Keep it tryin’, keep it tryin’
– Tente novamente mais tarde.”
Oh, I feel the silence (It’s my anxiety, gotta keep it off of me)
– O ego sentio silentio (suus ‘ anxietatem meam, redditus est mihi custodiant eam)
Keep it quiet, keep it quiet
– Curati e stai tranquillo
Oh, somebody’s watching me (It’s my anxiety, can’t shake it off of me)
– O quis suus ‘vigilo me (suus’ anxietatem mihi, non excutite eam a me)
Anxiety, anxie— oh, I feel anxiety (It’s my anxiety, gotta keep it off of me)
– Anxietatem, anxietatem-o ego sentio anxietatem (suus ‘ mea anxietatem, redditus est mihi custodiant eam)
Anxie—, my anxie—
– Anxius -, anxietatem mihi—
Oh, I feel it tryin’
– O sentio eam tryin’
Keep it tryin’, keep it tryin’
– Tente novamente mais tarde.”
Oh, I feel the silence
– Esto, tace
Keep it quiet, keep it quiet
– Curati e stai tranquillo
Oh, somebody’s watching me
– Aliquis me quaerit
Anxiety, anxie— oh, I feel anxiety
– Anxietatem, anxietatem-o ego sentio anxietatem
Court order from Florida
– Haec enim est florida
What’s in that clear blue water?
– Quid in aqua clara caerulea?
No limits no boarders
– Nullus limites nullus boarders
What’s in that new world order?
– Quid in illo novo ordine constituis?
Marco (Marco), Polo (Polo)
– Marco( Marco), Polo (Polo)
Negro run from popo (Popo)
– La storia di popo (Popo)
That blue light and that rojo (Rojo)
– Lumière du jour et esse rojo (Rojo)
I just feel like this tightness in my chest
– Ego iustus sentio amo hanc emissiones habent in pectore
Like an elephant is standing on me
– Sicut elephantus stans super me
Just relax and let it do its thing
– Iustus relaxat et rem suam faciat
Anxiety keeps on trying me
– Sollicitudo servat conatur mihi
Anxiety keeps on trying me
– Sollicitudo servat conatur mihi
My anxie—, my anxie—
– O meu presente, ao teu amor.—
Oh, I feel it tryin’
– O sentio eam tryin’
Keep it tryin’, keep it tryin’
– Tente novamente mais tarde.”
Oh, I feel the silence
– Esto, tace
Keep it quiet, keep it quiet
– Curati e stai tranquillo
Oh, somebody’s watching me
– Aliquis me quaerit
Anxiety, anxie—, oh, I feel anxiety
– Anxietatem, anxietatem-o sentio anxietatem
It’s my anxiety, can’t shake it off of me
– Anxietatem mihi suus, non excutite eam a me
It’s my anxiety, can’t shake it off of me
– Anxietatem mihi suus, non excutite eam a me
It’s my anxiety, can’t shake it off of me
– Anxietatem mihi suus, non excutite eam a me
It’s my anxiety, can’t shake it off of me
– Anxietatem mihi suus, non excutite eam a me
Can’t shake it off of me, shake, shake it off of me
– Non potes a me excutere, excutere, excutere a me
Can’t shake it off of me, shake, shake it off of me
– Non potes a me excutere, excutere, excutere a me
Can’t shake it off of me, shake, shake it off of me
– Non potes a me excutere, excutere, excutere a me
Can’t shake it off of me, shake, shake it off of me
– Non potes a me excutere, excutere, excutere a me
It’s my anxiety, can’t shake it off of me
– Anxietatem mihi suus, non excutite eam a me
It’s my anxiety, can’t shake it off of me
– Anxietatem mihi suus, non excutite eam a me
It’s my anxiety, can’t shake it off of me
– Anxietatem mihi suus, non excutite eam a me
It’s my anxiety, can’t shake it off of me
– Anxietatem mihi suus, non excutite eam a me