Video Clip
Smokin’ trees, I’m ridin’ ’round
– Smokin ‘arbores, ego ridin ” circum
Come to my side of town
– Veni ad oppidum meum
Lately, it’s been goin’, goin’, goin’, goin’, goin’ down (Look, uh, look)
– Nuper, suus ‘been goin’, goin’, goin’, goin’ deorsum (Vultus, uh, vultus)
All of my niggas gon’ ride with it
– Omnes mei niggas gon ‘ equitare cum eo
In the pocket, the rocket like Kellen Mond
– In sinum, erucae Sicut Kellen Mond
Mama told me the power was in the tongue
– Mama dixit mihi potestas in lingua
But it probably ain’t powerful as a gun
– Quae tela et arma habet
All of you little cowards get devoured, I’m givin’ out flowers to anyone
– Omnes vos adepto parum ignavos devoravit, ego sum givin ‘ ut quis florum
I ain’t been out the house in a minute ’cause I ain’t wit’ it if the money is miniature
– Ego autem non fui in domo minutam, causam non ingenii, quod si pecuniam minima forma
I been mindin’ my business, I’m business-minded
– Ego mindin ‘negotium meum, im’ animo negotium
I been spendin’ some time with the minister
– Ego iam expendin ‘ in officio suo dei minister est
‘Cause them niggas spinnin’ shit and still sinnin’ in the City of God and it’s sinister
– ‘Faciam eas niggas spinnin’ stercore et peccinin, In Civitatem Dei et suus sinister
Try to pray and repent in a synagogue or a mosque, a temple, a church
– Conantur orare et paenitere in synagoga vel meschitam, templum, ecclesiam
Them brown skin’s sentiment niggas hurtin’
– Eorum brunneis cutis sensus niggas hurtin’
And murder’s a common courtesy, for certainly
– Un elogio funebre per la moglie scomparsa
R.I.P. be on the shirt, search, lurk, murk, squirt, dirt, first (Forty-eight)
– R. I. P. esto super tunicam, inquisitionem, latibulum, murum, squirt, lutum, primum (quadraginta octo)
My nigga doin’ four plus eight without a court date
– Mea nigga doin ‘ quattuor plus octo sine atrio date
Talked the other day, he say he doin’ okay
– Loquebatur autem alterum diem, et dices ad eum doin ‘ okay
He good, he gainin’ weight, then got a sharp shank
– Ille bonus, pondus lucratur, deinde scapus acutum obtinuit
He made, he say they play, they gotta partake
– Et dixit: si in aliquo dubitaveritis,
Homie got a heart full of hate and a face full of war paint
– Homie cor plenum odii obtinuit et faciem plenam belli pingunt
Eyes all red, full of rage and it’s hard to escape from a dark place
– Oculi omnes rubri, irae pleni, et e loco obscuro effugere difficile est
East side niggas from the A, niggas all ages
– Orientem a niggas a, niggas omnia saecula saeculorum
Tryna sell a pound of the dog cage
– Tryna vendere libram canis caveam
All the OGs ’round town was our age
– Omnes ogs oppidum rotundum aetas nostra erat
Danger, sex, and drugs, X and R-rated
– Periculum, sexus, medicamenta, X Et R-aestimavit
Danger, sex, and drugs, shit be outrageous
– Periculum, sexus et medicinae, stercore indignum esse
But don’t get this shit fucked up, my boy
– Sed hoc non videtur esse satisfactio, quia puer
Ya lucked up once, then ya doubled up
– Et si on s ‘ éloignait un instant, une geminée
I dribble and pass it to the cup and triple-double it
– Dimittas, cum mihi consulendi causa fuerit, ut dubitare desinerem
Get to the basket, get the cash and cuddle up
– Accede ad canistrum, accipe pecuniam et lego sursum
Cover up, bundle up, batter up (Batter up)
– Operculum, fasciculum sursum, quatere sursum (Quatere sursum)
Um, talk a lot of smack and I could back it up
– U, loqui multum sapere et potui tergum is sursum
Shawty wanna shag, wanna shack it up
– Shawty wanna shag, pretii shack eam
I can put her pussy on the platter like a platypus
– Ego potest posuit in catino eius pussy sicut platypus
Nappy-head nigga, hair natted up
– Caput Nappy-nigga, capillus natted sursum
I said, “Barbara,” a nigga tatted up
– Et ille: “Barbara,” inquit.
I won’t argue, nigga mad as fuck
– Ego non arguo, neque loco esse puto
‘Cause they ain’t compatible, I’m finna catapult
– ‘Causa non compatitur, ego sum catapulta finna
But niggas know it’s goin’
– Sed niggas scire suus ‘gin’
(Down, down, down, down, do-do-do-do—)
– (Deorsum, deorsum, deorsum, do-do—do-do-do-do -)
If I run out of fuel, I won’t
– Si me diligeretis, non est mihi
What the fuck y’all gon’ do if I don’t
– Quid faciam si non revertes
Run out of fuel? (Down, down, down, down, do-do-do-do—)
– Curre ex cibus? (Deorsum, deorsum, deorsum, do-do—do-do-do-do -)
That scares the fuck out of you
– Couche avec sa putain
For a couple decades (Brrt)
– Pro duobus decenniis (Brrt)
Been lettin’ this TEC spray (Brrt)
– Lettin ‘ haec TEC imbre (Brrt)
From that day that I met Dre (Brrt)
– De eo qui paganas [d] observationes Fecerit.
So you liable to catch strays (Brrt)
– Tu vero terminos Transgrediens,
From the second you press play (What?)
– Ex secundo premunt ludere (Quid?)
I suggest they (What?)
– In dioecesi [F.)
Do not test like an essay (Why?)
– Non test sicut opusculum (Quare?)
‘Cause like where my homies out west stay (Yeah)
– ‘Causa sicut ubi homicidia mea e occidente manete (Yeah)
We can just say (What?)
– Non potest iustus dicere (Quid?)
I’m like an R-A-P-E-R (Yeah)
– Io Sono un uomo Di Labbra Impure (Io.
Got so many S-As (S-As), S-As (Huh)
– Tanta [Orig: Tantâ] Potentia [Orig: Potentiâ], quae magnam Ostenderet Impotentiam.
Wait, he didn’t just spell the word “rapper” and leave out a P, did he? (Yep)
– Exspecta, non solum verbum exponentia “rapper” et relinquere a P, fecit? (Ita)
R.I.P., rest in peace, Biggie
– Rp o vos omnes qui transitis per pacem
And Pac, both of y’all should be living (Yep)
– [2] sulla cum equitatu apud dextimos, in sinistra parte [A.]
But I ain’t tryna beef with him (Nope)
– Et non sunt facienda cum excessu.
‘Cause he might put a hit on me like, “Keefe D, get him”
– ‘Causa ille mihi similis ictus posuit,”Keefe D, ut eum”
And that’s the only way you’re gonna be killing me (Nah)
– Sem ti porque morro eu.
Ain’t gonna be on no beat, silly (Yeah)
– Non est igitur in eo quod non sit, sed inepta (Yeah)
I beat the beat silly, on the grind like teeth gritting
– Ego percussit pulsu inepta, in tere sicut stridor dentium
Call me “obesity” (Why?)
– Voca me “adips” (Quare?)
You think it’s over? Wait, it’s just beginning
– Putas suus ‘ super? Exspecta, suus ‘ iustus incipiens
Diss me and it ain’t gonna be pretty (Nah)
– Dimitte me et non est qui de manu mea eruat (psal.
Used to be yea tall, then I grew a little each day ’til I became God
– Et ego, quando recordatus fuero, pertimesco,
Like James Todd, now your arms are too short to BK brawl
– Sicut Iacobus Todd, nunc brachia tua NIMIS brevia sunt AD bk rixam
Indeed, they small like DJ Paul (Woo)
– Maior a minore [D] Non potest iudicari [E].
My new Benz better than your truck by far
– Mea Nova Benz melior quam tua salsissimus vir vivens longe
Bitch, suck my balls
– Canem, lac filium meum balls
You either smoke crack or you’re playin’ stickball in the street
– Tu vel fumus resiliunt vel lusus es ‘ stickball in platea
‘Cause you must be on base if you thinkin’ you could touch my car (Yeah)
– “Lembre-se de que você must no céu não somente if pai, mas também uma mãe”.
But if the whole world was out to get you (What?)
– Sed si mundus totus exiret ad te (Quid?)
It’d turn you to a powder keg too
– Te quoque ad pulverem voles convertere
Kyle Rittenhouse, spittin’ rounds, the TEC shoots like (Look out, brrt)
– Kyle Rittenhouse, spittin ‘ rounds, TEC propagines sicut (Prospice, brrt)
And that ain’t no sound effect (Woo)
– Et quod nullus sonus effectus (Woo)
Neither was that, SIG Sauer lets loose
– Non esse, SIG Sauer solutam permittit
I don’t condone gun violence at schools (Nah)
– De cursu ad arma apparanda in casa sua pueros alunt educantque (
But I can’t get these voices out my head (Hey, Marshall, kill, kill, kill)
– Sed non possum haec voces e capite meo (Heus, Marshall, occidere, occidere, occidere)
They’re putting words in my mouth like alphabet soup
– Verba in ore meo ponunt sicut pulmentum alphabeti
Got the most content on the continent
– Obtinuit maxime contentus in continentem petierunt
And constant compliments give me confidence (I’m a)
– Et constantes verborum da mihi fiduciam (im ‘ a)
A cross of common sense and incompetence (Uh)
– Crux sensus communis et incompetentia (Uh)
I’m cognizant that conflict’s a consequence (What?)
– Sunt sapiente esse consequuntur consequuntur (Quid?)
Of accomplishments accomplished through competition
– Concursu suorum receptus in tutum est
I’ve conquered and conked ’em into unconsciousness
– Ego conquestus atque conked ‘ em in illo ignaro
Though conscious, I conjure this King Kong and just
– Tamen conscious ego coniurare Hunc Regem Kong et iustum
Call me “Kamikaze,” I’m concoctin’ this (Woo, my bad)
– Voca me “Kamikaze,” ego sum concoctin ‘ hoc (Vae mihi malum)
Nobody’s sixteens are touching
– Nullus est scriptor sedecim tactus
These motherfuckin’ index fingers fuckin’ the nina
– Haec motherfuckin ‘indicem digitorum fuckin’ nina
Clutchin’ the nine millimeter, tuckin’ the heat
– Clutchin ‘ novem millimetre, tuckin calore adurantur
Got the toaster like an English muffin
– Toaster obtinuit sicut muffin anglicus
No, I mean “toast to” like you drink to somethin’
– Non, ut dico, “tosti ad ” sicut tu bibe ad aliquid’
But it’s in a holster, I proceed to bust and
– Sed est in sinistra parte probatica piscina et
Fuck around and get popped like Halyna Hutchins
– Futuis atque papaver sicut Halyna Hutchins
Like I’m Alec Baldwin, what I mean is buckin’ you down
– Ego Sum Alec Balduinus, quod dico, buckin ‘ tu deorsum
Coup de grâce then, right between the fuckin’ eyes
– Coup de grace tunc, ius inter fuckin’ oculos
Shoot ’em all then, if you think you’re fuckin’ with me
– Tutto diventa vecchio, forse anch’ io
You’re gonna suffer the fuckin’ repercussions
– Et tu quidem [65] saeculo illustrando sufficis.
The reaper’s comin’, a heathen, I’m Ethan Crumbley
– Qui autem [[insertion]] ad hunc [[/insertion]] legem tenet negat duos populos Ad concordiam Esse Reductos
I keep replenishing fuel while the beat I’m punishing
– Ego keep implerent cibus dum pulsu me punire
If I run out of fuel, I won’t
– Si me diligeretis, non est mihi
What the fuck y’all gon’ do if I don’t
– Quid faciam si non revertes
Run out of fuel? (Down, down, down, down, do-do-do-do—)
– Curre ex cibus? (Deorsum, deorsum, deorsum, do-do—do-do-do-do -)
That scares the fuck out of you
– Couche avec sa putain