Frank Sinatra & Count Basie – Fly Me to the Moon Anglorum Lyrics & English Translationes

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Fly me to the moon
– L ‘ arrivo sulla luna
Let me play among the stars
– Inter stellas fiat mihi ludere
And let me see what spring is like
– Verum tamen quid erat fons
On a-Jupiter and Mars
– A-Iovis et Martis
In other words, hold my hand
– In aliis verbis, tenere manum meam
In other words, baby, kiss me
– In aliis verbis, infantem, mihi osculum

Fill my heart with song
– Imple cor meum cum cantu
And let me sing forevermore
– Et cantare mihi usque in sempiternum
You are all I long for
– Omnes enim vos estis diu
All I worship and adore
– Fac cum servo tuo secundum misericordiam tuam
In other words, please be true
– An sea vero quando
In other words, I love you
– Tum certe te amo

Fill my heart with song
– Imple cor meum cum cantu
Let me sing forevermore
– Canite usque ad aeternum
You are all I long for
– Omnes enim vos estis diu
All I worship and adore
– Fac cum servo tuo secundum misericordiam tuam
In other words, please be true
– An sea vero quando
In other words, in other words
– In aliis verbis, in aliis verbis
I love you
– Amo te

Frank Sinatra



