Video Clip
– Mm-mm
There’s lots of fish out in the pond
– Maria multas gallinas et columbas habet
In the oceans and the rivers and in all the waterfalls
– In oceanis et fluminibus et in omnibus cataractarum
But if I’m made for land and not the sea at all
– Si autem ego feci in terra et non in mari
Could I crawl and find some kind Neanderthal?
– Possem repere et Invenire Aliquod Genus Neanderthalensem?
What if I’m from outer space?
– Quid si ego ab exteriore spatio?
And I have fire in my bones and in my veins?
– Et in ossibus meis et in venis ignem habeo?
I let it show and scare my suitors far away
– Ego ostendam et terrent procul procul procul procul procul
Leave them traumatized with visions of its glow behind my face
– Relinque eos vulneratis visionibus ardoris post faciem meam
They say that God makes no mistakes, but I might disagree
– Dicunt Quod deus non errat, sed ut dissentio
When I outstretch my empty hand
– Et ego, quando recordatus fuero, pertimesco,
I watch them build society, domesticated land
– Ego vigilabo illos aedificare societatem, domestica terra
It goes according to the plan
– Sequitur secundum consilium
While they’re in paradise, I’m exiled in the sand
– Dum in paradiso sunt, in exilio sum harenae
If everyone has someone, then the math just isn’t right
– Si quis habet aliquem, tunc non est iustum math
And I’m the only outlier, the lonely archetype
– Ego autem solus outerior, archetypum sola
If everything is by design, well, I might disagree
– Si qua in iis corrigere voluit, dissentio
You all know something that I don’t
– Vos omnes scitis quod non aliquid
You all learned something that I fear I’ll never know
– Vos omnes didicit quod timeo ego numquam scire
You all grew body parts I fear I’ll never grow
– Omnes partes corporis creverunt ego nunquam cresco
You all know something that I don’t
– Vos omnes scitis quod non aliquid
You all know something that I don’t
– Vos omnes scitis quod non aliquid
You all know something that I don’t
– Vos omnes scitis quod non aliquid
What if I’m just cosmic dust?
– Quid si pulvis cosmicus sum?
Put me in a metal box that’s bound to rust
– Pone me in arca metallica quae rubiginem tenetur
Shoot me into space and leave me to combust
– Et me alias tanto honore [honorasti] postmodum, et damna maxima intulisti
Return to earth and just dissolve into its crust
– Redi ad terram et mox in suam crustam dissolve
Well, I was born all by myself
– Tutti muoiono pensando di essere nati da poco
It’s not unlikely that I’ll die that way as well
– No me mordades agora