Video Clip
Empty out your pockets, I need all that
– Exinanite loculos tuos, omnia quae mihi opus est
Yeah, yeah
– Yeah, yeah
G-Money said, “We need all the money, man”
– G-Pecunia dixit, “omni pecunia opus Est, homo”
Pennies and all that
– Pennas et cetera
With G-Money, if I don’t care if he got a million in all pennies, I’m gon’ be countin’ Abe Lincolns all day
– Cum G-Pecuniam, si non curo si decies centena millia in omnibus denariis obtinuit, sum gon ‘esse countin’ Abe Lincolniae totum diem
Yeah, yeah, uh
– Yeah, yeah, uh
Empty out your pockets, I need all that
– Exinanite loculos tuos, omnia quae mihi opus est
I get the millions, then I fall back
– Ceci dit, on est pour, on assume).
Niggas chameleons, they’ll change for some change
– Niggas chamaeleontes, mutabunt propter aliquam mutationem
The days ain’t the same, niggas switch for the fame
– Non sunt ista, niggas switch ad famam
In Louis Vuitton, I’m in my bag
– Ludovicus Vuitton, in sacculo meo sum
Get high, then my memory gone, I’ve been hurtin’
– Ut altum, tunc abiit memoria mea, ego fui hurtin’
I rock like electric guitars, I be ragin’
– Ego saxum sicut citharae electricae, ego ragin’
Countin’ big knots, look like yellow pages
– Countin ‘ nodi magni, tamquam paginae flavae
I run it like a race
– Ego currere eam quasi genus
Get in the way, brodie got the aim
– Ut in via, brodie obtinuit propositum
To blow you away, the next day, you in the newspaper on the front page
– Allora torna nella tua cella e rifletti nel tuo cuore che per un anno sei stato nella tua tomba
Prayin’ for forgiveness ’cause it happened on a Sunday
– Preghiera a un maestro di scuola factum est autem in dominica
Back to the cash, rack after rack
– Ad pecuniam, eculeo post eculeo
So many racks that I sag
– Quot carmina musicam produxerunt
I just bought a bike, catch me doin’ wheelies in the backstreet
– Ego iustus emit a cursoriam, me capere doin ‘ in posteriore wheelies
Like I’m from where Meek Mill be
– Cum sunt unde Mollitia Mollitia
Put the “dead” in dead serious, you try me, then you will bleed
– Pone” mortuus ” in gravi mortuo, probas me, tunc cruentabis
On my wrist, it’s a ICEE, no, it ain’t meltin’
– In carpi, SUUS ‘A GLACIES, non, non, non meltin’
Turned my closet to a freezer, AP on the shelf (Gleam)
– Et ossa MEA sicut IN frixorio confrixa SUNT, AP in pluteo (Fulgor)
Everybody doubted me, they ain’t give me no help (Please)
– Omnes me dubitant, non mihi auxilium non dant (Quaeso)
So all this money in my pocket, I’ma spend it by myself (Self)
– Ita omnem pecuniam in sinum, im ‘ iens ut expendas a me (Sui)
I bet you never felt this pain I felt
– Ego bet numquam sensit dolorem sensi
When mom ain’t had no money and them bills brought hell
– Cum mater pecuniam non haberet et eas rogationes infernum attulerunt
That’s when G-Money hit my cell
– Quod Suus Cum G-Ledo Pecuniam cellam meam
Next day, would’ve fucked up and ended up in a cell
– In secundo nocturno an factus est repente cum reliquis
Uh, oh, hell (Fucked up and ended up in a cell)
– Uh, o, infernum (Futui et finita sursum in cellam)
Ended up in a cell (In a cell)
– Ecce cella (In cella)
Oh, hell (Oh-oh)
– O infernum (Oh-oh)
Yeah, yeah, uh (Ended up in a cell)
– Yeah, yeah, uh (Finita sursum in cellam)
Empty out your pockets, I need all that
– Exinanite loculos tuos, omnia quae mihi opus est
I get the millions, then I fall back
– Ceci dit, on est pour, on assume).
Niggas chameleons, they’ll change for some change
– Niggas chamaeleontes, mutabunt propter aliquam mutationem
The days ain’t the same, niggas switch for the fame
– Non sunt ista, niggas switch ad famam
In Louis Vuitton, I’m in my bag
– Ludovicus Vuitton, in sacculo meo sum
Get high, then my memory gone, I’ve been hurtin’
– Ut altum, tunc abiit memoria mea, ego fui hurtin’
I rock like electric guitars, I be ragin’
– Ego saxum sicut citharae electricae, ego ragin’
Countin’ big knots, look like yellow pages
– Countin ‘ nodi magni, tamquam paginae flavae