Kendrick Lamar – gloria Anglorum Lyrics & English Translationes

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Sentado, Anita y tú
– Sentado, Anita y tú

Me and my bitch got a complicated relationship
– Me et puta me habere relationem complicatam
She’s so controllin’, I noticed it ain’t no playin’ with
– Et sic suus ‘controllin’, ego animadvertit eam non ludens cum
I met her when I was off the porch as a teenager
– Et erat cum ea in lectulo suo adolescens
She said one day I would right my wrongs and see paper
– Dixit autem die illa vellem rectum videre charta et iniurias meas
We started out young, lookin’ for some identity, made a thousand mistakes
– Nos coepi sicco iuvenis, lookin ‘ nam aliquam identitatem, fecit mille errata
But never did we lack chemistry
– Sed numquam deest chemia
Wrappin’ my hand ’round your waist
– Wrappin ‘manum meam’ circum lumbos tuos
That was back when you did whatever I say
– Et de hoc sermo est quando quaeritur
Dreams of sellin’ narcotics, runnin’ blocks, or robbin’ banks
– Somnia sellin ‘narcotics, runnin’ cuneos, vel robbin ‘ ripas
I was in love with you, didn’t know what it was with you
– Amavi te, nesciebam quid esset apud te
Kiss you in back of the class just to get a buzz with you
– Osculare te in tergo classis iustus ut stridore apud te
Some niggas wanted you, but they weren’t committed
– Aliquam quis nibh, sed non erat volutpat
Preoccupied playin’ John Madden and bullshittin’
– Ludens occupatus ‘Ioannes Madden et bullshittin’
Remember when granny died? You looked at me and said, “Baby, dry your eyes
– Memento quando granny mortuus est? Et vidit me et dixit: ” Infans, sicca oculos tuos
Depend on me as your relief, let your anger be mine”
– Pensée est un attribut qui m ‘appartient”.
We was locked in ever since then
– Nos clausa erat quia tunc semper
So territorial, even took me ‘way from my friends, hmm, hmm (Gah, gah, gah)
– Ita territorialis, etiam ab amicis meis tulit me, hmm, hmm (Gah, gah, gah)

Scared of forever, you know nothin’ else is gon’ pass
– At ne quis iam facta est actio contra me. nothin’ aliud est’ transire
I just gotta let you know, woah
– Ego iustus redditus est tibi scire, woah
Whenever you want me, you got me ’til the end of time
– Quando fundamenta evertuntur, iustus quid faciat ‘le temps qui reste
Ooh, just gotta let you know
– Da. et quid tu scis

Said you gon’ see other people if I didn’t grow with you
– Dixitque ad eos: “videte alios homines, si non crescam vobiscum
Wasn’t no more holdin’ them pistols in front of stores with you
– Non erat amplius holdin ‘ sclopis ante thesauros apud te
You want reality, not tragedy, for sure, I get you
– Si vero non est, procedetur ulterius in
To tell the truth, I been pretty used to what open-minded people do
– Ut verum dicam, satis usus sum ad id quod unanimes homines faciunt
In 2014, I went to Africa, baby, you was my passenger
– 2014 anno-Tantum 45 milia
My eyes and ears for all the years the neighborhood had baffled us
– Oculi mei et aures nam omnes annos in vicinia fuerat elusit nobis
Of course I had to wrap it up, I didn’t fully trust you
– Scilicet ego quoque involvent eum, non plene habeat fiduciam vobis
Fabrication, I disgust you, then you blocked me, I said, “Fuck you”
– Fabricatio, ego fastidium tibi, tunc clausus mihi, dixi, ” Irrumabo te”

Nigga, what?
– Nil, quid ais?
I gave you life, I breathe the motherfuckin’ charisma in this bitch
– Ego exaudio te respicio, me. dictum factumque puta
I bring the blessings, I gave you power
– Ego benedictionem affero, virtutem tibi dedi
Nigga, I bring the rainfall, I gave you hustle
– Am ite dicite ioanni, si [am] o non occurrerit.
Then fall right back in love the very moment that I touch you (Gah, gah, gah)
– Remissionem (descensum) vero sub finalem [fol.

Scared of forever, you know nothin’ else is gon’ pass
– At ne quis iam facta est actio contra me. nothin’ aliud est’ transire
I just gotta let you know
– Ego iustus redditus est tibi scire
Whenever you want me, you got me ’til the end of time
– Quando fundamenta evertuntur, iustus quid faciat ‘le temps qui reste
Ooh, just gotta let you know
– Da. et quid tu scis

You were spontaneous, firecracker, plus our love is dangerous
– Tu spontaneus eras, firecracker, la red que vivimos peligrosamente
Life of passion, laughin’ at you lose your temper, slightly crashin’
– Vita passionis, risus ‘apud te perdere ingenium tuum, leviter crashin’
Dumb enough to ill reaction, ain’t no disrespect
– Stultitiaque adeo ad illorum reactionem, non despiciunt
Highly sensitive, possessed, saw potential, even when it’s tragic
– Magnopere sensitiva, possessa, vidit potentiam, etiam cum tragicus est
So jealous, hate it when I hit the club to get some bitches
– Itaque aemulor, cum odi illud ledo clava ad aliquam canino
Wrote ’em off, rather see me hit the church and get religious
– Scripsit em, magis videre me ledo ecclesiam atque religionis
Who you foolin’? I know what you doin’, you my contradiction
– Quem quaeris?”. Scio quia tu me misisti contradictionem
‘Member when you caught that body and still wiggled through that sentence?
– ‘Membrum, cum captus corpus, et adhuc wiggled per illam sententiam?
Loved you more, when you flip and lose your shit, I hugged you more
– Amavit te magis, cum flip et perdet stercore, ego amplectitur te magis
It’s sexy to me, cuss they ass out and hold that grudge some more
– Suus ‘ parum pudici ad me, puss sunt asinum et tenere, quod rancorem quidam magis
Down bitch, I know your favorite movie, is it Notebook?
– Et canis, scio vestri ventus movie, Estne Ullamcorper?
So good, if they all sub me, get ’em all booked
– Bene, si omnes mihi subditi sunt, ‘ em omnes corruptela
My baby boo, you either heal niggas or you kill niggas
– Infans meus boo, vel sanas niggas vel necas niggas
Both is true, it take some tough skin just to deal with you
– Utrumque verum est, pellem aliquam lentam sume sicut tecum agere
Logical explanation don’t exist, flippin’ pages
– Explicatio logica non exsistit, paginae flippin
Chapter after chapter, probably remarry and head to Vegas
– Caput post capitulum, probabiliter nuptias et caput Vegas
Bitches gettin’ marked out, they can’t erase our history
– Bitches gettin ‘ notata, historiam nostram delere non possunt
They margins ain’t big enough, they all led by bigotry
– Margines non satis magnae sunt, omnes superstitio ducti
My woman and my right hand, my saint and my sin
– Mulier mea et dextera mea, sanctus meus et peccatum meum
Ain’t no bitch like my bitch ’cause that bitch been my pen
– Non est quod putas me esse posse putas ‘causa est quia canis calamum meum

Gloria, I wanna take you to euphoria
– Gloria, volo vos sine sollicitudine esse
Bitches want, but they ain’t strong enough
– Sed hoc non potest esse, quia non sunt sufficientes
I heard they talking, we notorious
– Audivi autem loquentes nobis nota
If someone talking on me
– Si quis loquitur ad me
I see you, you see me
– Ens et verum [om-ens
Both see what we want, oh, oh
– Vide quid velim, o
I see you, you see me
– Ens et verum [om-ens
Both see what we want
– Vide quid velimus

Kendrick Lamar



