Video Clip
– Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm
Here we are together
– Hic sumus simul
I’ve loved you from afar
– Aun te amo mucho
I’ve stayed up dreaming all night long
– Ego mansit somniare tota nocte
One day, you would have my heart
– Sans toi mon coeur fuit
One day, she would have your heart
– Olim esset cor tuum
Good morning, good morning
– Salve, bonum mane
Been up the whole night through
– Eos omnes una nocte
Good morning, good morning to you
– Buongiorno.
Good morning, good morning
– Salve, bonum mane
It’s great to stay up late
– Suus ‘ magna manere usque nuper
Good morning, good morning to you
– Buongiorno.
When the inmates began to sleep
– Cum adpositi dormire coeperunt
The stars were shining bright
– Gli astri sono splendidi
Now the warden’s on his way
– Nunc custodis in itinere suo
It’s too late to say goodnight
– Sero est dicere goodnight
So good morning, good morning
– Buongiorno.
Your problem soon smiles through
– Problema tuum mox ridet
Good morning, good morning to you
– Buongiorno.
Good morning, morning
– Bonum mane, mane
Good morning, good morning
– Salve, bonum mane
Good morning, good morning
– Salve, bonum mane
Bang-bang, you’re black and blue
– “Lamour est bleu”
Good morning, good morning to you
– Buongiorno.
(Nothin’ could be grander than to be in Louisiana)
– (Nothin ‘ magnificus esse potuit quam In Ludoviciana esse)
In the morning, in the morning
– Ante matutinum non subsistet
You’re back behind the gate, good morning
– Reversus es post portam, bonum mane
Good morning to you
– Buongiorno
(It might be just a zippy if you was in Mississippi)
– (Sicut esset zippy si esset in Mississippi)
When we left the movie show, the future wasn’t bright
– Cum spectaculum cinematographicum reliquimus, futurum clarum non erat
But came the dawn, the show goes on, and I don’t wanna say, “Good night”
– Sed venit aurora, spectaculum pergit, et non volo dicere, “bonam noctem”
So say, “Good morning, good morning”
– Dic ergo, ” Bonum mane, bonum mane”
Rainbows are shinin’ through
– Iris sunt shinin ‘ per
Good mornin’, good mornin’ to you
– Bonum mane’, bonum mane ‘ tibi
Oh, good mornin’, good mornin’ to you (To you)
– O bonum mane’, bonum mane ‘ tibi (Tibi)