Video Clip
Feels like it’s rained in my head for a hundred days
– Sentit sicut pluit in capite meo centum diebus
Feels like it’s rained in my head for a hundred days
– Sentit sicut pluit in capite meo centum diebus
Stare in the mirror and I look for another face
– Struttura su cui poggia lo specchio.
Stare in the mirror and I look for another face
– Struttura su cui poggia lo specchio.
And I get so tired of puttin’ out fires and makin’ up lies
– Et sic adepto defessus putin, et ignes makin ‘ sursum mendacium
Checkin’ my eyes for some kinda light, but nothing’s inside
– Checkin ‘ oculos meos ad lucem aliquam pius, sed nihil intus est
And it feels like it’s rained in my head for a hundred days
– Et sentit sicut pluit in capite meo centum diebus
And I say I hate you when I don’t
– Et dicam odi te, quando non
Push you when you get too close
– Dis te cum nimis prope
It’s hard to laugh when I’m the joke
– Suus ferreus ad rideat cum iocus sum
But I can’t do this on my—
– Sed hoc non potest esse in nostro—
Only you could save me from my lack of self-control
– Tantum potuisti me salvare ex defectu abstinentiae meae
Sometimes bad things take the place where good things go
– Aliquando mala fiunt ubi bona eunt
I’ve asked for forgiveness a hundred times
– Perdonerà, cioè
I’ve asked for forgiveness a hundred times
– Perdonerà, cioè
Believed it myself when I halfway apologized
– Sed quandoque aliquis excusat a me
Believed it myself when I halfway apologized
– Sed quandoque aliquis excusat a me
And it’s not unfair, I’m asking for prayers, but nobody cares
– Nec iniquum est, orationes peto, sed nullus curat
Goin’ nowhere like fallin’ downstairs while everyone stares
– Goin ‘nusquam sicut fallin’ descende dum quisque conspicit
No one’s there when I’ve asked for forgiveness a hundred times
– Nemo est enim, cum ego rogavi pro remissione centum temporibus
And I say I hate you when I don’t
– Et dicam odi te, quando non
Push you when you get too close
– Dis te cum nimis prope
It’s hard to laugh when I’m the joke
– Suus ferreus ad rideat cum iocus sum
But I can’t do this on my—
– Sed hoc non potest esse in nostro—
Only you could save me from my lack of self-control
– Tantum potuisti me salvare ex defectu abstinentiae meae
Sometimes bad things take the place where good things go
– Aliquando mala fiunt ubi bona eunt
No, I’m just takin’ a shot, ah
– Non, ego iustus takin ‘ a offa, ah
Maybe I’m just too eager, oh
– Maybe ego iustus nimis cupidus, o
Maybe I lost the plot, ha
– Es increíble que él pierda el tren.
I used to pity some people
– Ego autem pietatis aliqui
I said they were missing a spine
– Dixit autem erant absentis spina
Yeah, maybe the problem is ego
– Ita, fortasse quaestio est ego
Maybe the, maybe the problem is mine
– Forsitan, fortasse quaestio mea est
Really, I’m fine
– Serio dico
Don’t get too intimate, don’t get too curious
– Noli nimis familiaris, noli nimis curiosus esse
This is just feelin’ like it’s not that serious
– Hoc est iustus sentiin ‘ sicut quod suus non gravis
Stare at the ceiling, feeling delirious
– Dal cuor scintille e da gli occhi acqua stilli,
Fuck all your empathy, I want your fury
– Couche avec sa putain.
‘Cause I will just
– ‘Causa ego iustus
Tell you I’m better, then, better, then
– Dic tibi melius, deinde, melius, tunc
Spit out my medicine, medicine, ayy
– Exspue medicinam meam, medicinam, ayy
Drunk on adrenaline, ‘drenaline, ayy
– Beatae in adrenaline, ‘ drenaline, ayy
And I don’t know why I
– Nescio quid agerem-nada bottle
Say I hate you when I don’t
– Dicite mihi quando ego non amo
Push you when you get too close
– Dis te cum nimis prope
It’s hard to laugh when I’m the joke
– Suus ferreus ad rideat cum iocus sum
But I can’t do this on my—
– Sed hoc non potest esse in nostro—
Only you could save me from my lack of self-control
– Tantum potuisti me salvare ex defectu abstinentiae meae
And I won’t make excuses for the pain I caused us both
– Et non facere excusat dolorem et fecit nobis
So thank you for always standing by me even though
– Grazie mille a chi mi aiuterà
Sometimes bad things take the place where good things go
– Aliquando mala fiunt ubi bona eunt