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My granddaddy ran shine in East Tennesse
– Aut fugiat earum in Est Tenetur
I guess that’s where I got my need for speed
– Ego coniecto ut ubi ego got meus opus celeritate
I sell it illegal to people numbin’ their pain
– Io vi farò lavatrici di uomini ” dolore eius
I’m a little crazy, but the world’s insane
– Ego si essem tuo loco, scirem, quid facerem.
I keep a loaded .44 sittin’ by the bed
– Ego autem onustus .44 sittin ‘ a lecto
For the jeepers and the creepers who ain’t right in the head
– Et qui sunt ebrii, non in se sunt, sed extra se
Hope I never have to use it, but you never know these days
– Spero me numquam uti, sed numquam his diebus scis
I’m a little crazy, but the world’s insane
– Ego si essem tuo loco, scirem, quid facerem.
Oh, once you get to know me
– Da. qualcuno te lo chiuda
I’m a coyote in a field of wolves
– Ego coyote in campum lupi
Oh, I’m a red-letter rebel
– O ego litterae rebel rubrum,
But some become the devil when the moon is full
– Sed quidam fiunt diabolus cum luna plena est
Yeah, the only thing keeping these tracks on the train
– Yeah, solum haec vestigia in agmine retinens
Knowin’ I’m a little crazy, but the world’s insane
– Scire ‘ ego si essem tuo loco, scirem, quid facerem.
I’m the house on the hill where the lightnin’ strikes
– Ego sum domus in montem ubi lightnin ‘ ferit
Kids ride by scared on their Santa Clause bikes
– Pellentesque equitare per vix eorum Santa Clausula dapibus
Oh, then one goes missin’, walkin’ right down main
– O, tunc unus accedit missin’, walkin ‘ dextra principalis
Yeah, I’m a little crazy, but the world’s insane
– Ego si essem tuo loco, scirem, quid facerem.
Oh, once you get to know me
– Da. qualcuno te lo chiuda
I’m a coyote in a field of wolves
– Ego coyote in campum lupi
Oh, I’m a red-letter rebel
– O ego litterae rebel rubrum,
But some become the devil when the moon is full
– Sed quidam fiunt diabolus cum luna plena est
Yeah, the only thing keeping these tracks on the train
– Yeah, solum haec vestigia in agmine retinens
Knowin’ I’m a little crazy, but the world’s insane
– Scire ‘ ego si essem tuo loco, scirem, quid facerem.
I’m screamin’ at a TV that ain’t got ears
– Ego screamin ‘ ad TV quod non obtinuit aures
On anti-depressants and lukewarm beers
– De antisemitismo et de calore cervorum
And I do it every night, but the news don’t change
– Et ego faciam omni nocte, sed nuntium non mutant
Guess I’m a little crazy, but the world’s insane
– Ego si essem tuo loco, scirem, quid facerem.
Oh, I’m a little crazy, but the world’s insane
– Ego si essem tuo loco, scirem, quid facerem.