Video Clip
There’s a sound like a drum echoin’
– Illic ‘a sonus tamquam tympanum echoin’
When the high from your love’s kickin’ in
– Cum summus a kickin amoris tui ‘ in
And it hits like the Holy Ghost
– E Allo spirito santo
A million mile an hour wind
– Un ‘ ora di lezione
Pour some fuel on the floor, make a fire
– Cibus aliquid in solo infunde, ignem fac
Strike a match, light the flame of desire
– Percute parem, accende flammam desiderii
Keep me warm, ’cause this town is cold
– A me quidem calorem, ‘ causa haec urbs frigida est
All night long
– Tota nocte
You make the spot light up wherever we are
– Voluptatem illum unde quidem
All night, we’re magnetically charged
– In secundo nocturno an magnificavit
Lightning couldn’t strike us apart
– Fulgur non potest separari
You got me dancin’ to the beat of your heart
– Vos got mihi dancin ad pulsum cordis tui
True love in a city of lies
– Amor verus in urbe mendacium
Get lost when I look in your eyes
– Venisti perdere nos
Lightning couldn’t strike us apart
– Fulgur non potest separari
You got me dancin’ to the beat of your heart
– Vos got mihi dancin ad pulsum cordis tui
Pleadin’ guilty, I’m not innocent
– Plegii’ non est culpa mea, ne quid erres
If the crime is your love, let me sin
– Si crimen est amor tuus, fiat mihi peccatum
Prayin’ nobody saves my soul
– Oração ‘ non est qui salvet te anima mea
Oh, no
– Non, non
Spin me around, take me up, take me down, high and low
– Et me alias tanto honore [honorasti] postmodum, et damna maxima intulisti.
Spin me around, lift me up off the ground, don’t let go
– Circumspice me, leva me super terram, ne dimittas
All night long
– Tota nocte
You make the spot light up wherever we are
– Voluptatem illum unde quidem
All night, we’re magnetically charged
– In secundo nocturno an magnificavit
Lightning couldn’t strike us apart
– Fulgur non potest separari
You got me dancin’ to the beat of your heart
– Vos got mihi dancin ad pulsum cordis tui
True love in a city of lies
– Amor verus in urbe mendacium
Get lost when I look in your eyes
– Venisti perdere nos
Lightning couldn’t strike us apart
– Fulgur non potest separari
You got me dancin’ to the beat of your heart
– Vos got mihi dancin ad pulsum cordis tui
You got me dancin’, I’m dancin’, to the beat of your heart
– Tu mihi dancin’, ego sum dancin’, ad pulsum cordis tui
You got me dancin’, I’m dancin’, to the beat of your heart
– Tu mihi dancin’, ego sum dancin’, ad pulsum cordis tui
You got me dancin’, I’m dancin’, to the beat of your heart
– Tu mihi dancin’, ego sum dancin’, ad pulsum cordis tui
You got me dancin’, to the beat of your heart
– Vos got mihi dancin’, ad pulsum cordis tui