Selena Gomez – I Said I Love You First Anglorum Lyrics & English Translationes

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I just really wanna say thank you
– Ego iustus vere volo dicere gratias ago tibi
Um, for every single thing that everybody does in this room for me
– U, quia omnis res una est, quod quisque facit in hoc locus mihi
Because I did grow up away from my family
– Crevit quia ego a familia mea
Moving out of Texas, coming here and all of you have raised me in so many different ways and challenged me as a person
– Ut In italiam veniret, et omnes vos me suscitastis tot modis diversis et provocastis me ut hominem
So I, I have this launch pad that you’ve all given me because now I can do so many wonderful things because of this
– Ita ego, codex launch hanc habeo quod omnia mihi dedisti, quia nunc tot mirabilia propter hoc facere possum
You’ve helped me grow up and watched me grow up and I really hope that I won’t let you down with everything else that I do
– Tu me adiuvisti crescere et custodivit me crescere et vere spero me non dimittam te cum ceteris omnibus quae facio
So thank you for being a part of my life and the beginning of something I hope lasts a long time
– Gratias igitur tibi ago quod pars vitae meae sit et principium alicuius quod spero diuturnum esse

Selena Gomez



