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Sing, sing, won’t you sing for me
– Cantate, cantate, non cantate mihi
Beast in your belly, you’ve got to let it breathe
– Bestia in ventre tuo, respirare eam obtinuit
Sing, oh, sing for me
– Cantate, canite mihi
Beast in your belly, lord, you’ve got to let it breathe
– Bestia in ventre tuo, domine, respice in me
Breathe for me
– Respice modo ad me
And wash, you better wash your hands
– Et lava, melius manus lava
Grab the soap, use your frying pan
– Capto saponem, sartagine utere tuo
‘Cause you’ve been digging down, burying dead
– ‘Causa te iam fodiendi, sepeliendi mortuum
Grass grows tall on the things that you wish that you’d forget
– Herba alta crescit in iis quae velis oblivisci
And better clean, oh clean your plate
– Et melius mundum, o emundare laminam tuam
Mama’s been slavin’ in the kitchen all day
– Mama slavina est ‘ in culina cotidie
Make sure to wipe the filth from your shoes
– Scuola: maglietta da cagna in calore
No one ’round here wants to know what you’ve been up to
– Nemo qui voluptas quia sapiente qui eos
Down, down in a hole in the ground
– Descendit in cavernam terrae
There are ghosts that never can be found
– Manes sunt quae numquam inveniri possunt
Home, home, home is in the ground
– Chez moi, chez vous, chez soi
You’re only waiting at the end of the road
– Tantum in fine viae exspectas
And nothing’s better than blood on blood
– Et nihil melius quam sanguis in sanguine
I promise brother, you are safe with us
– Promitto frater, nobiscum tutus es
There’s no telling what tomorrow will bring
– Non audebis dicere quae futura sunt
We all have our devils and oh, you’ve got to let them sing
– Omnes nos habemus daemones et ecce quod debemus cantare
Sing, oh, sing for me
– Cantate, canite mihi
Beast in your belly, you’ve got to let it breathe
– Bestia in ventre tuo, respirare eam obtinuit
Sing, oh, sing for me
– Cantate, canite mihi
Beast in your belly, lord, you’ve got to let it sing
– Bestia in ventre tuo, domine, cantare eam obtinuit
Home, home, home is in the ground
– Chez moi, chez vous, chez soi
You’re only waiting at the end of the road
– Tantum in fine viae exspectas
Down, down in a hole in the ground
– Descendit in cavernam terrae
There are ghosts that never can be found
– Manes sunt quae numquam inveniri possunt