Settle down, settle down, y’all
– Miorena, miorena, ianareo rehetra
I’d like to take the time to introduce to the stage this new young brother
– Tiako ny maka fotoana hampahafantarana ny sehatra ity zandriny vaovao ity
I like this brother
– Tiako ity rahalahy ity
He go by the name of Soul Burger
– Antsoina Hoe Soul Burger izy
Cue the sermon
– Lazao ny toriteny
My daughter Carson just said “Dada” for the first time and Cali tryna get up and run the track
– Vao sambany no niteny ny zanako Vavy Carson hoe “Dada” ary Nitsangana i Cali tryna ary nihazakazaka ny lalana
– A-lehilahy
I like to call my self the God of rap
– Tiako ny miantso ny tenako Ho Andriamanitry Ny rap
And all of y’all should call me that
– Ary tokony hiantso ahy daholo ianareo rehetra
I hit the studio and talk like that
– Namely ny studio aho ary niresaka toy izany
Leave that motherfucker and feel like a fraud
– Avelao io motherfucker io ary mahatsiaro ho toy ny hosoka
In all honesty, I believe, the truth will set you free
– Amin’ny fahamarinana rehetra, mino aho fa hanafaka anao ny fahamarinana
Am I an inmate?
– Voafonja ve aho?
I got secrets Imma die with
– Manana tsiambaratelo aho Maty Miaraka Amin’i Imma
Am I the greatest or an ingrate?
– Izaho ve no lehibe indrindra sa tsy mahay mandanjalanja?
Am I a victim or a villain with a moral compass?
– Aho niharam-boina na ny fototr’izany amin’ny fenitra ara-pitondrantena?
Did my dirt all by my lonely no accomplice
– Moa ve ny loto rehetra nataoko irery tsy misy mpiray tsikombakomba amiko
So when this shit hits the fan
– Noho izany, rehefa izany dia tay hits ny fan
I’ll be sippin’ Apothic Red but I won’t be wining
– Aho ho sippin’ Apothic Mena fa tsy ho wining
No boo-hoo’s, more like (Vivi and Cici?)
– Tsy misy boo-hoo ny, bebe kokoa tahaka (Vivi sy Cici?)
Church on the move
– Fiangonana mihetsika
Right or wrong my faith was written way before I started writing
– Na marina na diso ny finoana dia nosoratana lalana eo aho no nanomboka nanoratra
This ain’t a verse this an excerpt from a seance
– Tsy andininy ity sombiny avy amin’ny seance ity
Ain’t really confrontational but I crave chaos
– Moa ve tsy tena tonga fa izaho mitady mafy ny korontana
Mayday mayday
– Mayday mayday
May lay may lay
– Mety hametraka mety hametraka
Way off the chain like a jeweler’s scale
– Fomba eny ny rojo toy ny jeweler ny mizana
Fuck all this gold on me
– Fuck izany rehetra izany dia volamena ahy
It ain’t hard to tell like Sonic’s little homie
– Izany dia tsy sarotra ny milaza toy Sonic ny kely homie
Let my soul glow and despite the darkness I harness
– Avelao hamirapiratra ny fanahiko ary na eo aza ny haizina dia ampiasaiko
You’d think these silver linings were straps to keep me from falling
– Heverinao fa tady ireo lamba volafotsy ireo mba tsy hianjera
Rhyming like I’m flying with angel wings, I just be crawling
– Manao rima toy ny manidina miaraka amin’ny elatry ny anjely aho, mandady fotsiny
Jesus Christ am I designed to compete?
– I jesoa Kristy no natao hifaninana?
Or am I just appallin’?
– Sa mahatsiravina fotsiny aho?
(Peter and Paul? You know that was really crazy)
– (Petera sy Paoly? Fantatrao fa tena adala izany)
These days I rather work out my flaws than flex on y’all
– Amin’izao andro izao dia aleoko manamboatra ny kilemako toy izay miondrika amin’ny y’all
A little somethings better than a whole lot of nothin’ at all
– Zavatra kely tsara kokoa noho ny tsy misy mihitsy
Oh well, hope you read between the lines like when we be spelling wrong
– Eny, manantena ianao fa mamaky eo anelanelan’ny andalana toy ny rehefa diso tsipelina isika
Aye, ayo Arnie, Can I keep it going?
– Aye, ayo Arnie, Azoko atao ve ny manohy izany?
Uh, mic check one two mic check
– Uh, mic jereo ny iray roa mic jereo
Turn me up in this bitch
– Atodiho aho amin’ity bitch ity
Can I- Can I talk my shit?
– Azoko atao ve ny miresaka ny diko?
Can I keep it going real quick?
– Afaka manohy izany haingana ve aho?
I am broke, I am on fucking drugs
– Tsy manan-kialofana aho, mampiasa zava-mahadomelina
Don’t know shit, I’m paying rent but my babies mom
– Tsy haiko, mandoa hofan-trano aho fa ny reniko zazakely
I take a 7.62 for Top Dawg
– Maka 7.62 ho An’ny Top Dawg aho
I did jump off a bridge on Del Amo Boulevard
– Nitsambikina avy teo amin’ny tetezana Iray tao Amin’ny Del Amo Boulevard aho
Im blessed but question why God would have mercy on a junkie
– Sambatra aho fa manontany tena Hoe nahoana Andriamanitra no hamindra fo Amin’ny junkie
Biggest lie I ever told was that it ain’t about the money
– Ny lainga lehibe indrindra nolazaiko dia tsy momba ny vola izany
Hopped out the rabbit hole but now I’m really trippin’
– Nitsambikina ny lavaka bitro fa izao dia tena trippin aho’
I’m still standing here screaming “Fuck the whole system”
– Mbola mijoro eto aho mikiakiaka ” Fuck the whole system”
Couldn’t care any less if you judge me bitch
– Tsy miraharaha na inona na inona raha mitsara ahy ianao bitch
You don’t know what the fuck I did for this shit
– Tsy fantatrao izay nataoko tamin’ity raharaha ity
And I don’t know much, but I do know this
– Ary tsy dia fantatro loatra, fa fantatro izany
I got the game in a headlock
– Nahazo ny lalao tamin’ny headlock aho
I’m like Draymond
– Tahaka An’i Draymond aho
You think you fuckin’ with the squad just a little bit (No!)
– Heverinao fa somary mivazivazy kely amin’ny ekipa ianao (Tsia!)
Dream on, and then apply for your membership
– Manonofy, ary avy eo mangataka ny maha-mpikambana anao
Little bitch!
– Ilay vehivavy kely!
Shit ain’t been the same ?
– Tsy mitovy ve ny zavatra ?
Shit we was on, you woulda thought we was out our mind
– Ny zavatra nataonay, noheverinao fa tsy tao an-tsainay izahay
Couple of tickin’ time bombs don’t step on our mine
– Tsy manitsaka ny toeram-pitrandrahana ny baomba roa
But he the reason that Me and Danny spent the block
– Fa izy ny antony nandaniako Sy Danny ny sakana
We lost popeye but ? would mind me and belly with Nas
– Very ny popeye fa? hahatsiaro ahy sy ny kibo miaraka Amin’i Nas
So Cain never really left my side
– Ka Tsy nandao ahy mihitsy I Kaina
Now we just a fusion like Trunks and Gohan
– Ankehitriny isika dia fusion toy ny Trunks sy Gohan
Huey and Riley combined, knowledge and 9’s
– Huey sy Riley mitambatra, fahalalana ary 9’s
– Fipoahana