(Nah, nah-nah)
– (Nah,nah-nah)
(Glizock, pop yo’ shit, boy)
– (Glizock, pop yo ‘ shit, zazalahy)
Watch over your shoulder, nigga
– Miambena eo an-tsorokao, nigga
Shit get real out here, folk
– Tena misy ny zavatra eto, ry vahoaka
– Ah-ah
(KUNICA on the beat)
– (KUNICA amin’ny gadona)
I might swerve, bend that corner, woah-woah
– Mety hivily aho, hiondrika io zorony io, woah-woah
Bitch, hold on tight ’cause I tweak and this bitch, start lettin’ shit go
– Bitch, mihazona mafy ‘ satria manitsy aho ary ity bitch ity, manomboka mamela ny shit handeha
And I heard that she wanna show-ow
– Ary reko fa te hampiseho izy-ow
Me who she be, I’m kinda fuckin’ with it, show me some mo’
– Izaho hoe iza izy, somary miady amin’izany aho, asehoy ahy ny mo’
Bitch, we tatted head to toe, could give a fuck, the story wrote
– Bitch, nanao tatoazy hatramin’ny rantsan-tongotra izahay, afaka nanome fuck, hoy ny tantara nanoratra
You wanna tweak? Get up with me and I’ma show you how that go
– Te-hanitsy ve ianao? Miaraha amiko ary hasehoko anao ny fandehan’izany
Like the money in my pockets blow-ow
– Toy ny vola ao am-paosiko mitsoka
They havin’ convos about me, these pussy niggas don’t know
– Manana convos momba ahy izy ireo, tsy fantatr’ireo pussy niggas ireo
Tell me what they talkin’ ’bout, I ain’t fuckin’ listenin’ (Talkin’ ’bout)
– Lazao ahy izay resahin’izy ireo ’bout, tsy manadala’ listenin ‘(Miresaka ‘ bout)aho
Let yo’ thoughts run yo’ mouth, but ain’t touchin’ dividends (Run your mouth)
– Avelao ny vavanao ‘thoughts run yo’, fa aza mikasika ny dividends (Alefaso ny vavanao)
Nigga, I ain’t from the south, but kick it with my Memphis twin (Memphis twin)
– Nigga, tsy avy any atsimo aho, fa mandaka azy amin’ny Kambana Memphis (Kambana Memphis)
Nigga, I can’t take a loss, I’m always goin’ for the win (For the win)
– Nigga, tsy afaka mandray fatiantoka aho, handeha handresy foana aho (ho an’ny fandresena)
I’ve been geeked up in this booth, I got my blunt packed from the start (From the start)
– Efa nitsiriritra tao amin’ity trano heva ity aho, nahazo ny blunt feno hatrany am-piandohana (Hatrany am-piandohana)
Nigga, don’t be there actin’ new, that’ll put some holes all through yo’ body
– Nigga, aza misy manao zavatra vaovao, izay hametraka lavaka manerana ny vatanao
I’m like “Oh, them hoes is cool, let ’em in if that shit water” (Water)
– Toy ny hoe ” Oh, mangatsiatsiaka izy ireo, avelao izy ireo hiditra raha io rano maloto io” (Rano)
See your nigga actin’ bothered, got my green light to red dot ’em (Red dot, red dot)
– Jereo ny nigga actin ‘ nanelingelina, nahazo ny fahazavana maitso ho mena teboka ’em (Teboka Mena,teboka mena)
If you spot me, ho, I’m sorry, I can’t take you, it get gnarly (Get gnarly)
– Raha mahita ahy ianao, ho, miala tsiny aho, tsy afaka mitondra anao aho, mahazo gnarly (Mahazo gnarly)
Look like yo’ nigga want smoke, well we gon’ do this shit regardless (Regardless)
– Toa anao ‘nigga te-hifoka, tsara isika’ hanao izany na inona na inona (Na inona na inona)
And I started from the bottom, just like you but I was harder (Way harder)
– Ary nanomboka avy any ambany aho, toa anao ihany fa sarotra kokoa aho (Sarotra Kokoa)
I came up a fuckin’ soldier, nigga, shout out to my father (Shoutout my father)
– Niakatra miaramila iray aho, nigga, niantsoantso tamin’ny raiko (Niantsoantso ny raiko)
Ah-ah, he made sure I’ll make it farther
– Ah-ah, nataony izay hahatongavako lavitra kokoa
Ah-ah, my trust in God, Glocks and dollars
– Ah-ah, ny fahatokisako An’andriamanitra, Ny Glocks ary ny dolara
I might swerve, bend that corner, woah-woah
– Mety hivily aho, hiondrika io zorony io, woah-woah
Bitch, hold on tight ’cause I tweak and this bitch start lettin’ shit go
– Bitch, mihazona mafy ‘ satria manitsy aho ary manomboka mamela ny zavatra handeha ity bitch ity
And I heard that she wanna show-ow
– Ary reko fa te hampiseho izy-ow
Me who she be, I’m kinda fuckin’ with it, show me some mo’
– Izaho hoe iza izy, somary miady amin’izany aho, asehoy ahy ny mo’
Bitch, we tatted head to toe, could give a fuck, the story wrote
– Bitch, nanao tatoazy hatramin’ny rantsan-tongotra izahay, afaka nanome fuck, hoy ny tantara nanoratra
You wanna tweak? Get up with me and I’ma show you how that go
– Te-hanitsy ve ianao? Miaraha amiko ary hasehoko anao ny fandehan’izany
Like the money in my pockets blow-ow
– Toy ny vola ao am-paosiko mitsoka
They havin’ convos about me, these pussy niggas don’t know
– Manana convos momba ahy izy ireo, tsy fantatr’ireo pussy niggas ireo
With my evil twin, all black hoodies, we hit the streets again (Hoodies)
– Miaraka amin’ny kambana ratsy fanahy, hoodies mainty rehetra, dia nidina an-dalambe indray izahay (Hoodies)
He don’t like attention, he’ll tweak and get to reapin’ shit (Oh yeah)
– Tsy tiany ny fifantohana, hanitsy izy ary hahazo ny reapin ‘ shit (Oh eny)
What yo’ ass expect? We drove the whole way in a demon, bitch (Demon)
– Inona no andrasan’ny borikinao? Nandeha tamin’ny lalana rehetra izahay tamin’ny demonia, bitch (Demonia)
He’ll pop out, won’t think twice and make you greet the switch (Pop out)
– Hivoaka izy, tsy hieritreritra indroa ary hahatonga anao hiarahaba ny switch(Mipoitra)
Ah-ha-ha, is you sure you wanna meet that bitch?
– Ah-ha-ha, azonao antoka ve fa te hihaona amin’io bitch io ianao?
If I see ill intentions, I’ll make sure you get to bleedin’ quick (Bleedin’)
– Raha mahita fikasana ratsy aho dia ho azoko antoka fa mandeha ra haingana ianao (Mandeha Ra)
All exotic whips, the whole damn gang be in some rocket ships (Rocket ship)
– Ny karavasy exotic rehetra, ny andian-jiolahy rehetra dia ao anaty sambo rocket (sambo Rocket)
Pull up to the scene, my best advice is to hide yo’ bitch (Hide yo’ bitch)
– Misintona mankany amin’ny sehatra, ny torohevitro tsara indrindra dia ny manafina anao ‘bitch (Manafina anao’ bitch)
I could see the lies all on your face, because your eyes’ll twitch (Twitchy, twitchy)
– Hitako ny lainga rehetra eo amin’ny tavanao, satria hihetsiketsika ny masonao (Mihetsiketsika, mihetsiketsika)
The black ski mask all on our fuckin’ faces be disguisin’ shit (Disguise)
– Ny saron-tava ski mainty rehetra eo amin’ny tarehintsika fuckin’ be disguisin’ shit (Disguise)
I might have my way with yo’ bay-bay, you wanna cry and shit
– Mety manana ny lalako miaraka aminao aho bay-bay, te hitomany sy hitomany ianao
Rest my Glock against her fucking waist, I got some pie today
– Apetraho amin’ny Valahany ny Glock-ko, nahazo pie aho androany
Ah, ah
– Ah, ah
She my bitch now, my apologies
– Izy izao no zanako, miala tsiny aho
I don’t need no mo’ enemies, you rock with me? Then rock with me
– Tsy mila fahavalo mo’ aho, miaraka amiko ve ianao? Dia miaraha amiko
But I’ma keep it real, she lost respect when you said, “Follow me”
– Saingy tazoniko ho tena izy izany, very fanajana izy rehefa niteny ianao hoe: “Araho aho”
I might swerve, bend that corner, woah
– Mety hivily aho, hiondrika io zorony io, woah
Bitch, hold on tight ’cause I tweak and this bitch start lettin’ shit go
– Bitch, mihazona mafy ‘ satria manitsy aho ary manomboka mamela ny zavatra handeha ity bitch ity
And I heard that she wanna show
– Ary reko fa te hampiseho izy
Me who she be, I’m kinda fuckin’ with it, show me some mo’
– Izaho hoe iza izy, somary miady amin’izany aho, asehoy ahy ny mo’
Bitch, we tatted head to toe, could give a fuck, the story wrote
– Bitch, nanao tatoazy hatramin’ny rantsan-tongotra izahay, afaka nanome fuck, hoy ny tantara nanoratra
You wanna tweak? Get up with me and I’ma show you how that go
– Te-hanitsy ve ianao? Miaraha amiko ary hasehoko anao ny fandehan’izany
Like the money in my pockets blow
– Toy ny vola ao am paosiko mitsoka
They havin’ convos about me, these pussy niggas don’t know
– Manana convos momba ahy izy ireo, tsy fantatr’ireo pussy niggas ireo