Bon Iver – AWARDS SEASON Malagasy Tononkira & Malagasy Ny fandikan-teny



I can handle
– Afaka miatrika aho
Way more than I can handle
– Mihoatra lavitra noho izay zakako
So I keep reaching for the handle
– Noho izany dia manatratra hatrany ny tahony aho
To flood my heart
– Hanondraka ny foko
And the Spaniard
– Ary Ny Espaniola
In song that I have pandered to
– Amin’ny hira izay nankafiziko
Is always handing me the anvil
– Dia manome ahy foana ny anvil
Saying, “That’s for you”
– Miteny hoe: “ho anao izany”
But then you came to me
– Fa avy eo dia nanatona ahy ianao
From Olympic heavy duty
– Avy Amin’ny Adidy Mavesatra Olaimpika
We both needed so much soothing
– Samy nila nampitony be izahay
Played you Rickie Lee
– Nanao ny anao rickie Lee
Oh, how everything can change
– Oh, ahoana no ahafahan’ny zava-drehetra miova
In such a small time frame
– Amin’ny fotoana kely toy izany
You can be remade
– Azonao atao ny mamerina
You can live again
– Afaka miaina indray ianao
What was pain now’s gain
– Inona no tombony azon’ny fanaintainana ankehitriny
A new path gets laid
– Misy lalana vaovao napetraka
And you know what is great
– Ary fantatrao izay tsara
Nothing stays the same
– Tsy misy zavatra mitovy

Felt you through me
– Nahatsapa anao tamin’ny alalako
In every clue you threw me
– Isaky ny famantarana dia nanipy ahy ianao
Pointing at me asking, “Who, me?”
– Manondro ahy manontany hoe: “Iza, izaho?”
What a start
– Inona no fanombohana
And you had taken
– Ary efa naka
All away my aching
– Ny fanaintainako rehetra
Well, how could I ever thank you?
– Eny, ahoana no ahafahako misaotra anao?
I’d been received
– Noraisina aho
But I’m a sable
– Fa sable aho
And honey, us the fable
– Ary ry malala, izahay ilay angano
You said that you were unable
– Nilaza ianao fa tsy afaka
That it’s not reprieved
– Fa tsy nahemotra izany
Oh, but maybe things can change
– Oh, fa angamba mety hiova ny zavatra
What can wax can wane
– Inona no mety hihena ny savoka
Things can get replayed
– Azo averina indray ny zavatra
And if it’s all the same
– Ary raha mitovy daholo
Oh, just take my hand
– Oh, raiso fotsiny ny tanako
And place it on your blame
– Ary apetraho amin’ny helokao izany
And let it wash away
– Ary avelao hisasa
With you I will remain
– Miaraka aminao aho dia hijanona

You came over
– Tonga ianao
Short after it was over
– Fotoana fohy taorian’ny nifaranany
You, as precious as a clover
– Ianao, sarobidy toy ny jirofo
In a meadow’s sun
– Ao amin’ny masoandron’ny saha
You had no answers
– Tsy nanana valiny ianao
So we laid back to backs and
– Noho izany dia nihemotra izahay ary
Clasped treasure with our hands and
– Harena mifatotra amin’ny tanantsika sy
Held all fate
– Nitazona ny anjara rehetra
But now it’s the season
– Fa izao no vanim potoana
And I know I will be seein’ ya
– Ary fantatro fa hahita anao aho
On the TV for some reason
God, my heart
– Andriamanitra ô, ry foko
Why do things gotta change?
– Nahoana no tsy maintsy miova ny zavatra?
We were on our way
– Teny an dalana izahay
To be best to face
– Mba ho tsara tarehy indrindra
All that comes in gray
– Izay rehetra tonga amin’ny volondavenona
It’s so hard to explain
– Sarotra be ny manazava azy
And the facts are strange
– Ary hafahafa ny zava misy
But you know what will stay?
– Fa fantatrao izay hijanona?
Everything we’ve made
– Izay rehetra nataonay

Bon Iver



