Central Cee – 5 Star Malagasy Tononkira & Malagasy Ny fandikan-teny



If you got what it takes, I’ll take it
– Raha azonao izay ilaina dia horaisiko
This shit took ages
– Naharitra taona maro izany
Should know that you can’t rush greatness
– Tokony ho fantatrao fa tsy afaka maika ny fahalehibiazana ianao
But you’re too impatient
– Saingy tsy manam paharetana loatra ianao
One million views ain’t famous
– Tsy malaza ny fomba fijery iray tapitrisa
I need me a crib, no neighbours, mad
– Mila fandriana aho, tsy misy mpifanolo-bodirindrina, adala
I need me a thousand acres
– Mila ahy arivo hektara aho
Can’t wait till a man’s on—
– Tsy afaka miandry mandra-pahatongan’ny lehilahy iray—

Let’s reignite that flame, I fucked some hoes, they ain’t quite the same
– Andao hamelona indray io lelafo io, nanadala ny sasany aho, tsy mitovy izy ireo
I’ve got more money than all of my elders even though they are twice my age
– Manana vola bebe kokoa noho ny loholoko rehetra aho na dia avo roa heny noho ny taonako aza izy ireo
I just reunited with some of the killies, I gotta remind ’em that life has changed
– Vao avy niara-nivory tamin’ny sasany tamin’ireo killies aho, tsy maintsy mampahatsiahy azy ireo fa niova ny fiainana
Previously, it was crime that paid, but now, I get by in a righteous way
– Teo aloha dia heloka bevava no nandoa, fa ankehitriny, mandeha amin’ny fomba marina aho
Push bike time I would ride in the rain, now I’m takin’ a flight for the climate change
– Push bike time handeha amin’ny orana aho, izao aho dia mandray sidina ho an’ny fiovan’ny toetr’andro
Long-haul flight and I’m flyin’ commercial, if I’m in Europe, it’s private planes
– Sidina lavitra ary manidina ara-barotra aho, raha Any Eoropa aho dia fiaramanidina manokana
You seen what happened to PnB Rock? I can’t even wine and dine these days
– Hitanao ny zava-Nitranga Tamin’ny Pnb Rock? Tsy afaka misotro divay sy misakafo akory aho amin’izao fotoana izao
We got somethin’ in common with hockey, why? Cah we all got ice and blades
– Manana zavatra iraisana amin’ny hockey isika, nahoana? Cah nahazo ranomandry sy lelany daholo isika
I felt like a prick when I went to the BRITs and they gave the award to a guy called Aitch
– Nahatsapa ho toy ny fanindronana aho rehefa nankany Amin’ny Britanika ary nomen’izy ireo ny loka ho an’ny lehilahy iray Antsoina Hoe Aitch
I had my acceptance speech prepared like, “Long live F’s”, I’m goin’ insane
– Nanomana ny kabariko fanekena aho, toy ny hoe, “Ho ela Velona Ny F”, ho lasa adala aho
And free all the guys inside of the cage, uh
– Ary afaho ny bandy rehetra ao anaty tranom-borona, uh
I need a bitch that’s bougie and don’t give bruddas the time of day
– Mila vehivavy janga aho bougie izany ary tsy manome an’i bruddas ny ora amin’ny andro
If they don’t wanna fuck, I don’t try persuade
– Raha tsy te-hanadala izy ireo dia tsy manandrana mandresy lahatra aho
I look in the mirror and big up myself, I’m feelin’ myself, I’m kinda vain
– Mijery fitaratra aho ary miakatra be ny tenako, mahatsapa ny tenako aho, somary tsy misy dikany aho
I don’t think that these guys relate, they’ve never experienced this type of pain
– Tsy mino aho fa mifandray ireo bandy ireo, mbola tsy niaina an’io karazana fanaintainana io mihitsy izy ireo
Claustrophobic, I’m feelin’ stressed, I can’t find the exit, life’s a maze
– Claustrophobic, mahatsiaro ho sahiran-tsaina aho, tsy hitako ny fivoahana, labyrinta ny fiainana
Pinch myself, I feel like I’m dreamin’, but I’m not asleep, I’m wide awake
– Kitiho ny tenako, tsapako fa manonofy aho, saingy tsy matory aho, mifoha be aho

If you got what it takes, I’ll take it
– Raha azonao izay ilaina dia horaisiko
This shit took ages
– Naharitra taona maro izany
Should know that you can’t rush greatness
– Tokony ho fantatrao fa tsy afaka maika ny fahalehibiazana ianao
But you’re too impatient
– Saingy tsy manam paharetana loatra ianao
One million views ain’t famous
– Tsy malaza ny fomba fijery iray tapitrisa
I need me a crib, no neighbours, mad
– Mila fandriana aho, tsy misy mpifanolo-bodirindrina, adala
I need me a thousand acres
– Mila ahy arivo hektara aho
Can’t wait till a man’s on—
– Tsy afaka miandry mandra-pahatongan’ny lehilahy iray—

Remember the meals were microwaved
– Tsarovy fa ny sakafo dia microwave
Now my private chef is askin’ how do I like my steak
– Ankehitriny dia manontany ny chef manokana ahy hoe ahoana no tiako ny steak-ko
Now my driver’s wage is two hundred racks a year, I got private plates
– Ankehitriny ny karaman’ny mpamily ahy dia roanjato isan-taona, nahazo takelaka manokana aho
I never had nowhere to go, sometimes I’d spend a whole night on train
– Tsy nanana toerana haleha mihitsy aho, indraindray nandany alina iray manontolo tamin’ny lamasinina
Now the crib’s so big, I just hired a maid
– Ankehitriny dia lehibe ny fandrian-jaza, nanakarama mpanampy fotsiny aho
The opps ain’t makin’ it out of the hood, I can find out where my rivals stay
– Ny opps dia tsy miala amin’ny hood, azoko fantarina hoe aiza no ipetrahan’ny mpifaninana amiko
I see blue lights in the distance, is it police, ambulance or fire brigade?
– Mahita jiro manga eny lavitra eny aho, polisy, fiara mpamonjy voina sa mpamono afo?
My eyes dilated, the line vibratin’, it’s 4 in the mornin’, my grind insane
– Mivelatra ny masoko, mihozongozona ny tsipika, 4 maraina izao, adala ny fikosoham-bary
I know the pagans are aggravated, I got the whole gang on the Wireless stage
– Fantatro fa miharatsy ny mpanompo sampy, nahazo ny andian-jiolahy rehetra teo amin’ny sehatra Tsy Misy Tariby aho
Five years in and I’m still the same, can’t say that I’ve changed despite the fame
– Dimy taona aty aoriana ary mbola mitovy ihany aho, tsy afaka milaza fa niova aho na dia teo aza ny laza
The jack boys tryna find a stain, if they’re in the club, then hide your chain
– Nahita tasy ny jack boys tryna, raha ao amin’ny klioba izy ireo, dia afeno ny rojo vy
I know the opps got sticks as well, but the guns we bought got wider range, uh
– Fantatro fa nahazo tehina ihany koa ny opps, fa ny basy novidinay dia nahazo elanelana midadasika kokoa, uh
They can’t keep my name out their mouth, sus, they actually might be—
– Tsy afaka mitazona ny anarako amin’ny vavany izy ireo, sus, mety ho izy ireo—
Look, my family stay out the way, when they see the camera, they hide their face
– Jereo, mijanona eny an – dalana ny fianakaviako, rehefa mahita ny fakantsary izy ireo dia manafina ny tavany
CRG, I quite like this pace, back out the rod and bite the bait
– CRG, tena tiako ity haingam-pandeha ity, avereno ny tsorakazo ary manaikitra ny maunu
We get on our grind and hibernate, they go on the net, start typin’ hate
– Tonga amin’ny fikosoham-bary sy hibernate izahay, mandeha amin’ny harato izy ireo, manomboka mankahala
At the end of the day when my time does come, they’ll write my name alongside the greats
– Amin’ny faran’ny andro hahatongavan’ny fotoanako dia hanoratra ny anarako miaraka amin’ireo lehibe izy ireo

If you got what it takes, I’ll take it
– Raha azonao izay ilaina dia horaisiko
You ready for another spoiler?
– Vonona amin’ny mpandroba hafa ianao?
This shit took ages
– Naharitra taona maro izany
I’ve always been a man of bold predictions
– Lehilahy manana faminaniana feno fahasahiana foana aho
Should know that you can’t rush greatness
– Tokony ho fantatrao fa tsy afaka maika ny fahalehibiazana ianao
And I’m predictin’ that this guy right here
– Ary maminavina aho fa ity lehilahy ity eto
But you’re too impatient
– Saingy tsy manam paharetana loatra ianao
Star in the makin’
– Kintana ao amin’ny makin’
One million views ain’t famous
– Tsy malaza ny fomba fijery iray tapitrisa
Comin’ out of West London
– Avy Any Andrefan’i Londres
I need me a crib, no neighbours, mad
– Mila fandriana aho, tsy misy mpifanolo-bodirindrina, adala
Some of you may know the name
– Mety ho fantatry ny sasany aminareo ilay anarana
I need me a thousand acres
– Mila ahy arivo hektara aho
But for those who don’t, it’s my guy
– Fa ho an’ireo izay tsy manao izany, dia ny lehilahy
Can’t wait till a man’s on—
– Tsy afaka miandry mandra-pahatongan’ny lehilahy iray—
Central Cee
– Cee Afovoany

Central Cee



