Make your mind up
– Ataovy ny sainao
Are you gonna stay with me, lay with me tonight?
– Hijanona amiko ve ianao, hiara-mandry amiko anio alina?
– Anio alina
When life gets rough, how can I complain? I got bros in jail, so it could be worse
– Rehefa miharatsy ny fiainana, ahoana no hitarainako? Nahazo bros tany am-ponja aho, ka mety ho ratsy kokoa izany
I put up the bread for my broski’s funeral, that was my first time bookin’ a hearse
– Nametraka ny mofo ho an’ny fandevenana an’i broski aho, izay no fotoana voalohany namandrihako fiara mpitondra faty
I sold coke to the white people in the ends, I’m glad that my hood’s diverse
– Namidiko tamin’ny fotsy hoditra ny coke tamin’ny farany, faly aho fa maro karazana ny hood-ko
I’m writin’ a verse, and my sis told me that my niece is listenin’, please don’t—
– Manoratra andininy iray aho, ary nilaza tamiko ny sis-ko fa mihaino ny zanak’anabaviko, azafady aza—
How do I put this pain into words? Like a bullet from a gun, it burns
– Ahoana no ametrahako izany fanaintainana izany amin’ny teny? Toy ny bala avy amin’ny basy dia may
Slept on the bando sofa, and I woke up with spots on my face from germs
– Natory teo amin’ny sofa bando aho, ary nifoha tamin’ny tasy teo amin’ny tavako noho ny mikraoba
I feel betrayed by my girl, you were ungrateful when I gave you the Merc’
– Mahatsiaro ho voafitaky ny zanako vavy aho, tsy nankasitraka ianao rehefa nomeko Anao Ny Merc’
Even though I’m a man, I should hide it, I swallow my pride and say that it hurts
– Na dia lehilahy aza aho dia tokony hanafina izany, ateliko ny avonavoko ary lazaiko fa maharary izany
I’m lit right now, I got motion, but I still need a plan B cah tables turn
– Mandrehitra aho izao, manana hetsika aho, saingy mbola mila drafitra b cah mihodina ny latabatra
Negotiation landed at twenty-five M, I’m makin’ the label work
– Niakatra ho dimy Amby roapolo Metatra ny fifampiraharahana, ataoko miasa ny marika
I won’t even lie, I put family second, I’m sorry, the money’s my main concern
– Tsy handainga akory aho, ataoko faharoa ny fianakaviako, miala tsiny aho, ny vola no tena mampanahy ahy
If my funds are low, I get suicidal, so I gotta put paper first
– Raha ambany ny volako dia mamono tena aho, ka tsy maintsy mametraka taratasy aloha
If I don’t pay the bills, then who will?
– Raha tsy mandoa ny faktiora aho, iza no hanao izany?
Remember I felt like the man, got train OT, two days, got two bills
– Tsarovy fa nahatsapa ho toy ny lehilahy aho, nahazo lamasinina OT, roa andro, nahazo faktiora roa
Open my mind, I’m feelin’ limitless, just like the film, popped two pills
– Sokafy ny saiko, mahatsiaro ho tsy misy fetra aho, tahaka ilay sarimihetsika, namoaka pilina roa
It’s a full-circle moment, I come out the Nike HQ with a shoe deal
– Fotoana feno boribory izao, mivoaka Ny Foiben’ny Nike aho miaraka amin’ny fifanarahana kiraro
I still didn’t lose ambition
– Mbola tsy very faniriana aho
When the shower never got warm and the ceiling leakin’, the roof was drippin’
– Rehefa tsy nafana mihitsy ny fandroana ary tafaporitsaka ny valindrihana, dia nitete ny tafo
We can go to the same optician, I’m afraid you won’t view man’s vision
– Afaka mandeha any amin’ny optika iray ihany isika, matahotra aho sao tsy hijery ny fahitan’ny olona ianao
Me and Ybeeez linked up with Columbia, still just us on a two-man mission
– Izaho sy Ybeeez dia nifandray Tamin’i Columbia, mbola izahay ihany no nanao iraka roa lahy
If I made a short film and put it on YouTube, it would need viewer’s discretion
– Raha nanao sarimihetsika fohy aho ary nametraka Izany Tao Amin’ny YouTube, dia mila ny fahendren’ny mpijery izany
Livin’ a movie, I can’t press pause or fast-forward when a scene gets graphic
– Miaina sarimihetsika, tsy afaka manindry fiatoana na mandroso haingana aho rehefa lasa sary ny sehatra iray
Five-percent tints on all of the whips, I cannot get seen in traffic
– Tints dimy isan-jato amin’ny karavasy rehetra, tsy hita amin’ny fifamoivoizana aho
Made some P’s and left the street, relieved, but none of my grief did vanish
– Nanao P ary nandao ny arabe, maivamaivana, saingy tsy nisy nanjavona ny alaheloko
Me and my girl keep bumpin’ heads, I feel like I’m speakin’—
– Izaho sy ny zanako vavy dia mitazona ny lohany, mahatsiaro ho miteny aho’—
¿Cómo estás? Muy bien, what’s good? How you been?
– Inona no atao hoe estás? Muy bien, inona no tsara? Nanao ahoana ianao?
I say I’m alright, but I’m stressed within, deep breaths won’t help with the mess I’m in
– Milaza aho fa tsy maninona, saingy miady saina aho ao anatiny, tsy hanampy amin’ny korontana iainako ny fofonaina lalina
I hope my good deeds outweigh all the fuckery, I’m tryna repent my sins
– Manantena aho fa ny asa soa ataoko dia mihoatra noho ny hadalana rehetra, tryna aho mibebaka amin’ny fahotako
Already rich, still grindin’, how greedy, I’m still not content with M’s
– Efa manankarena, mbola mitoto, tena tia vola, mbola tsy afa-po Amin’ny M’s aho
If I don’t pay the bills, then who will?
– Raha tsy mandoa ny faktiora aho, iza no hanao izany?
Remember I felt like the man, got train OT, two days, got two bills
– Tsarovy fa nahatsapa ho toy ny lehilahy aho, nahazo lamasinina OT, roa andro, nahazo faktiora roa
Open my mind, I’m feelin’ limitless, just like the film, popped two pills
– Sokafy ny saiko, mahatsiaro ho tsy misy fetra aho, tahaka ilay sarimihetsika, namoaka pilina roa
It’s a full-circle moment, I come out the Nike HQ with a shoe deal
– Fotoana feno boribory izao, mivoaka Ny Foiben’ny Nike aho miaraka amin’ny fifanarahana kiraro
– Tsara izany
Single-parent household, livin’ on benefits, council housin’ tenant
– Tokantrano tokan-tena, miaina amin’ny tombontsoa, mpanofa trano ao amin’ny filankevitra
Restraining order, cemetery visits, hard drug habits, our life weren’t pleasant
– Ny filaminana mifehy, ny fitsidihana fasana, ny fahazarana zava-mahadomelina mafy, tsy nahafinaritra ny fiainantsika
Took away our innocence, we don’t wanna die, we rely on weapons
– Nesorinay ny tsy fanananay tsiny, tsy te ho faty izahay, miantehitra amin’ny fitaovam-piadiana
Hood ambience, I’m used to fallin’ asleep to the sound of sirens
– Hood ambience, efa zatra matory amin’ny feon’ny sirena aho
So I don’t know if I like this change, it’s too quiet
– Ka tsy fantatro raha tiako io fanovana io, mangina loatra
You’ll always think that the grass is greener till you step foot over there and try it
– Hieritreritra foana ianao fa maitso kokoa ny ahitra mandra-pahatonganao any ary andramo
You can have financial freedom, but the P don’t stop people dyin’
– Afaka manana fahalalahana ara-bola ianao, saingy Tsy manakana ny olona ho faty Ny P
Invest in guns for the ends, won’t help them, war won’t stop, the beef’s still fryin’
– Mampiasa vola amin’ny basy ho an’ny tanjona, tsy hanampy azy ireo, tsy hijanona ny ady, mbola endasina ny hen’omby
I’m not ridin’, I’m the one decidin’
– Tsy mitaingina aho, izaho no manapa-kevitra
Got my brothers for life, through right or wrong, I’m standin’ strong beside him
– Nahazo ny rahalahiko ho amin’ny fiainana, amin’ny alalan’ny tsara na ny ratsy, mijoro mafy eo anilany aho
When you’re the one providin’ in a yes-man environment, everyone biased
– Rehefa ianao no manome ao anatin’ny tontolo eny-olona, dia mitongilana ny rehetra
More money, less violence, time is free but somehow priceless
– Vola bebe kokoa, tsy misy herisetra, maimaim-poana ny fotoana nefa tsy misy vidiny
So watch how you spend it wisely
– Jereo àry ny fomba andanianao azy amim pahendrena
If I don’t pay the bills, then who will?
– Raha tsy mandoa ny faktiora aho, iza no hanao izany?
Remember I felt like the man, got train OT, two days, got two bills
– Tsarovy fa nahatsapa ho toy ny lehilahy aho, nahazo lamasinina OT, roa andro, nahazo faktiora roa
Open my mind, I’m feelin’ limitless, just like the film, popped two pills
– Sokafy ny saiko, mahatsiaro ho tsy misy fetra aho, tahaka ilay sarimihetsika, namoaka pilina roa
It’s a full-circle moment, I come out the Nike HQ with a shoe deal
– Fotoana feno boribory izao, mivoaka Ny Foiben’ny Nike aho miaraka amin’ny fifanarahana kiraro
Make your mind up
– Ataovy ny sainao
Are you gonna stay with me, lay with me tonight?
– Hijanona amiko ve ianao, hiara-mandry amiko anio alina?
– Anio alina
Girl, make your mind up
– Ry zazavavy, ataovy ny sainao
Are you gonna stay with me, stay with me tonight?
– Hijanona amiko ve ianao, hijanona amiko anio alina?
Oh-yeah, oh-yeah-yeah
– Oh-eny, oh-eny-eny