No introduction needed, but girls still ask what my name is
– Tsy ilaina ny fampidirana, fa mbola manontany ny anarako ny ankizivavy
Tryna pretend they don’t know who Cee is, like
– Tryna mody tsy fantatr’izy ireo hoe Iza I Cee, toy ny
Like anytime I get on the mic, it don’t cover a hundred regions
– Toy ny amin’ny fotoana rehetra hidirako amin’ny mikrô, tsy mandrakotra faritra zato izany
Sweden, Norwegian, New Zealand, Australian, Arab, Armenian, even Asia and Indonesian
– Soeda, norveziana, Nouvelle Zélande, Aostraliana, Arabo, armeniana, Ary Azia sy Indoneziana mihitsy aza
Spittin’ on beats on usin’ similes, but their lyrics ain’t got no meanin’
– Mandrora amin’ny gadona amin’ny usin ‘ similes, saingy tsy misy dikany ny tonon’izy ireo
If we see blue lights and think that it’s cops, we’re not gonna stop, we’re breezin’
– Raha mahita jiro manga isika ary mieritreritra fa polisy io dia tsy hijanona isika fa rivotra
Lock the lock, it won’t stop us schemin’, I lost FDot and it got me grievin’
– Hidio ny hidin – trano, tsy hanakana antsika hanao tetika izany, very Ny FDot aho ary nampalahelo ahy izany’
Posted by the convenience store with a pack of the raw, so it’s not convenient
– Navoakan’ny fivarotana mora vidy miaraka amina fonosana manta, ka tsy mety izany
I wanna live a simplistic life, but that’s unrealistic, right?
– Te hiaina fiainana tsotra aho, saingy tsy azo tanterahina izany, sa tsy izany?
I miss the times, two-man step, take one for the team and assist my guy
– Malahelo ny fotoana aho, dingana roa lahy, maka iray ho an’ny ekipa ary manampy ny lehilahy
God ain’t give me the gift to write, won’t lie, I been on a consistent grind
– Andriamanitra tsy manome ahy ny fanomezana hanoratra, tsy handainga, efa teo amin’ny fikosoham-bary tsy tapaka aho
When I was broke, they didn’t wan’ talk, now I made it, they want me to give advice
– Rehefa tsy nanan-karama aho, tsy te hiresaka izy ireo, ankehitriny dia vitako izany, tian’izy ireo hanome torohevitra aho
Me and Ybeeez in matchin’ Rolls’, step out the store with two new Cullis
– Izaho sy Ybeeez ao amin’ny Matchin ‘Rolls’, mivoaha ny fivarotana miaraka Amin’ny Cullis vaovao roa
Stepped in the room and they feel my aura, that was before I had music money
– Niditra tao amin’ny efitrano izy ireo ary nahatsapa ny aura-ko, izany dia talohan’ny nahazoako vola mozika
I came up with the bros, I post a throwback and the whole crew look bummy
– Tonga niaraka tamin’ny bros aho, nandefa throwback aho ary toa bummy ny ekipa iray manontolo
Before man snaked me, I already saw it comin’, I clocked he was movin’ funny
– Talohan’ny namelezan’ny olona ahy, efa hitako fa ho avy izany, nanara – maso aho fa nihetsika izy
Huh, no introduction needed, but girls still ask what my name is
– Huh, tsy ilaina ny fampidirana, fa ny ankizivavy mbola manontany hoe inona ny anarako
Tryna pretend they don’t know who Cee is, like
– Tryna mody tsy fantatr’izy ireo hoe Iza I Cee, toy ny
Like anytime I get on the mic, it don’t cover a hundred regions
– Toy ny amin’ny fotoana rehetra hidirako amin’ny mikrô, tsy mandrakotra faritra zato izany
Sweden, Norwegian, New Zealand, Australian, Arab, Armenian, even Asia
– Soeda, norveziana, Nouvelle Zélande, Aostraliana, Arabo, armeniana, Ary Azia Mihitsy Aza
Sounds like a M16 when the engine starts
– Toa M16 rehefa manomboka ny motera
Think you’re the shit, bitch? Turn on your whip, does your engine fart?
– Heverinao ve fa ianao no adala, ry vehivavy? Alefaso ny karavasy, mifoka ve ny moteranao?
Two left feet and I don’t have rhythm, but my chain and my pendant dance
– Tongotra havia roa ary tsy manana gadona aho, fa ny rojo vy sy ny pendant-ko dia mandihy
Life when you live in the ends is hard, the things that I seen make me question God, uh, alright
– Sarotra ny fiainana rehefa miaina amin’ny farany ianao, ny zavatra hitako dia mahatonga ahy hanontany An’andriamanitra ,h, tsara
I’m feelin’ pain, but I can’t complain, my life was harder before the fame
– Mahatsiaro fanaintainana aho, saingy tsy afaka mitaraina, sarotra kokoa ny fiainako talohan’ny laza
Lost some people along the way and I miss them bad when I contemplate
– Very ny olona sasany teny an dalana ary malahelo azy ireo aho rehefa mieritreritra
Shoot my shot and it’s wet like Steph, but I don’t play for the Golden State
– Tifiro ny tifitra nataoko ary lena toa An’i Steph, fa tsy milalao Ho An’ny Fanjakana Volamena aho
It’s bait that my bro got the poker tucked, he can’t even put on a poker face
– Ny haniny no nametrahan’ny rahalahiko ny poker, tsy afaka manao tarehy poker akory izy
What are these jokers on? They keep sendin’, but I don’t respond
– Inona avy ireo vazivazy ireo? Mandefa foana izy ireo, saingy tsy mamaly aho
The big dot-dot ain’t little like Durk, it’s OTF like, “Long live Von”
– Ny teboka lehibe dia tsy kely Tahaka An’i Durk, FA TOY NY OTF, ” Ho Ela Velona Von”
The UK’s not what you see on films, bro’s in the block with the longest wand
– NY UK dia tsy izay hitanao amin’ny sarimihetsika, ny bro dia ao amin’ny sakana miaraka amin’ny tsorakazo lava indrindra
Deathly hollows will fly out the chamber, bro try poke and hunt this don
– Deathly hollows dia hanidina avy ao amin’ny efitrano, hanandrana hanindrona sy hihaza ity don ity
I hear them talkin’, seein’ the tweets, I’m seein’ the forums
– Henoko izy ireo miresaka, mahita ny bitsika, mahita ny forum aho
Seein’ them mention everyone else but me like say that I’m not important
– Jereo izy ireo milaza ny olon-drehetra fa tiako ny milaza fa tsy manan-danja aho
All of the moves that I make in America’s makin’ it easier for them
– Ny hetsika rehetra ataoko Ao Amin’ny America’s makin’ it easy for them
First half of the year I done a hundred shows, you can see I been tourin’
– Tamin’ny tapany voalohany tamin’ny taona dia nanao fampisehoana zato aho, hitanao fa nanao fitsidihana aho’
If it weren’t for the work that I put in in Paris, none of these guys would’ve gone to Europe
– Raha tsy noho ny asa nataoko Tany Paris, tsy nisy tamin’ireo lehilahy ireo nankany Eoropa
The codeine mixin’ up with the Phenny, I fall asleep when I sip on syrup
– Ny codeine mixin ‘ up miaraka Amin’ny Phenny, matory aho rehefa misotro syrup
Look in my eyes and see I been through it, come straight off a plane, get straight back to it
– Jereo ny masoko ary jereo fa nandalo azy aho, mivoaha avy hatrany amin’ny fiaramanidina, miverena miverina aminy
She asked what my name is, tryna pretend she don’t know that I’m famous and already knew it, haha
– Nanontany izy hoe inona ny anarako, mody tsy fantany fa malaza aho ary efa fantatro izany, haha