They always start with a kind of storm
– Manomboka amin’ny karazana tafio drivotra foana izy ireo
You know, a real powerful storm
– Fantatrao, tafio-drivotra mahery vaika
And there’s always this, um, this dark, thick rain, like, like fresh motor oil
– Ary misy foana izany ,m, ity orana maizina sy matevina ity, toy ny, toy ny menaka maotera vaovao
Storm started, somethin’ happened
– Nanomboka ny tafio-drivotra, nisy zavatra nitranga
His face, his eyes were, were, uh, different
– Ny tarehiny, ny masony, dia, uh, hafa
By the time they tried to evacuate the cities, it was already too late
– Tamin’ny fotoana nanandramany namindra ireo tanàna dia efa tara loatra
The infection was everywhere
– Na aiza na aiza no nisy ny aretina
The virus is harvesting, what do you mean H7N3?
– Ny virus dia mijinja, inona no tianao holazaina h7n3?
Begin life in a lab in the first war of vaccines
– Atombohy ny fiainana ao amin’ny laboratoara amin’ny ady voalohany amin’ny vaksiny
Million die in the first week in the pandemic dreams
– Million maty tamin’ny herinandro voalohany tao amin’ny nofy pandemika
Reality, black death, smallpox, mutated disease
– Ny zava-misy, ny fahafatesana mainty, ny aretina katsentsitra, ny aretina miovaova
Flu-shot propaganda for all population and troops
– Fampielezan-kevitra momba ny gripa ho an’ny mponina sy ny tafika rehetra
Avoid the plague, it might have seeped into the room
– Halaviro ny pesta, mety niditra tao amin’ny efitrano izy io
It’s now airborne with firestorm, signal our doom
– Ankehitriny dia miakatra amin’ny rivotra miaraka amin’ny firestorm, signal our doom
The dead returns with a pissed off zombie mood
– Niverina niaraka tamin’ny toe po zombie tezitra ny maty
The sprinkler system equipped with AuAg
– Ny rafitra sprinkler misy AuAg
Where they round up survivors? In a cold facility
– Aiza izy ireo no manangona ireo sisa velona? Ao amin’ny toerana mangatsiaka
Watch the process of terror from the hill near the stream
– Jereo ny fizotry ny fampihorohoroana avy eo amin’ny havoana akaikin’ny renirano
I remain in a gas mask; I still filter my water clean
– Mijanona ao anaty saron – tava entona aho; mbola manivana ny rano madio aho
This isn’t past tense or the plague of Athens
– Tsy past tense na ny pesta Tao Atena izany
Couldn’t be eradicated like smallpox in action
– Tsy azo foanana toy ny aretina katsentsitra
Avian influenza in the jetstream is how it happens
– Ny gripan’ny vorona ao amin’ny jetstream no mitranga
2020 combined with coronavirus, bodies stacking
– 2020 miaraka amin’ny coronavirus, vatana mipetaka
The world is now at the start of the influenza pandemic
– Izao tontolo izao dia eo am piandohan’ny areti mifindra gripa
It started as rioting, it was in the street outside, it was coming through windows
– Nanomboka tamin’ny korontana izany, teny an-dalambe tany ivelany, nandalo varavarankely
Sequence the virus and determine its origin
– Alaharo ny viriosy ary fantaro ny niandohany
It was a virus
– Virosy izany
Something in the blood
– Zavatra ao anaty ra
A virus which has been engineered at a genetic level to be helpful rather than harmful
– Virosy izay novolavolaina tamin’ny ambaratonga fototarazo mba hanampy fa tsy hanimba
This city’s sick like disease and it can’t be cured
– Marary toy ny aretina ity tanàna ity ary tsy azo sitranina
Few that remained, their brain’s stained with the bloodshed
– Vitsy sisa no tavela, voaloton’ny fandatsahan-dra ny atidohany
In a smokescreen state
– Amin’ny toetry ny setroka
Death, disease
– Fahafatesana, aretina
You feel a burning sensation
– Mahatsapa fahatsapana mirehitra ianao
Nothing remains
– Tsy misy sisa tavela
This city’s sick like disease and it can’t be cured
– Marary toy ny aretina ity tanàna ity ary tsy azo sitranina
Few that remained, their brain’s stained with the bloodshed
– Vitsy sisa no tavela, voaloton’ny fandatsahan-dra ny atidohany
In a smokescreen state
– Amin’ny toetry ny setroka
Death, disease
– Fahafatesana, aretina
You feel a burning sensation
– Mahatsapa fahatsapana mirehitra ianao
You’ll have to act fast, grab your gas mask
– Tsy maintsy mihetsika haingana ianao, alaivo ny saron – tava entona
Bad disaster has passed
– Nandalo ny loza ratsy
Anarchy, cataclysm
– Tsy fandriampahalemana, loza
Stand guard please, blast your big guns
– Miambena azafady, vonoy ny basy lehibe
Havoc’s begun, viral outbreak
– Nanomboka ny Havoc, niparitaka be
Tragic things done, crowds renounce faith
– Zavatra mampalahelo vita, miala amin’ny finoana ny vahoaka
Atrocious horror witnessed, broke the hopes of optimistic
– Ny horohoro mahatsiravina dia nanatri-maso, nanapaka ny fanantenana ny fanantenana
Scope is post-apocalyptic
– Ny sehatra dia aorian’ny apokaliptika
Lone is harsh and vicious, gross and darker
– Lone dia masiaka sy masiaka, masiaka ary maizina kokoa
Throwing darts, blow apart the wicked
– Manipy zana-tsipìka, mitsoka ny ratsy fanahy
Foes know I’m sadistic
– Fantatry ny fahavalo fa sadista aho
Cold, my aura is sick, soldiers start resistance
– Mangatsiaka, marary ny aura-ko, manomboka manohitra ny miaramila
Enemy troops in NBC suits
– Tafika fahavalo manao akanjo NBC
We shoot, then we regroup
– Mitifitra izahay, avy eo mivondrona indray
Conquer weak with armed fleet
– Mandresy malemy amin’ny sambo mitam-piadiana
Bomb the streets with DR. CREEP
– Baomba ny arabe MIARAKA AMIN’NY DR. CREEP
The scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met
– Efa voahaja ny fepetra ara tsiansa momba ny valanaretina gripa
You need a doctor to tell you that
– Mila dokotera ianao hilaza izany aminao
This virus is human
– Olombelona ity viriosy ity
Radio stopped broadcasting, there were reports of infection in Paris and New York
– Nitsahatra tsy nandefa ny onjam-peo, nisy ny tatitra momba ny aretina tany Paris sy New York
The army blockades were overrun
– Voahitsakitsaka ny sakana nataon’ny tafika
What scientists know about this new strain
– Inona no fantatry ny mpahay siansa momba an’io karazana vaovao io
Decided to raise the level of influenza pandemic alert
– Nanapa-kevitra ny hampiakatra ny haavon’ny fanairana areti-mifindra gripa
This city’s sick like disease and it can’t be cured
– Marary toy ny aretina ity tanàna ity ary tsy azo sitranina
Few that remained, their brain’s stained with the bloodshed
– Vitsy sisa no tavela, voaloton’ny fandatsahan-dra ny atidohany
In a smokescreen state
– Amin’ny toetry ny setroka
Death, disease
– Fahafatesana, aretina
You feel a burning sensation
– Mahatsapa fahatsapana mirehitra ianao
Nothing remains
– Tsy misy sisa tavela
This city’s sick like disease and it can’t be cured
– Marary toy ny aretina ity tanàna ity ary tsy azo sitranina
Few that remained, their brain’s stained with the bloodshed
– Vitsy sisa no tavela, voaloton’ny fandatsahan-dra ny atidohany
In a smokescreen state
– Amin’ny toetry ny setroka
Death, disease
– Fahafatesana, aretina
You feel a burning sensation
– Mahatsapa fahatsapana mirehitra ianao
Can I look at one of these gas masks?
– Afaka mijery ny iray amin’ireo saron-tava entona ireo ve aho?
Sure, what do you wanna look at?
– Inona no tianao hojerena?