“Look, I was gonna go easy on you not to hurt your feelings”
– “Jereo, handeha mora aminao aho mba tsy handratra ny fihetseham-ponao”
“But I’m only going to get this one chance” (Six minutes—, six minutes—)
– “Fa izaho ihany no hahazo ity vintana iray ity” (enina minitra -, enina minitra -)
“Something’s wrong, I can feel it” (Six minutes, Slim Shady, you’re on!)
– “Misy zavatra tsy mety, tsapako izany” (enina minitra, Manjavozavo, eo ianao!)
“Just a feeling I’ve got, like something’s about to happen, but I don’t know what.
– “Fahatsapana fotsiny no ananako, toy ny zavatra hitranga, saingy tsy fantatro izay.
If that means what I think it means, we’re in trouble, big trouble;
– Raha midika izay heveriko fa midika izany, dia ao anaty olana isika, olana lehibe;
And if he is as bananas as you say, I’m not taking any chances”
– Ary raha akondro araka ny lazainao izy dia tsy manararaotra aho”
“You are just what the doc ordered”
– “Ianao no nandidian’ny dokotera”
I’m beginnin’ to feel like a Rap God, Rap God
– Manomboka mahatsapa Ho Toy Ny Andriamanitra Rap aho, Andriamanitra Rap
All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod
– Ny oloko rehetra manomboka eo aloha ka hatrany aoriana, miverina miverina
Now, who thinks their arms are long enough to slap box, slap box?
– Ankehitriny, iza no mihevitra fa lava ny sandriny mba hamelezana boaty, hamelezana boaty?
They said I rap like a robot, so call me Rap-bot
– Nilaza izy ireo fa manao rap toy ny robot aho, ka antsoy hoe rap-bot aho
But for me to rap like a computer it must be in my genes
– Fa ho ahy ny rap toy ny solosaina dia tsy maintsy ao amin’ny fototarazoko izany
I got a laptop in my back pocket
– Nahazo solosaina finday tao am paosiko aho
My pen’ll go off when I half-cock it
– Ny peniko dia hiala rehefa antsasaky ny akoho aho
Got a fat knot from that rap profit
– Nahazo fatotra matavy avy amin’io tombony rap io
Made a livin’ and a killin’ off it
– Nanao fivelomana sy famonoana azy
Ever since Bill Clinton was still in office
– Hatramin’ny Mbola teo Amin’ny toerany I Bill Clinton
With Monica Lewinsky feelin’ on his nutsack
– Miaraka Amin’i Monica Lewinsky mahatsapa amin’ny kitapo voanjo
I’m an MC still as honest
– MBOLA MC aho raha ny marina
But as rude and as indecent as all hell
– Fa tsy mahalala fomba sy tsy mendrika toy ny helo rehetra
Syllables, skill-a-holic (Kill ’em all with)
– Syllables, skill-a-holic (Vonoy daholo izy rehetra)
This flippity dippity-hippity hip-hop
– Ity hip-hop tsy misy dikany sy tsy misy dikany ity
You don’t really wanna get into a pissin’ match
– Tsy te hiditra amin’ny lalao pissin ianao
With this rappity brat, packin’ a MAC in the back of the Ac’
– Miaraka amin’ity rappity brat ity, packin’ A mac ao ambadiky ny Ac’
Backpack rap crap, yap-yap, yackety-yack
– Fitaovana fanaovana rap, yap-yap, yackety-yack
And at the exact same time, I attempt these lyrical acrobat stunts while I’m practicin’ that
– Ary amin’ny fotoana mitovy, manandrana ireo fihetsika akrobata lyrical ireo aho raha mbola manao izany
I’ll still be able to break a motherfuckin’ table
– Mbola ho afaka handrava latabatra ho an’ny reny aho
Over the back of a couple of faggots and crack it in half
– Eo an-damosin’ny faggots roa ary manorotoro azy amin’ny antsasaky
Only realized it was ironic, I was signed to Aftermath after the fact
– Tsapako fotsiny fa mampihomehy izany, nosoniavina Aho Taorian’ny Zava-misy
How could I not blow? All I do is drop F-bombs
– Ahoana no tsy hitsoka? Ny hany ataoko dia ny mandatsaka baomba F
Feel my wrath of attack
– Mahatsapa ny fahatezerako amin’ny fanafihana
Rappers are havin’ a rough time period, here’s a maxi pad
– Manana fe-potoana sarotra ny mpiangaly rap, ity misy pad maxi
It’s actually disastrously bad for the wack
– Tena ratsy ho an’ny wack izany
While I’m masterfully constructing this masterpièce
– Raha mbola manamboatra ity sangan’asa ity aho
‘Cause I’m beginnin’ to feel like a Rap God, Rap God
– Satria manomboka mahatsapa Ho Toy Ny Andriamanitra Rap aho, Andriamanitra Rap
All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod
– Ny oloko rehetra manomboka eo aloha ka hatrany aoriana, miverina miverina
Now, who thinks their arms are long enough to slap box, slap box?
– Ankehitriny, iza no mihevitra fa lava ny sandriny mba hamelezana boaty, hamelezana boaty?
Let me show you maintainin’ this shit ain’t that hard, that hard
– Avelao aho hampiseho aminao fa tsy dia mafy loatra ity zavatra ity, fa mafy
Everybody want the key and the secret to rap immortality like Ι have got
– Tian’ny rehetra ny fanalahidy sy ny tsiambaratelo ho an’ny rap tsy mety maty Tahaka Ny Nahazo
Well, to be truthful the blueprint’s
– Eny, mba ho marina ny drafitra
Simply rage and youthful exuberance
– Fahatezerana tsotra sy fientanam-po amin’ny fahatanorana
Everybody loves to root for a nuisance
– Tian’ny rehetra ny miorim paka amin’ny fanelingelenana
Hit the Earth like an asteroid
– Namely ny Tany toy ny asteroid
Did nothing but shoot for the Moon since (Pew!)
– Tsy nanao afa-tsy ny nitifitra Ny Volana nanomboka teo (Pew!)
MCs get taken to school with this music
– Ny mc dia entina any an tsekoly miaraka amin’ity mozika ity
‘Cause I use it as a vehicle to “bus the rhyme”
– ‘Satria ampiasaiko ho toy ny fiara mankany amin’ny “bus the rhyme”aho
Now I lead a new school full of students
– Ankehitriny dia mitarika sekoly vaovao feno mpianatra aho
Me? I’m a product of Rakim
– Izaho? Vokatry Ny Rakim aho
Lakim Shabazz, 2Pac, N.W.A, Cube, hey Doc, Ren
– Lakim Shabazz, 2Pac, N. W. A, Kibo, Hey Doc, Ren
Yella, Eazy, thank you, they got Slim
– Yella, Eazy, misaotra anao, Nanjary Mahia izy ireo
Inspired enough to one day grow up, blow up and be in a position
– Nahazo aingam-panahy ampy mba hitombo indray andro any, hitsoka ary ho eo amin’ny toerana iray
To meet Run–D.M.C., and induct them
– Hihaona Amin’ny Run-D. M. C., ary hampiditra azy ireo
Into the motherfuckin’ Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
– Ao amin’ny Lapan’ny Laza Momba Ny Rock and Roll ao motherfuckin
Even though I’ll walk in the church and burst in a ball of flames
– Na dia handeha ao am piangonana aza aho ary hipoaka amin’ny baolina mirehitra
Only Hall of Fame I’ll be inducted in is the alcohol of fame
– Ny alcohol of fame ihany no Ho Tafiditra ao amin’ny Hall of Fame
On the wall of shame
– Eo amin’ny rindrin’ny henatra
You fags think it’s all a game, ’til I walk a flock of flames
– Mihevitra ianao fa lalao daholo izany rehetra izany, ‘ mandra-pandehako andiana lelafo
Off a plank and, tell me what in the fuck are you thinkin’?
– Eny amin’ny solaitrabe ary, lazao amiko hoe inona no eritreretinao?
Little gay-lookin’ boy
– Zazalahy kely toa pelaka
So gay I can barely say it with a straight face, lookin’ boy (Ha-ha!)
– Noho izany dia zara raha afaka milaza izany amin’ny endrika mahitsy aho, mijery zazalahy (Ha-ha!)
You’re witnessin’ a mass-occur
– Manatri-maso ny lamesa ianao-mitranga
Like you’re watching a church gathering take place, lookin’ boy
– Toy ny hoe mijery fivoriana any am-piangonana ianao, jereo ny zazalahy
“Oy vey, that boy’s gay!”—that’s all they say, lookin’ boy
– “Oy vey, pelaka io zazalahy io!”izany ihany no lazain’izy ireo, ry zalahy
You get a thumbs up, pat on the back
– Mahazo ankihibe ianao, mikapoka ny lamosina
And a “way to go” from your label every day, lookin’ boy
– Ary ny” lalana tokony haleha “avy amin’ny marika isan’andro, lookin’ boy
Hey, lookin’ boy! What you say, lookin’ boy?
– Hey, jereo ny zazalahy! Inona no lazainao, ry zalahy?
I get a “hell yeah” from Dre, lookin’ boy
– Mahazo”hell yeah” avy Amin’i Dre aho, zazalahy mijery
I’ma work for everything I have, never asked nobody for shit
– Miasa amin’ny zavatra rehetra ananako aho, tsy nangataka na iza na iza mihitsy
Get outta my face, lookin’ boy!
– Mivoaha amin’ny tavako, jereo ny zazalahy!
Basically, boy, you’re never gonna be capable
– Amin’ny ankapobeny, ry zalahy, tsy ho afaka mihitsy ianao
Of keepin’ up with the same pace, lookin’ boy, ’cause—
– Ny fanarahana ny hafainganam-pandeha mitovy, mijery ny ‘zazalahy’, satria—
I’m beginnin’ to feel like a Rap God, Rap God
– Manomboka mahatsapa Ho Toy Ny Andriamanitra Rap aho, Andriamanitra Rap
All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod
– Ny oloko rehetra manomboka eo aloha ka hatrany aoriana, miverina miverina
The way I’m racin’ around the track, call me NASCAR, NASCAR
– Ny fomba fihazakazahako manodidina ny lalana, antsoy AHO NASCAR, NASCAR
Dale Earnhardt of the trailer park, the White Trash God
– Dale Earnhardt avy ao amin’ny toeram-piantsonan’ny tranofiara, Ilay Andriamanitry Ny Fako Fotsy
Kneel before General Zod
– Mandohalika eo Anatrehan’ny Jeneraly Zod
This planet’s Krypton—no, Asgard, Asgard
– Krypton—tsia, Asgard, Asgard ity planeta ity
So you’ll be Thor and I’ll be Odin
– Ka Ianao No Ho Thor ary Izaho No Ho Odin
You rodent, I’m omnipotent
– Ry biby mpanefy, mahery indrindra aho
Let off, then I’m reloadin’
– Avelao, dia averiko indray’
Immediately with these bombs I’m totin’
– Avy hatrany miaraka amin’ireo baomba ireo aho totin’
And I should not be woken
– Ary tsy tokony hifoha aho
I’m the walkin’ dead, but I’m just a talkin’ head, a zombie floatin’
– Izaho no walkin’ dead, fa izaho kosa dia talkin’ head, zombie floatin’
But I got your mom deep-throatin’
– Saingy nahazo ny reninao lalina aho’
I’m out my Ramen Noodle
– Mivoaka Ny Paty Ramen-ko aho
We have nothin’ in common, poodle
– Tsy manana zavatra iraisana isika, poodle
I’m a Doberman, pinch yourself in the arm and pay homage, pupil
– Doberman aho, manindrona ny sandrinao ary manome voninahitra, mpianatra
It’s me, my honesty’s brutal
– Izaho izany, ny fahamarinako dia mahery setra
But it’s honestly futile if I don’t utilize what I do though
– Saingy tsy misy dikany izany raha tsy mampiasa izay ataoko aho
For good at least once in a while
– Ho an’ny tsara farafaharatsiny indray mandeha
So I wanna make sure somewhere in this chicken scratch I scribble and doodle enough rhymes
– Noho izany dia tiako ho azo antoka fa any amin’ny toerana iray amin’ity akoho ity aho dia manoratra sy manao doodle ampy rima
To maybe try to help get some people through tough times
– Angamba manandrana manampy ny olona sasany amin’ny fotoan-tsarotra
But I gotta keep a few punchlines
– Saingy tsy maintsy mitazona tsipika vitsivitsy aho
Just in case ’cause even you unsigned
– Raha sanatria ‘ satria na ianao aza tsy nanao sonia
Rappers are hungry lookin’ at me like it’s lunchtime
– Noana ireo mpiangaly rap mijery ahy toy ny amin’ny sakafo antoandro
I know there was a time where once I
– Fantatro fa nisy fotoana izay indray mandeha aho
Was king of the underground
– Mpanjakan’ny ambanin’ny tany
But I still rap like I’m on my Pharoahe Monch grind
– Saingy mbola manao rap toy ny hoe ao amin’ny pharoahe Monch grind aho
So I crunch rhymes, but sometimes when you combine
– Noho izany dia mametaka rima aho, fa indraindray rehefa mitambatra ianao
Appeal with the skin color of mine
– Antso miaraka amin’ny lokon’ny hoditro
You get too big and here they come tryin’
– Lasa lehibe loatra ianao ary eto izy ireo dia manandrana
To censor you like that one line
– Mba hanivana anao toy izany andalana iray
I said on “I’m Back” from The Mathers LP 1 when I
– Hoy aho tao amin’ny” I’m Back ” avy Amin’ny Mathers lp 1 rehefa
Tried to say I’ll take seven kids from Columbine
– Niezaka ny hiteny hoe haka ankizy fito avy Any Columbine aho
Put ’em all in a line, add an AK-47, a revolver and a 9
– Ataovy anaty tsipika daholo izy rehetra, ampio ak-47, revolver ary 9
See if I get away with it now that I ain’t as big as I was, but I’m
– Mahita aho raha toa ka afa-maina izany ankehitriny fa izaho dia tsy toy ny lehibe tahaka ny aho, nefa aho
Morphin’ into an immortal, comin’ through the portal
– Morphin’ ho tsy mety maty, comin’ ny alalan ‘ ny vavahadin
You’re stuck in a time warp from 2004 though
– Na izany aza, voafandrika ao anatin’ny fiovan’ny fotoana ianao nanomboka tamin’ny 2004
And I don’t know what the fuck that you rhyme for
– Ary tsy fantatro hoe inona ny fuck fa poezia noho ny
You’re pointless as Rapunzel with fuckin’ cornrows
– Ianao tsy misy dikany toy ny amin’ny Sahona izay fatinà’ cornrows
You write normal? Fuck being normal!
– Manoratra ara-dalàna? Fuck ho ara-dalàna!
And I just bought a new raygun from the future
– Ary vao avy nividy raygun vaovao avy amin’ny ho avy aho
Just to come and shoot ya, like when Fabolous made Ray J mad
– Ho avy fotsiny ary hitifitra anao, toy ny rehefa nanao An’i Ray j ho adala I Fabolous
‘Cause Fab said he looked like a fag at Mayweather’s pad
– ‘Satria nilaza I fab fa toy ny fag ao Amin’ny Mayweather’s pad izy
Singin’ to a man while he played piano
– Mihira ho an’ny lehilahy iray raha mbola nilalao piano izy
Man, oh man, that was a 24/7 special on the cable channel
– Man, oh man, izay 24/7 manokana tao amin’ny fantsona tariby
So Ray J went straight to the radio station
– Ka Nandeha mivantana tany Amin’ny onjam peo I Ray J
The very next day, “Hey Fab, I’ma kill you!”
– Ny ampitson’io, ” Hey Fab, hovonoiko ianao!”
Lyrics comin’ at you at supersonic speed (J.J. Fad)
– Ny tononkira dia tonga aminao amin’ny hafainganam-pandeha supersonika (J. J. Fad)
Uh, summa-lumma, dooma-lumma, you assumin’ I’m a human
– Uh, summa-lumma, dooma-lumma, mihevitra ianao fa olombelona aho
What I gotta do to get it through to you? I’m superhuman
– Inona no tsy maintsy ataoko mba hampita izany aminao? Mahery noho ny olombelona aho
Innovative and I’m made of rubber so that anything you say is ricochetin’ off of me and it’ll glue to you and
– Zava-baovao ary vita amin’ny fingotra aho ka izay rehetra lazainao dia ricochetin’ avy amiko ary hametahana anao sy
I’m devastating, more than ever demonstrating
– Mandravarava aho, mihoatra noho ny hatramin’izay
How to give a motherfuckin’ audience a feeling like it’s levitating
– Ahoana ny fomba hanomezana fahatsapana ho toy ny mitsingevana ny mpihaino motherfuckin
Never fading, and I know the haters are forever waiting
– Tsy ho levona mihitsy, ary fantatro fa miandry mandrakizay ireo mpankahala
For the day that they can say I fell off, they’ll be celebrating
– Ho an’ny andro ahafahan’izy ireo milaza fa nianjera aho, hankalaza izy ireo
‘Cause I know the way to get ’em motivated
– ‘Satria fantatro ny fomba hanentanana azy ireo
I make elevating music, you make elevator music
– Manao mozika manandratra aho, manao mozika ascenseur ianao
“Oh, he’s too mainstream.”
– “Oh, mahazatra loatra izy.”
Well, that’s what they do when they get jealous, they confuse it
– Eny, izany no ataon’izy ireo rehefa saro-piaro izy ireo, dia afangaro izany
“It’s not hip-hop, it’s pop,”—’cause I found a hella way to fuse it
– “Tsy hip-hop izany, fa pop,” – ‘ satria nahita fomba hella aho hanambatra azy
With rock, shock rap with Doc
– Miaraka amin’ny rock, shock rap miaraka Amin’i Doc
Throw on “Lose Yourself” and make ’em lose it
– Atsipazo ny “Lose Yourself” ary ataovy very izany
“I don’t know how to make songs like that
– “Tsy haiko ny manao hira toy izany
I don’t know what words to use.”
– Tsy fantatro izay teny hampiasaina.”
Let me know when it occurs to you
– Ampahafantaro ahy rehefa mitranga aminao izany
While I’m rippin’ any one of these verses that versus you
– Raha mbola manorotoro ny iray amin’ireo andininy ireo aho izay mifanohitra aminao
It’s curtains, I’m inadvertently hurtin’ you
– Ny ambainy, tsy nahy aho fa nandratra anao
How many verses I gotta murder to
– Firy ny andininy tsy maintsy vonoiko
Prove that if you were half as nice, your songs you could sacrifice virgins too?!
– Porofoy fa raha antsasaky ny tsara ianao dia afaka manao sorona virjiny koa ny hiranao?!
Ugh, school flunky, pill junkie
– Ghh, tsy misy dikany ny sekoly, tsy misy dikany ny pilina
But look at the accolades these skills brung me
– Fa jereo ny fiderana ireo fahaiza manao ireo no nitondra ahy
Full of myself, but still hungry
– Feno ny tenako, nefa mbola noana
I bully myself ’cause I make me do what I put my mind to
– Manorisory ny tenako aho satria ataoko izay ataoko ao an-tsaiko
And I’m a million leagues above you
– Ary ligy iray tapitrisa eo amboninao aho
Ill when I speak in tongues, but it’s still tongue-in-cheek, fuck you
– Marary rehefa miteny amin’ny lela aho, nefa mbola lela-in-cheek, fuck you
I’m drunk, so, Satan, take the fucking wheel
– Mamo aho, Noho Izany, Satana, raiso ny kodiarana
I’ma sleep in the front seat
– Matory eo amin’ny seza aloha aho
Bumpin’ Heavy D and the Boyz, still “Chunky but Funky”
– Bumpin ‘Heavy D sy Ny Boyz, mbola”Chunky fa Funky”
But in my head there’s something I can feel tugging and struggling
– Saingy ao an dohako dia misy zavatra tsapako fa misintona sy miady mafy
Angels fight with devils and here’s what they want from me
– Miady amin’ny devoly ny anjely ary izao no tadiaviny amiko
They’re askin’ me to eliminate some of the women hate
– Mangataka ahy izy ireo mba hanafoana ny fankahalana vehivavy sasany
But if you take into consideration the bitter hatred
– Fa raha mandinika ny fankahalana mangidy ianao
I have, then you may be a little patient
– Manana aho, dia mety ho manam-paharetana kely ianao
And more sympathetic to the situation
– Ary mangoraka kokoa ny toe-javatra
And understand the discrimination
– Ary fantaro ny fanavakavahana
But fuck it, life’s handin’ you lemons? Make lemonade then!
– Fa fuck izany, ny fiainana handin ‘ ianao voasarimakirana? Manaova voasarimakirana avy eo!
But if I can’t batter the women
– Fa raha tsy afaka mamely ny vehivavy aho
How the fuck am I supposed to bake ’em a cake then?
– Ahoana no tokony hanendasako azy ireo mofomamy?
Don’t mistake him for Satan
– Aza diso hevitra amin’i Satana izy
It’s a fatal mistake if you think I need to be overseas and take a vacation
– Fahadisoana mahafaty izany raha mieritreritra ianao fa mila any ampitan dranomasina aho ary miala sasatra
To trip a broad, and make her fall on her face and
– Mba hivezivezy malalaka, ary hahatonga azy hianjera amin’ny tavany sy
Don’t be a retard—be a king? Think not
– Aza mihemotra-aoka ho mpanjaka? Aza mieritreritra
Why be a king when you can be a god?
– Nahoana no ho mpanjaka ianao raha afaka ny ho andriamanitra?