Halsey – Life of the Spider (Draft) Malagasy Tononkira & Malagasy Ny fandikan-teny



It’s four in the morning and I’m layin’ with my head against the toilet seat
– Efatra maraina izao ary mandry amin’ny lohako amin’ny seza fidiovana aho
For several days now I’ve been livin’ here, too tired to sleep, too sick to eat
– Efa andro maromaro izao no nipetrahako teto, reraka loatra ka tsy afaka natory, marary loatra ka tsy afaka nihinana
I feel like a monster and it doesn’t help that you will treat me like I’ve got the venom in my teeth
– Mahatsiaro ho toy ny biby goavam be aho ary tsy manampy ny hitondranao ahy toy ny hoe manana poizina ao amin’ny nifiko aho

‘Cause I’m the spider in your bathroom
– Satria izaho no hala ao amin’ny efitranonao
I’m the shadow on the tile
– Izaho no aloky ny taila
I came for shelter from the cold
– Tonga nialokaloka tamin’ny hatsiaka aho
And I’d thought I’d stay a while
– Ary nieritreritra aho fa hijanona elaela
I’m only small, I’m only weak
– Kely fotsiny aho, malemy ihany
And you jump at the sight of me
– Ary mitsambikina eo imasoko ianao
You’ll kill me when I least expect it
– Hovonoinao aho rehefa tsy ampoiziko
God, how could I even think of daring to exist?
– Andriamanitra ô, ahoana no ahafahako mieritreritra ny ho sahy hiaina?
Looking just like this, I’m hideous
– Toa izao, mahatsiravina aho

I’m nothing but legs, they used to say
– Tsy inona aho fa tongotra, hoy izy ireo taloha
I’m nothing but skin and bones these days
– Tsy inona aho fa ny hoditra sy ny taolana amin’izao andro izao
You dangle me high over the drain and tell me I’m lucky you don’t drop me there and
– Manantona ahy ambony amin’ny tatatra ianao ary milaza amiko fa tsara vintana aho tsy mandatsaka ahy any ianao ary
Let me wash away
– Avelao aho hisasa
Or put me on display
– Na asehoy ahy
By trapping me forever between a glass and a dinner plate
– Amin’ny fandrika ahy mandrakizay eo anelanelan’ny vera sy lovia fisakafoanana

‘Cause I’m the spider in your kitchen weaving webs through every year
– Satria izaho no hala ao an-dakozia manenona harato isan-taona
And I worked real hard on the last one but the last one got me here
– Ary tena niasa mafy tamin’ny farany aho fa ny farany kosa nahazo ahy teto
I’m minding my own business but my presence makes you curse
– Mieritreritra ny raharahako manokana aho fa ny fanatrehako no mahatonga anao ho voaozona
I should be getting better but I’m only getting worse
– Tokony hihatsara aho fa vao mainka miharatsy
And, God, how dare I even think of choosing here to die?
– Ary, Andriamanitra Ô,ahoana no ahasahiako mieritreritra ny hisafidy eto ho faty?
‘Cause then I’m just a problem that you have to take outside
– ‘Satria olana tsy maintsy entinao any ivelany fotsiny aho
And I know you hate the sight of me, I haunt you when you’re fast asleep
– Ary fantatro fa halanao ny fahitana ahy, manenjika anao aho rehefa matory haingana ianao
I’ve got eight legs, a million eyes, if only I had eight more lives
– Manana tongotra valo aho, maso iray tapitrisa, raha mba nanana fiainana valo hafa aho
‘Cause I’m a spider on the ceiling and you’re nothing but a guy
– ‘Satria hala eo amin’ny valindrihana aho ary tsy misy afa-tsy lehilahy ianao
You don’t like it when I cry, you would break me if you tried
– Tsy tianao izany rehefa mitomany aho dia hotapahinao aho raha manandrana ianao
And you will because I dared to be alive
– Ary ianao dia satria sahy velona aho




