Jack Harlow – Just Us Malagasy Tononkira & Malagasy Ny fandikan-teny



I wish it was just us in this bitch
– Enga anie ka izahay irery no tao anatin’ity vehivavy janga ity
But they can’t trust us in this bitch
– Saingy tsy afaka matoky antsika amin’ity bitch ity izy ireo
‘Cause I’m tryna bust nuts in this, huh
– Satria izaho no tryna bust nuts amin’ity, huh
Let’s keep it
– Andao hotehirizina izany
On a hush-hush in this bitch
– Amin’ny hush-hush amin’ity bitch ity
I told her she’s so pretty
– Nolazaiko azy fa tena tsara tarehy izy
And she just blushed in this bitch
– Ary menatra fotsiny izy tamin’ity bitch ity
She clutch-clutchin’ my—, huh
– Izy no mihazona ny ahy, huh
I’m adjusting my—, huh
– Manitsy ny ahy aho -, huh
She husky like mush-mush in this bitch
– Izy husky toy ny mush-mush amin’ity bitch ity
You must be nuts rushing this
– Tsy maintsy ho voanjo ianao mihazakazaka ity
Slow it down like macaroni
– Miadana toy ny macaroni
I know it sounds like Zack and Cody
– Fantatro fa Toa An’i Zack sy Cody izany
This life’s sweet, I mean highkey
– Mamy ity fiainana ity, ny tiako holazaina dia highkey

And you might be
– Ary mety ho ianao
Something that isn’t quite but slightly
– Zavatra tsy dia kely loatra
Resembles wifey, I’ma need this nightly
– Toa an’i wifey, mila an’ity alina ity aho
You say you know all about Pisces
– Lazainao fa fantatrao daholo Ny Momba Ny Pisces
I disagree but call it out nicely
– Tsy mitovy hevitra aho fa miantso azy tsara
I’m all on you, faling out my seat
– Eo aminao daholo aho, miala amin’ny sezako

I wish it was just us in this bitch
– Enga anie ka izahay irery no tao anatin’ity vehivavy janga ity
But they can’t trust us in this bitch
– Saingy tsy afaka matoky antsika amin’ity bitch ity izy ireo
‘Cause I’m tryna bust nuts in this, huh
– Satria izaho no tryna bust nuts amin’ity, huh
Let’s keep it
– Andao hotehirizina izany
On a hush-hush in this bitch
– Amin’ny hush-hush amin’ity bitch ity
I told her she’s so pretty
– Nolazaiko azy fa tena tsara tarehy izy
And she just blushed in this bitch
– Ary menatra fotsiny izy tamin’ity bitch ity
She clutch-clutchin’ my—, huh
– Izy no mihazona ny ahy, huh
I’m adjusting my—, huh
– Manitsy ny ahy aho -, huh
She husky like mush-mush in this bitch
– Izy husky toy ny mush-mush amin’ity bitch ity
You must be nuts rushing this
– Tsy maintsy ho voanjo ianao mihazakazaka ity
Slow it down like macaroni
– Miadana toy ny macaroni
I know it sounds like Zack and Cody
– Fantatro fa Toa An’i Zack sy Cody izany
This life’s sweet, I mean highkey
– Mamy ity fiainana ity, ny tiako holazaina dia highkey

– Eny
Two hands on my ‘fro, starin’ into my soul
– Tanana roa eo amin’ny ‘fro, starin’ ao amin’ny fanahiko
Leg up on that chair, hand on that arm, tongue in that throat
– Tongotra eo amin’io seza io, tanana eo amin’io sandry io, lela ao amin’io tenda io
I don’t play with my pen, leave it on a good note
– Tsy milalao amin’ny peniko aho, avelao amin’ny naoty tsara
Keep you all on your toes, leave the TV off for this show
– Ataovy eo amin’ny rantsan-tongotrao daholo ianareo, avelao ny FAHITALAVITRA amin’ity seho ity
You a softy, marshmallows and black coffee
– Ianao dia malefaka, marshmallow ary kafe mainty
My mouth cold from this blue frosty
– Mangatsiaka ny vavako avy amin’ity frosty manga ity
My back blown ’cause you blew it off me, like, uh
– Ny lamosiko nitsoka ‘ satria nitsoka ahy ianao, toy ny, uh
You want me or what?
– Tianao aho sa inona?
Prove that with yo’—, huh
– Porofoy izany amin’ny yo— -, huh
Spend sum’ for this, huh?
– Mandany vola amin’izany, huh?
Who said that ain’t love?
– Iza no nilaza fa tsy fitiavana izany?
And this bass hittin’ real backhanded
– Ary ity bass ity dia mamely ny tena backhanded
Insatiable, I’m like Pac-Man
– Tsy afa-po, tahaka An’i Pac-Man aho
We go back further than backgammon
– Miverina lavitra noho ny backgammon isika
Hey, Jackman, I mean, Jack Rabbit
– Hey, Jackman, Ny tiako holazaina, Jack Rabbit
I’m runnin’ while I look back at it
– Mihazakazaka aho raha mijery azy io
Fans really some fanatics
– Mpankafy tena mpankafy sasany
They cooked, kinda like crack addicts
– Nahandro izy ireo, toy ny mpidoroka crack
We cookin’ shit up like black magic
– Mahandro zavatra toy ny majika mainty izahay
Backs to ’em, paper talk, spoke fax to ’em
– Miverina amin’izy ireo, miresaka amin’ny taratasy, miresaka amin’ny fax amin’izy ireo
Makeup on for these pop features
– Makiazy ho an’ireo endri-javatra pop ireo
I’m throwin’ ass to some bad music
– Manao mozika ratsy aho
Yeah, I’m that stupid, like, duh
– Eny, adala aho, toy ny, duh
You mad cute, I wan’ fuck
– Tena mahafatifaty ianao, te-ho faty aho
Don’t ice box me, let’s touch
– Aza asiana boaty ranomandry aho, andao hikasika

I wish it was just us in this bitch
– Enga anie ka izahay irery no tao anatin’ity vehivavy janga ity
But they can’t trust us in this bitch
– Saingy tsy afaka matoky antsika amin’ity bitch ity izy ireo
‘Cause I’m tryna bust nuts in this, huh
– Satria izaho no tryna bust nuts amin’ity, huh
Let’s keep it
– Andao hotehirizina izany
On a hush-hush in this bitch
– Amin’ny hush-hush amin’ity bitch ity
I told her she’s so pretty
– Nolazaiko azy fa tena tsara tarehy izy
And she just blushed in this bitch
– Ary menatra fotsiny izy tamin’ity bitch ity
She clutch-clutchin’ my—, huh (My huh)
– Izy no mihazona ny ahy, huh (ny huh)
I’m adjusting my—, huh (Huh)
– Manitsy ny ahy aho -, huh (Huh)
She husky like mush-mush in this bitch
– Izy husky toy ny mush-mush amin’ity bitch ity
You must be nuts rushing this
– Tsy maintsy ho voanjo ianao mihazakazaka ity

We can just be friends like Musiq Soulchild
– Afaka ny ho mpinamana fotsiny isika Toa An’i Musiq Soulchild
And Bobby Valentino, you can slow it down
– Ary Bobby Valentino, azonao atao ny mampiadana azy
We got all these Temptations like the group from Motown
– Nahazo Ireo Fakam Panahy rehetra ireo izahay toy ny vondrona Avy Amin’ny Motown
And I’m player like the crew that came up through my hometown
– Ary mpilalao tahaka ny ekipa izay niakatra tao an tanànako aho

Jack Harlow



