Mr. Klein, Cash
– Andriamatoa Klein, Vola
– Fiheverana
We want peace, they want war (Du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
– Tianay ny fandriampahalemana ,tian’izy ireo ny ady (du-du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
Rich stay rich, poor stay poor (Du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
– Manan-karena ny mpanankarena, mahantra ny mahantra (du-du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
We want peace, they want war (Du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
– Tianay ny fandriampahalemana ,tian’izy ireo ny ady (du-du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
Rich stay rich, poor stay poor (Du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
– Manan-karena ny mpanankarena, mahantra ny mahantra (du-du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
I want to fly to Kyiv and go to Moscow (Du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
– Te-hanidina Any Kyiv aho ary handeha Any Moskoa (Du-du-du-du-du-ru-du-Du)
I wanna vote Kamala and also vote Trump (Du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
– Te hifidy An’i Kamala aho ary hifidy An’i Trump (Du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)ihany koa
I wanna be sober and I wanna take a bump (Du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
– Te ho mahonon-tena aho ary te-hidona (Du-du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
I wanna take the piss, but I gotta take a dump (Du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
– Te-haka ny piss aho, saingy tsy maintsy maka toerana fanariam-pako (du-du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
(Yes, fuck off, fuck off, yes)
– (Eny, miala, miala, eny)
Fuck the EBU, I don’t want to go to court
– Fuck ny EBU, tsy te-handeha amin’ny fitsarana aho
The less get less and the more get more
– Ny kely kokoa dia mihena ary vao mainka mahazo bebe kokoa
But fuck that shit, I just want to hardcore
– Fa fuck izany shit, te-hardcore fotsiny aho
I wanna buy a Samsung in the Apple Store
– Te hividy Samsung ao amin’ny Apple Store aho.
I’m not a good rapper, that’s the reason that I sing (Yeah)
– Tsy mpiangaly rap tsara aho, izany no antony hiraiko (Eny)
I’m not a good singer, that’s the reason that I rap (Yeah)
– Tsy mpihira mahay aho, izany no antony anaovako rap (Eny)
I used to love McDonald’s, but I’m never going back
– Tiako Ny Mcdonald’s taloha, saingy tsy hiverina intsony aho
I know that I’m white, but I wish that I was—
– Fantatro fa fotsy aho, saingy maniry aho fa—
And do you ever think that the world would be so safe
– Ary mieritreritra ve ianao fa ho voaro tokoa izao tontolo izao?
That the people never die and nobody got AIDS
– Fa tsy maty mihitsy ny olona ary TSY nisy NAHAZO SIDA
I wanna smoke a cigarette, but also hit a vape
– Te hifoka sigara aho, nefa koa mamely vape
I like to keep it straight, but I also like it gay
– Tiako ny mitazona azy mahitsy, fa tiako koa ny pelaka
I want to fly to Kyiv and go to Moscow (Du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
– Te-hanidina Any Kyiv aho ary handeha Any Moskoa (Du-du-du-du-du-ru-du-Du)
I wanna vote Kamala and also vote Trump (Du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
– Te hifidy An’i Kamala aho ary hifidy An’i Trump (Du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)ihany koa
I wanna be sober and I wanna take a bump (Du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
– Te ho mahonon-tena aho ary te-hidona (Du-du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
I wanna take the piss, but I gotta take a dump (Du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
– Te-haka ny piss aho, saingy tsy maintsy maka toerana fanariam-pako (du-du-du-du-du-ru-du-du)
When I wake up in the morning, I wanna sleep
– Rehefa mifoha maraina aho dia te hatory
The people need the money — economy
– Mila vola ny vahoaka-toekarena
Joost Klein, Tommy — that’s unity
– Joost Klein,Tommy izany no firaisan-kina
This song is so funny, it’s not that deep
– Tena mampihomehy ity hira ity, tsy dia lalina loatra.