Damn, baby
– Ry zazakely
I like it
– Tiako izany
– Tsy misy dikany
– Hmm
Hey now, say now, I’m all about my Yen
– Hey izao, lazao izao, momba ny Yen-ko daholo aho
Big face Buddha, get my peace from within
– Bouddha tarehy lehibe, alao ny fiadanako avy ao anaty
Send the kites to all my dirties in the pen
– Alefaso any amin’ny loto rehetra ao anaty penina ny papango
Let the honorary walk for the win, for the win
– Avelao ny voninahitra handeha ho amin’ny fandresena, ho amin’ny fandresena
You crash out, then you better break the backboard
– Mianjera ianao, dia tsara kokoa ny manapaka ny backboard
I got friends, hopin’ that they make the tabloids
– Manana namana aho, manantena fa hanao ny gazety an-gazety izy ireo
You know the last one figured he was Magneto
– Fantatrao fa Ny farany dia Nihevitra Fa Magneto izy
You play God, you gon’ get what you ask for
– Milalao An’andriamanitra ianao, hahazo izay angatahinao
We got the same twenty-four, what you mad for?
– Nahazo efatra amby roapolo mitovy izahay, inona no mahatezitra anao?
I put a square on his back like I’m Jack Dorsey
– Nametraka kianja teo an damosiny aho Toa An’i Jack Dorsey
It’s high beams if I make a public appearance
– Beams avo izany raha miseho imasom bahoaka aho
Go back to hidin’ ’cause I’m not too friendly with niggas
– Hiverina any amin’ny hidin ” satria tsy dia sariaka loatra amin’ny niggas aho
One one thousand, two one thousand, four
– Iray arivo, roa arivo, efatra
The Black know I just strangled me a goat
– Fantatry Ny Mainty fa nofatorakoat fotsiny aho
I walked in with a therapeutic flow
– Niditra niaraka tamin’ny fikorianan’ny fitsaboana aho
Put a few hundred up, let ’em go, let ’em go
– Asio zato vitsivitsy, avelao izy ireo handeha, avelao izy ireo handeha
Hey now, say now
– Hey izao, lazao izao
Hey now, say now
– Hey izao, lazao izao
Hey now, say now
– Hey izao, lazao izao
Hmm, hey now, say now
– Hmm, hey izao, lazao izao
Hey now, say now, I’m all about my Yen
– Hey izao, lazao izao, momba ny Yen-ko daholo aho
Big face Buddha, get my peace from within
– Bouddha tarehy lehibe, alao ny fiadanako avy ao anaty
Send the kites to all my dirties in the pen
– Alefaso any amin’ny loto rehetra ao anaty penina ny papango
Let the honorary walk for the win, for the win
– Avelao ny voninahitra handeha ho amin’ny fandresena, ho amin’ny fandresena
Hey now, say now
– Hey izao, lazao izao
Hey now, say now
– Hey izao, lazao izao
Hey now, say now
– Hey izao, lazao izao
Hey now, say now
– Hey izao, lazao izao
Hey now, say now, I done slid on they backstreet
– Hey izao, lazao izao, nanao sliding teo amin’ny backstreet aho
Heavy on the Parmesan, every day tax season
– Mavesatra Amin’ny Parmesan, vanim-potoana hetra isan’andro
What the fuck you wearin’? Bro, it’s tacky
– Inona no akanjo anaovanao? Ry rahalahy, tsy misy dikany izany
Niggas layin’ on they death bed tryna match me
– Niggas nandry teo am-pandriana fahafatesana tryna match me
Oh my God, I’m ’bout to do the fool
– Andriamanitra ô ,tsy maintsy manao ny adala aho
They be screamin’ out P, but they resume is boof
– Miantsoantso Izy Ireo P, Fa ny resume kosa dia boof
Switch both lanes, the engine sound like the zoo
– Ampifamadiho ny lalana roa, ny motera dia toa ny zoo
Need a fee just to breathe, bitch, I can’t talk to you
– Mila sarany fotsiny ny miaina, bitch, tsy afaka miresaka aminao aho
It’s the Ben Frank murderer
– Ilay Ben Frank mpamono olona
Mister, I ain’t heard of ya
– Andriamatoa, tsy reko ny momba anao
Gulf streams, back to back, flyin’ through the turbulence
– Ny renirano ao amin’ny helodrano, miverina miverina, manidina amin’ny alalan’ny fikorontanana
Who is he? Free lunch, hmm, Kraft Services
– Iza izy? Sakafo atoandro maimaim-poana, Hmm, Serivisy Kraft
Throw your ass out this rental if I smell nervousness
– Atsipazo ny borikinao ity fanofana ity raha maimbo aho
Hey now, say now, let me pop my shit
– Hey izao, lazao izao, avelao aho hanapoaka ny diko
Water down my wrist, I’m around my bitch
– Manondraka ny hatotanako, manodidina ny bitch-ko aho
It’s a green light, don’t get out of bounds, I’ma blitz
– Jiro maitso io, aza miala amin’ny fetra, i’ma blitz
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no, it’s all blue strips
– Vorona io, fiaramanidina io, tsia, tsipika manga daholo
Nigga, what?
– Nigga, inona?
Hey now, say now
– Hey izao, lazao izao
Hey now, say now
– Hey izao, lazao izao
Hey now, say now
– Hey izao, lazao izao
Hmm, hey now, say now
– Hmm, hey izao, lazao izao
I’m way too important
– Tena zava dehibe loatra aho
I’m way too important
– Tena zava dehibe loatra aho
I’m way too important to ever let you slide on me again
– Tena zava dehibe loatra aho ka tsy hamela anao hivezivezy amiko intsony
Startin’ to see spaceships on Rosecrans (Startin’ to see spaceships on Rosecrans)
– Manomboka mahita sambon-danitra Amin’ny Rosecrans (Manomboka mahita sambon-danitra Amin’ny Rosecrans)
I seen the aliens hold hands (I seen the aliens hold hands)
– Hitako ny vahiny mihazona tanana (hitako ny vahiny mihazona tanana)
They wanna see me do my dance (They wanna see me do my dance)
– Te hahita ahy hanao ny dihiko izy ireo (Te hahita ahy hanao ny dihiko)
I let ’em watch me do my dance
– Avelao izy ireo hijery ahy manao ny dihiko
Who the fuck I feel like? I feel like Joker
– Iza no tadiaviko? Mahatsiaro Ho Toy Ny Joker aho
Harley Quinn, I’m in the cut with a blower
– Harley Quinn, ao anatin’ny fanapahana miaraka amin’ny blower aho
Ayy, shit get spooky, every day in October
– Ayy, shit get spooky, isan’andro amin’ny volana oktobra
My torpedo even jumped out on smokers, J-Cat
– Nitsambikina tamin’ny mpifoka sigara mihitsy aza ny torpedo-ko, J-Cat
Ayy, we mean muggin’ niggas, Dody too important
– Ayy, ny tiana holazaina dia muggin’ niggas, dody manan-danja loatra
If they talkin’ ’bout playin’ ball, me and my team gon’ get to scorin’
– Raha miresaka’ bout playin ‘ball izy ireo, izaho sy ny ekipako dia’ ho lasa scorin’
If they talkin’ ’bout playin’ ball, they can take it up with Jordan
– Raha miresaka’ bout playin ‘ ball izy ireo dia afaka mandray izany Miaraka Amin’i Jordania
It’s bald heads and the heckling for all endorsements
– Ny loha volo sy ny fanelingelenana ho an’ny fanohanana rehetra
Eenie, meenie, miny, moe, I’m tryna tag a nigga toe
– Eenie, meenie, miny, moe, tryna aho dia manisy marika ny rantsan-tongotr’i nigga
I’m aggressive on the beat and real life, niggas know
– Mahery setra amin’ny gadona sy ny tena fiainana aho, fantatry ny niggas
Ayy, I tatted up my body, it depend, level four
– Ayy, nasiako tatoazy ny vatako, miankina izany, ambaratonga fahefatra
Ayy, I sharpened up a knife and came home to a blow
– Ayy, nanenjana antsy aho ary nody nitsoka
My bitch gon’ get to tweakin’ like she playin’ with her nose
– Ny bitch-ko dia’mifanaraka ‘ tahaka ny filalaovany amin’ny orony
Lil’ brodie ’bout to crash, man, y’all niggas be on go
– Lil ‘brodie’ miady mba hianjera, ry lehilahy, ry mainty hoditra rehetra mandehana
I’m a different type of trophy, baby girl, I’m rose gold
– Karazana amboara hafa aho, zazavavy kely, volamena raozy aho
Me and Dot get to slidin’, put ’em in a choke hold
– Izaho sy i dot dia afaka mihetsika, mametraka azy ireo ao anaty fitoeran-javatra
Bitches actin’ like some niggas, niggas actin’ like some hoes
– Manao toy ny niggas ny Bitches, manao toy ny hoes ny niggas
Ayy, I jumped out that pan, then I jumped up in a Ghost
– Ayy, nitsambikina avy tao anaty vilany aho, avy eo nitsambikina Tao Anaty Matoatoa
I’m the hush type of nigga, see my face, then he froze
– Izaho no karazana nigga mangina, jereo ny tavako, dia nivaingana izy
All that shit he was talkin’, found out he not that bold
– Izay zavatra rehetra noresahiny, dia fantany fa tsy dia sahy loatra izy
Okay, this shit like forty, that’s a dub, okay, let’s add it up
– Okay, ity zavatra toy ny efapolo ity, dub izany, okay, andao ampiana
Baby ass fat, can you do it? Can you back it up?
– Tavy boriky zaza, azonao atao ve izany? Afaka mamerina izany ve ianao?
Kickflip a nigga, I got Tech Decks
– Kickflip a nigga, nahazo Ny Tokotanin’ny Teknolojia aho
And it ain’t shit for me to call and get your chin checked
– Ary tsy zava poana amiko ny miantso sy manamarina ny saokanao
Tell ’em, “Dody did that”
– Lazao azy ireo, ” Dody nanao izany”