Saturday Night Live – Domingo Malagasy Tononkira & Malagasy Ny fandikan-teny



Hit it
– Tsindrio izany

The bridesmaids wanted a celebration
– Naniry fankalazana ireo mpanambady
So we took a trip, bachelorette vacation
– Noho izany dia nanao dia lavitra izahay, fialan-tsasatra bachelorette
‘Cause we know she needs one
– Satria fantatsika fa mila iray izy
A break from Matthew
– Fialana Amin’ny Matio
Just kidding, Matt
– Fihomehezana fotsiny, Matt
We’re glad she has you
– Faly izahay fa manana anao izy

We’re out, the shots are flowing, yeah
– Mivoaka izahay, mikoriana ny tifitra, eny
Guys on the dance floor grooving, yeah
– Ry zalahy eo amin’ny gorodona dihy, eny
Yeah, we say, “No thanks, she’s taken,” yeah
– Eny, hoy izahay, ” tsia misaotra, nalaina izy,” eny
Sing it
– Hirao izany

Now she’s with a hot guy, but he looks gay
– Miaraka amin’ny lehilahy mafana izy izao, saingy toa pelaka izy
Heard his name is Domingo
– Henoy Ny Anarany Dia Domingo
Second location, maybe he’s bi
– Toerana faharoa, angamba izy bi
Still dancing with Domingo
– Mbola mandihy Miaraka Amin’i Domingo
Third location, fully straight, fully touching Domingo
– Toerana fahatelo, mahitsy tanteraka, mikasika Tanteraka An’i Domingo
“I can’t wait to be his wife”
– “Tsy andriko ny ho vadiny”
She’s pointing to Domingo
– Manondro An’i Domingo izy

In the bathroom, we take her aside
– Ao amin’ny efitra fandroana dia esorinay izy
She says, “Don’t worry, we won’t cross the line”
– Hoy izy: “aza manahy, tsy hiampita ny tsipika izahay”
“Think of your fiancé”
– “Eritrereto ny fofombadinao”
She says, “Good reminder”
– Hoy izy, “Fampahatsiahivana tsara”
Hands me her ring
– Manome ahy ny peratra
Then we can’t find her
– Dia tsy afaka mahita azy isika

Now we’re back in the house, in the hot tub
– Miverina ao an-trano izahay izao, ao anaty koveta mafana
She’s there with Domingo
– Any Izy Miaraka Amin’i Domingo
Ask him to leave, get a hotel
– Angataho izy hiala, haka hotely
She’s vibing with Domingo
– Mihetsiketsika miaraka Amin’i Domingo izy

At the Marriott, googling Domingo
– Ao Amin’ny Marriott, Googling Domingo
Just to make sure he’s not psycho
– Mba hahazoana antoka fa tsy psycho izy
But he’s actually a doctor and randomly a model
– Fa tena dokotera izy ary modely kisendrasendra
And he volunteers with weird sick animals
– Ary manao asa an tsitrapo miaraka amin’ny biby marary hafahafa izy

Is the point of this song just that Kelsey cheated on me all weekend?
– Moa ve ny hevitr’ity hira ity No namitahan’i Kelsey ahy nandritra ny faran’ny herinandro?
No, the point is, it’s espresso
– Tsia, ny tiana holazaina dia espresso
You’re not even listening to the lyrics
– Tsy mihaino ny tononkira akory ianao
That’s all I’m listening to
– Izay ihany no henoiko

The next day, she said “Nothing happened”
– Ny ampitson’io, hoy izy ” Tsy nisy na inona na inona nitranga”
They talked all night about you, Matthew
– Niresaka momba anao Izy ireo Nandritra Ny alina, Matthew
Then at brunch, she just starts crying
– Avy eo amin’ny brunch dia manomboka mitomany fotsiny izy
We ask her “Why?”
– Manontany azy izahay hoe ” Nahoana?”
She says, “I’m just so tired”
– Hoy izy: “reraka be aho”
We say, “Take a nap”
– Hoy izahay hoe: “mandria am-piadanana”
She says, “I’m not that kind of tired”
– Hoy izy: “tsy reraka toy izany aho”

Hey Matt, came all this way
– Hey Matt, tonga tamin’izany rehetra izany
Had to explain, direct from Domingo
– Tsy maintsy nanazava, mivantana Avy Any Domingo
Kelsey’s a friend, she’s like my sis
– Namana i Kelsey, tahaka ny sis-ko izy
But we did hook up though
– Saingy nifanerasera izahay

I hope we can still be friends
– Manantena aho fa mbola afaka ny ho mpinamana isika

Saturday Night Live



