You’ve got a fast car
– Manana fiara haingana ianao
I wanna ticket to anywhere
– Te hahazo tapakila aho na aiza na aiza
Maybe we can make a deal
– Angamba afaka manao fifanarahana isika
Maybe together we can get somewhere
– Angamba miaraka isika dia afaka mahazo any ho any
Any place is better
– Ny toerana rehetra dia tsara kokoa
Starting from zero, got nothing to lose
– Manomboka amin’ny aotra, tsy misy very
Maybe we’ll make something
– Angamba hanao zavatra isika
Me, myself, I’ve got nothing to prove
– Izaho, ny tenako, tsy manana na inona na inona hanaporofoana aho
You’ve got a fast car
– Manana fiara haingana ianao
I’ve got a plan to get us out of here
– Manana drafitra aho mba hanafahana antsika eto
Been working at the convenience store
– Niasa tao amin’ny fivarotana
Managed to save just a little bit of money
– Nahavita nitahiry vola kely fotsiny
Won’t have to drive too far
– Tsy voatery hitondra fiara lavitra loatra
Just cross the border and into the city
– Miampita ny sisintany fotsiny ary miditra ao an-tanàna
You and I can both get jobs
– Afaka mahazo asa izahay sy ianao
Finally see what it means to be living
– Farany jereo ny dikan’ny hoe miaina
See my old man’s got a problem
– Jereo ny oloko taloha manana olana
Live with the bottle, that’s the way it is
– Miaina miaraka amin’ny tavoahangy, izany no izy
He says his body’s too old for working
– Nilaza izy fa antitra loatra ny vatany ka tsy afaka miasa
His body’s too young, to look like his
– Mbola tanora loatra ny vatany, ka tsy mitovy amin’ny azy
When mama went off and left him
– Rehefa lasa i neny ka nandao azy
She wanted more from life than he could give
– Naniry bebe kokoa tamin’ny fiainana izy noho izay azony omena
I said somebody’s got to take care of him
– Hoy aho hoe tsy maintsy misy olona mikarakara azy
So I quit school and that’s what I did
– Noho izany dia niala tamin’ny fianarana aho ary izany no nataoko
You’ve got a fast car
– Manana fiara haingana ianao
Is it fast enough so we can fly away?
– Ampy haingana ve izany mba hahafahantsika manidina?
We gotta make a decision
– Tsy maintsy mandray fanapahan kevitra isika
Leave tonight or live and die this way
– Mialà anio alina na miaina ary maty toy izao
And remember when we were driving, driving in your car
– Ary tsarovy rehefa nitondra fiara izahay, nitondra fiara tao anaty fiaranao
Speed so fast it felt like I was drunk
– Haingana dia haingana toy ny mamo aho
City lights lay out before us
– Mandry eo anoloantsika ny jiron’ny tanàna
And your arm felt nice wrapped ’round my shoulder
– Ary nahatsiaro ho tsara ny sandrinao nofonosina ‘ manodidina ny soroko
And I had a feeling that I belonged
– Ary nahatsapa aho fa ahy
I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
– Nahatsapa aho fa mety ho olona iray, ho olona iray, ho olona iray
You’ve got a fast car
– Manana fiara haingana ianao
We go cruising entertain ourselves
– Mandeha mitsangantsangana izahay mampiala voly ny tenanay
You still ain’t got a job
– Mbola tsy manana asa ianao
Now I work in the market as a checkout girl
– Ankehitriny dia miasa eny an tsena aho amin’ny maha zazavavy fisavana
I know things will get better
– Fantatro fa hihatsara ny zava drehetra
You’ll find work and I’ll get promoted
– Hahita asa ianao ary hahazo fisondrotana aho
We’ll move out of the shelter
– Hivoaka ny trano fialofana izahay
Buy a bigger house and live in the suburbs
– Mividiana trano lehibe kokoa ary mipetraka any ambanivohitra
And remember when we were driving, driving in your car
– Ary tsarovy rehefa nitondra fiara izahay, nitondra fiara tao anaty fiaranao
Speeds so fast it felt like I was drunk
– Haingana be ilay izy ka toy ny hoe mamo aho
City lights lay out before us
– Mandry eo anoloantsika ny jiron’ny tanàna
And your arm felt nice wrapped ’round my shoulder
– Ary nahatsiaro ho tsara ny sandrinao nofonosina ‘ manodidina ny soroko
And I had a feeling that I belonged
– Ary nahatsapa aho fa ahy
I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
– Nahatsapa aho fa mety ho olona iray, ho olona iray, ho olona iray
You’ve got a fast car
– Manana fiara haingana ianao
I’ve got a job that pays all our bills
– Manana asa izay mandoa ny faktiorantsika rehetra aho
Stay out drinking late at the bar
– Mijanòna amin’ny fisotroana tara any amin’ny bar
See more of your friends than you do of your kids
– Jereo bebe kokoa ny namanao noho ny zanakao
I’d always hoped for better
– Nanantena foana aho fa ho tsara kokoa
Thought maybe together you and me’d find it
– Nieritreritra angamba ianao sy izaho no hahita izany
I got no plans, I ain’t going nowhere
– Tsy manana drafitra aho, tsy handeha na aiza na aiza
So take your fast car and keep on driving
– Ka raiso ny fiaranao haingana ary tohizo ny fiara
And remember when we were driving, driving in your car
– Ary tsarovy rehefa nitondra fiara izahay, nitondra fiara tao anaty fiaranao
Speed so fast it felt like I was drunk
– Haingana dia haingana toy ny mamo aho
City lights lay out before us
– Mandry eo anoloantsika ny jiron’ny tanàna
And your arm felt nice wrapped ’round my shoulder
– Ary nahatsiaro ho tsara ny sandrinao nofonosina ‘ manodidina ny soroko
And I had a feeling that I belonged
– Ary nahatsapa aho fa ahy
I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
– Nahatsapa aho fa mety ho olona iray, ho olona iray, ho olona iray
You’ve got a fast car
– Manana fiara haingana ianao
Is it fast enough so you can fly away?
– Ampy haingana ve izany mba hahafahanao manidina?
You gotta make a decision
– Tsy maintsy mandray fanapahan kevitra ianao
Leave tonight or live and die this way
– Mialà anio alina na miaina ary maty toy izao
Live and die this way
– Miaina sy maty toy izao
Live and die this way
– Miaina sy maty toy izao
Live and die this way
– Miaina sy maty toy izao
– Merci (teny anglisy)