She ain’t never met no one who talk like that
– Tsy mbola nihaona tamin’olona miteny toy izany izy
And if you hang up on a nigga, bitch, I’ll call right back (Woo, woo, woo, yeah, uh)
– Ary raha mihantona amin’ny nigga ianao, bitch, dia hiantso avy hatrany aho (Woo, woo, woo, yeah, uh)
Roll my windows up, darlin’, roll them windows up
– Ahodino ny varavarankeliko, ry malala, ahodino izy ireo windows up
Biscuit-ass niggas wonder how I got my jiffy up
– Biscuit-ass niggas manontany tena hoe ahoana no nahazoako ny jiffy
Crib so damn big, I need a diaper and a sippy cup (Wah)
– Crib be dia be, mila diaper sy kaopy sippy (Wah)aho
Someone tell Zendaya she my favorite, can she hit me up?
– Misy milaza Amin’i Zendaya fa izy no tiako indrindra, afaka mamely ahy ve izy?
Ha-ha-ha-ha, when I double-park the LaF’
– Ha-ha-ha-ha, rehefa mametraka ny LaF indroa aho’
That rah-tah-tah-tah, bitch, I’m steppin’ on the gas (Mm)
– Fa rah-tah-tah-tah, bitch, manitsaka ny entona aho (Mm)
She ain’t never met no one who talk like that (I don’t really know)
– Tsy mbola nihaona tamin’olona miteny toy izany izy (tsy tena fantatro)
And if you hang up on a nigga, bitch, I’ll call right back (Yeah, uh)
– Ary raha mihantona amin’ny nigga ianao, bitch, dia hiantso avy hatrany aho (eny, uh)
Wipe that silly grin (Mm), bitch, I’m really him (Mm)
– Fafao io tsiky adaladala io (Mm), bitch, tena izy aho (Mm)
You better put them palms together, bitch, I really sin (Mm)
– Tsara kokoa ny mametraka azy ireo palma, bitch, tena manota aho (Mm)
No, me and crack don’t share daddies, but we really twins (Okay)
– Tsia, izaho sy crack dia tsy mizara daddies, fa tena kambana (Okay)izahay
If she ain’t got her shit together, she ain’t gettin’ in (Okay)
– Raha tsy miaraka izy dia tsy miditra (Okay)
You see the bed top bunker, the boy got thumpers
– Hitanao ny bunker ambony fandriana, nahazo thumpers ilay zazalahy
I’m a bonafide face seat, box muncher
– Izaho dia seza tarehy bonafide, box muncher
She ain’t never met no one who talk like that (I want that pussy, yeah)
– Tsy mbola nihaona tamin’olona miteny toy izany izy (tiako io pussy io, eny)
And if you hang up on a nigga, bitch, I’ll call right back (Mwah, yeah)
– Ary raha mihantona amin’ny nigga ianao, bitch, dia hiantso avy hatrany aho (Mwah, eny)
Never in the Hamptons dick-ridin’ in a white ‘fit (Nah)
– Tsy Ao Amin’ny Hamptons dick-ridin ‘in a white’ fit (Nah)mihitsy
Never raise a hand, the strap on him like a dyke bitch
– Aza manangana tanana mihitsy, ny tadiny aminy toy ny dyke bitch
This dark work like night shift, I’m thunder, I light shit (Pew)
– Ity asa maizina ity toy ny night shift, kotroka aho, maivana aho (Pew)
I flood this, I flood that, I swim good, I’m Pisces (I’m a fish)
– Tondraka ity aho, tondraka aho, milomano tsara, Pisces aho (trondro aho)
Hey T, why you actin’ hard? I’m like, “Baby, please
– Hey T, nahoana ianao no mihetsika mafy? Toy ny Hoe, “Ry Zazakely, azafady
I ain’t tough, I just thumbs up, like I’m scrollin’ feed”
– Tsy henjana aho, miondrika fotsiny aho, toy ny mikorisa sakafo”
She ain’t never met no one who talk like that (Nigga, I’m pussy)
– Tsy mbola nihaona tamin’ny olona miteny toy izany izy (Nigga, pussy aho)
And if you hang up on a nigga, bitch, I’ll call right back, yeah
– Ary raha mihantona amin’ny nigga ianao, bitch, dia hiantso avy hatrany aho, eny
Roll my windows up, darlin’, roll them windows up
– Ahodino ny varavarankeliko, ry malala, ahodino izy ireo windows up
Never let them see the color, model, make of semi truck
– Aza avela hahita ny loko, modely, manao kamiao semi izy ireo
Fuck it, fuck your shimmy up, yeah, fuck your shimmy up
– Fuck izany, fuck ny shimmy up, eny, fuck ny shimmy up
Celebrate, it’s your birthday, get your pennies up (Yeah, uh)
– Ankalazao, fitsingerenan’ny andro nahaterahanao, atsangano ny peninao (eny, uh)
Bitch, you bossin’ up, yeah, nah, we really bossin’ up
– Ry sakaiza, ianao bossin’ up, eny, nah, tena bossin ‘ up izahay
I could never ride no Hellcat, shit don’t cost enough (Enough)
– Tsy afaka mitaingina Hellcat mihitsy aho, tsy ampy ny vidiny (Ampy)
Twenty thousand on me (Vroom), hunnid thousand on me (Uh)
– Roapolo arivo amiko (Vroom), hunnid arivo amiko (Uh)
Fifty thousand on me (Mm-hmm), a couple thousand on me (Yeah)
– Dimampolo arivo amiko (Mm-hmm), roa arivo amiko (Eny)
You’re movin’ sloppy if you get that sloppy where you sleep at
– Mihetsiketsika ianao raha mahazo an’io sloppy io izay hatorianao
Never tell them niggas or those women where you breathe at
– Aza lazaina amin’izy ireo mihitsy ny niggas na ireo vehivavy izay iainanao
If my ex is spillin’ tea about me, don’t you drink that
– Raha mandatsaka dite momba ahy ny olon-tiako taloha dia aza misotro an’izany ve ianao
And don’t you call me brother, I just met you, you could keep that
– Ary tsy miantso ahy hoe rahalahy ve ianao, vao nihaona taminao aho, azonao atao ny mitazona izany
With these type of views, it ain’t no service on my two-way
– Miaraka amin’ireo karazana fomba fijery ireo, tsy misy serivisy amin’ny lalana roa
So you don’t have to call, I’m Usher Raymond on a Tuesday
– Ka tsy mila miantso ianao, Izaho No Usher Raymond amin’ny talata
With twenty thousand on me (Mm), hunnid thousand on me (Uh)
– Miaraka amin’ny roa alina amiko (Mm), hunnid arivo amiko (Uh)
Fifty thousand on me (Mm-hmm), a couple thousand on me
– Dimampolo arivo amiko (Mm-hmm), roa arivo amiko
Brodie said his job to— for me, he the cameraman
– Nilaza tamin’i Brodie ny asany— ho ahy, izy ilay mpaka sary
They hoes went to Leuzinger, I skated to Hamilton
– Nankany Leuzinger izy ireo, nandeha tany Hamilton Aho
I had that S dome, was gettin’ pressed and almost packed out (Where you from?)
– Nanana an’io Dome Io aho, voatsindry ary saika feno entana (Avy aiza ianao?)
Me and Lionel Boyce in drama class, my boy can act now (Mm)
– Izaho sy lionel Boyce ao amin’ny kilasy tantara an-tsehatra, afaka mihetsika izao ny zanako lahy (Mm)
Was really Odd Future, all them other niggas whacked out
– Tena Hoavy Hafahafa tokoa, ireo niggas hafa rehetra ireo no voadaroka
The biggest out the city after Kenny, that’s a fact now
– Ny lehibe indrindra ivelan’ny tanàna aorian’i Kenny, zava-misy izany ankehitriny
She ain’t never met no one who talk like that (Bitch, ooh, ooh)
– Tsy mbola nihaona tamin’ny olona miteny toy izany izy (Bitch, ooh, ooh)
And if you hang up on a nigga, bitch, I’ll call right back (Bitch, ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah)
– Ary raha mihantona amin’ny nigga ianao, bitch, dia hiantso avy hatrany aho (Bitch, ooh, ooh, ooh, eny)
(Uh, uh)
– (U, u)
Them niggas used to press me on the carrot-colored bus
– Izy ireo niggas dia nanindry ahy tamin’ny fiara fitateram-bahoaka miloko karaoty
(I’m not with that shit, cuh, alright?)
– (Tsy miaraka amin’izany zavatra izany aho, cuh, sa tsy izany?)
That’s why I’m paranoid now ’cause niggas weird and really bums
– Izany no mahatonga ahy ho paranoia ankehitriny satria hafahafa sy tena tsy misy dikany ny niggas
I’m paranoid now ’cause niggas weird and really bums (Uh, uh, uh)
– I’m paranoid now ‘ cause niggas weird ary tena bums (Uh, uh, uh)
I’m paranoid now ’cause niggas weird and really bums
– Paranoia aho izao satria hafahafa sy tena tsy misy dikany ny niggas
I’m paranoid now ’cause niggas weird and really bums
– Paranoia aho izao satria hafahafa sy tena tsy misy dikany ny niggas
– Izaho dia—