The kids are in town for a funeral
– Ao an-tanàna ireo ankizy mba hanao fandevenana
So pack the car and dry your eyes
– Koa fenoy ny fiara ary maina ny masonao
I know they got plenty of young blood left in ’em
– Fantatro fa manana ra tanora maro sisa tavela ao aminy izy ireo
And plenty nights under pink skies you taught ’em to enjoy
– Ary alina be dia be tao ambanin’ny lanitra mavokely no nampianarinao azy ireo hankafy
So clean the house, clear the drawers, mop the floors, stand tall
– Ka diovy ny trano, esory ny vatasarihana, esory ny gorodona, mijoroa avo
Like no one’s ever been here before or at all
– Toy ny tsy nisy olona teto taloha na mihitsy
And don’t you mention all the inches that are scraped on the doorframe
– Ary tsy lazainao ve ny santimetatra rehetra voakiky eo am baravarana
We all know you tiptoed up to 4’1″ back in ’08
– Fantatsika rehetra fa niakatra hatramin’ny 4 ‘1″ niverina tamin’ny ‘ 08
If you could see ’em now, you’d be proud
– Raha afaka mahita azy ireo ianao izao, dia ho reharehanao
But you’d think they’s yuppies
– Saingy heverinao fa yuppies izy ireo
Your funeral was beautiful
– Tsara tarehy ny fandevenana anao
I bet God heard you comin’
– Mino Aho Fa henon’andriamanitra ianao ho avy’
The kids are in town for a funeral
– Ao an-tanàna ireo ankizy mba hanao fandevenana
And the grass all smells the same as the day you broke your arm swingin’
– Ary ny ahitra rehetra dia manitra mitovy amin’ny andro namakianao ny sandrinao
On that kid out on the river
– Ao amin’io zaza io any amin’ny renirano
You bailed him out, never said a thing about Jesus or the way he’s livin’
– Nanavotra azy ianao, tsy nilaza na inona Na Inona Momba An’i Jesosy na ny fomba fiainany
If you could see ’em now, you’d be proud
– Raha afaka mahita azy ireo ianao izao, dia ho reharehanao
But you’d think they’s yuppies
– Saingy heverinao fa yuppies izy ireo
Your funeral was beautiful
– Tsara tarehy ny fandevenana anao
I bet God heard you comin’
– Mino Aho Fa henon’andriamanitra ianao ho avy’
(Strum it)
– (Strum izany)
If you could see ’em now, you’d be proud
– Raha afaka mahita azy ireo ianao izao, dia ho reharehanao
But you’d think they’s yuppies
– Saingy heverinao fa yuppies izy ireo
Your funeral was beautiful
– Tsara tarehy ny fandevenana anao
I bet God heard you comin’
– Mino Aho Fa henon’andriamanitra ianao ho avy’
The kids are in town for a funeral
– Ao an-tanàna ireo ankizy mba hanao fandevenana
So pack the car and dry your eyes
– Koa fenoy ny fiara ary maina ny masonao
I know they got plenty of young blood left in ’em
– Fantatro fa manana ra tanora maro sisa tavela ao aminy izy ireo
And plenty nights under pink skies you taught ’em to enjoy
– Ary alina be dia be tao ambanin’ny lanitra mavokely no nampianarinao azy ireo hankafy