Camila Cabello – GODSPEED Ingliż Lirika & Malti Traduzzjonijiet

Klipp Tal-Vidjo


I don’t wanna be at this party anymore
– Ma rridx inkun aktar f’din il festa
I don’t think your jokes sound funny anymore
– Ma naħsibx li ċ ċajt tiegħek jibqa’umoristiku
All these shoes I can’t dance in, what for?
– Dawn iż-żraben kollha li ma nistax niżfen fihom, għal xiex?
I’ma let this out barefoot on the floor
– Inħalli dan barra barefoot fuq l-art
And they’re gonna say I should probably up the meds
– U se jgħidu probabbilment għandi nżid il meds
That some things should’ve stayed in my head
– Li xi affarijiet kellhom baqgħu f’rasi
I’m tired of playin’ pretend
– Jien għajjien tal-logħob nippretendu
Stop driving, it’s a dead end
– Waqqaf is-sewqan, huwa tmiem mejjet

We’re livin’ in a ghost world
– Aħna livin’f’dinja ghost
We’re livin’ in a past life
– Aħna livin’f’ħajja tal-passat
If everything could stay the same
– Jekk kollox jista’jibqa’l istess
Wouldn’t it be nice?
– Ma jkunx sabiħ?
But you know me, you know me, I
– Imma tafni, tafni, jien
Always know just when to leave
– Dejjem taf eżatt meta titlaq
When the night is past its peak
– Meta l lejl ikun għadda l quċċata tiegħu
And I hope you find some peace
– U nispera li ssib ftit paċi
– Godspeed
– Godspeed
– Godspeed
– Godspeed

Peace is so elusive, joy is so elusive
– Il-paċi hija tant elużiva, il-ferħ huwa tant elużiv
Kisses from my muses, truces for the bruises
– Bews mill-mużi tiegħi, tregwi għat-tbenġil
I got real-life angels, got me when I lose it
– Sibt anġli tal-ħajja reali, sibtni meta nitlefha
If I gotta burn a bridge, they’ll help me light the fuses
– Jekk irrid naħraq pont, dawn jgħinuni nixgħel il-fjusis
Sometimes, I just lose it, thoughts can be abusive
– Kultant, nitlifha biss, il-ħsibijiet jistgħu jkunu abbużivi
Times where I lose sight of love, the real reason I do this
– Żminijiet fejn nitlef l-imħabba, ir-raġuni vera li nagħmel dan
Fifteen since I do this, twenty-six, I choose this
– Ħmistax peress li nagħmel dan, sitta u għoxrin, nagħżel dan

We’re livin’ in a ghost world (Ghost world)
– Aħna livin’f’dinja ghost (dinja Ghost)
We’re livin’ in a past life (Past life)
– Aħna livin’f’ħajja tal-passat (Ħajja Tal-Passat)
If everything could stay the same
– Jekk kollox jista’jibqa’l istess
Wouldn’t it be nice?
– Ma jkunx sabiħ?
But you know me, you know me, I (You know I always know, yeah)
– Imma tafni, tafni, jien (taf li dejjem naf, iva)
Always know just when to leave
– Dejjem taf eżatt meta titlaq
When the night is past its peak (When the night, mm)
– Meta l-lejl ikun għadda l – quċċata tiegħu (Meta l-lejl, mm)
And I hope you find some peace
– U nispera li ssib ftit paċi
Godspeed (Yeah, yeah, ooh)
– Godspeed (Iva, iva, ooh)
Godspeed (Ooh)
– Godspeed (Ooh)
Godspeed (Ooh)
– Godspeed (Ooh)
Godspeed (Ooh)
– Godspeed (Ooh)

I let you go, and I feel more like me
– Inħallik tmur, u nħossni iktar bħali
I wish you well, but far away from me
– Nawguralkom, imma’l bogħod minni
– Godspeed
– Godspeed

Camila Cabello



