Klipp Tal-Vidjo
Only thing matter right now is livin’ right now and I can’t spare no feelings
– Ħaġa biss kwistjoni dritt issa huwa livin ” dritt issa u ma nistax parts ebda sentimenti
Quiet on set, but my aura loud, I navigate through hood shit and wisdom
– Kwiet fuq is-sett, imma l-aura tiegħi qawwija, ninnaviga permezz tal-barnuża u l-għerf
The money all here, young man, fuck holdin’ your hand, you’ll die broke tryna play victim
– Il-flus kollha hawn, żagħżugħ, spalla żommf’idejk, int tmut kissru ipprova tilgħab vittma
The little ideas I told made people go rogue until God did me a big one
– L ideat żgħar li għedt ġiegħlu lin nies imorru diżonesti sakemm Alla għamilli waħda kbira
Reincarnated with love, my Gemini twin back, powerin’ up
– Reinkarnat bl-imħabba, it-tewmin gemini tiegħi lura, powerin’up
No more handshakes and hugs, the energy only circulate through us
– Mhux aktar handshakes u tgħanniq, l-enerġija tiċċirkola biss minna
Everybody must be judged
– Kulħadd għandu jiġi ġġudikat
But this time, God only favorin’ us
– Imma din id-darba, Alla jiffavorina biss
Twenty years in, still got that pen dedicated to bare hard truth
– Għoxrin sena, xorta ltqajna dik il-pinna ddedikata għall-verità iebsa
The etiquette speak with a vigilant tongue, the predicate this time is fuck you
– L-etikett jitkellem b’ilsien viġilanti, il-predikat din id-darba huwa spalla int
I’m carryin’ heavier hearts right now, I can power lift with Olympians too
– Jien inġorrfil-qlub itqal ta’issa, nista’nqawwi l-Lift mal-Olimpjani wkoll
I’m carryin’ various darts right now, I dessert this bitch like tiramisù
– Jien inġorr diversi darts bħalissa, niddeżerta lil din il-kelba bħal tiramisu
See, we goin’ body for body, I hand you a body, I’m probably a better masseuse
– Ara, immorru’ġisem għall – ġisem, nagħtikom ġisem, probabbilment jien masseuse aħjar
I really don’t bother nobody but they run it by me if I got to clear out the room
– Verament ma niddejjaq lil ħadd imma jmexxuh minni jekk nasal biex inneħħi l kamra
You would not get the picture if I had to sit you for hours in front of the Louvre
– Ma jkollokx l istampa kieku kelli noqgħod bilqiegħda għal sigħat quddiem il Louvre
You would not have a soul even if I had told you to stand next to Johnny and Q
– Inti ma jkollokx ruħ anke kieku għedtlek toqgħod ħdejn Johnny U Q
Started with nothing but government cheese, but now I can seize the government too
– Beda b’xejn ħlief ġobon tal-gvern, imma issa nista’naħtaf il-gvern ukoll
Remember the food stamp color was tan and brown, but now the hunnid in blue
– Ftakar il-kulur tat-timbru tal-ikel kien kannella u kannella, imma issa l-hunnid bil-blu
‘Member I said, “I’m the greatest,” back when you debated the number one and number two?
– ‘membru għedt, ” jien l-akbar,” lura meta ddiskutejt in-numru wieħed u n-numru tnejn?
Topic was always hilarious to me, you carried ’em to me, I brung out the— Christ
– Is-suġġett kien dejjem divertenti għalija, int ġarrejthom lejja, ħriġt il – – Kristu
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