Thurl Ravenscroft – You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch Ingliż Lirika & Malti Traduzzjonijiet

Klipp Tal-Vidjo


You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch
– Int wieħed medju, Is-Sur Grinch
You really are a heel
– Int verament għarqub
You’re as cuddly as a cactus, you’re as charming as an eel, Mr. Grinch
– Int mimli daqs kaktus, int sabiħ daqs sallura, Is-Sur Grinch
You’re a bad banana with a greasy black peel
– Int banana ħażina b’qoxra sewda żejtnija

You’re a monster, Mr. Grinch
– Int mostru, Is-Sur Grinch
Your heart’s an empty hole
– Qalbek hija toqba vojta
Your brain is full of spiders, you’ve got garlic in your soul, Mr. Grinch
– Moħħok mimli brimb, għandek it-tewm f’ruħek, Is-Sur Grinch
I wouldn’t touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half-foot pole
– Ma nmissekx b’arblu ta’disgħa u tletin pied u nofs

You’re a vile one, Mr. Grinch
– Int wieħed vili, Is-Sur Grinch
You have termites in your smile
– Għandek termites fit-tbissima tiegħek
You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch
– Għandek il-ħlewwa tenera kollha ta’kukkudrill marid tal-baħar, Is-Sur Grinch
Given a choice between the two of you
– Minħabba għażla bejnek it tnejn
I’d take the seasick crocodile
– Nieħu l-kukkudrill tal-baħar

You’re a foul one, Mr. Grinch
– Int wieħed ħażin, Is-Sur Grinch
You’re a nasty-wasty skunk
– Int skunk diżgustanti
Your heart is full of unwashed socks, your soul is full of gunk, Mr. Grinch
– Qalbek hija mimlija kalzetti mhux maħsula, ruħek mimlija gunk, Is-Sur Grinch
The three words that best describe you are as follows, and I quote, “Stink, stank, stunk”
– It-tliet kelmiet li jiddeskrivuk l-aħjar huma kif ġej, u nikkwota, ” Stink, stank, stunk”

You’re a rotter, Mr. Grinch
– Int rotter, Is-Sur Grinch
You’re the king of sinful sots
– Int is sultan ta’sots midinbin
Your heart’s a dead tomato splotched with moldy purple spots, Mr. Grinch
– Qalbek hija tadam mejjet imqaxxar b’tikek vjola moffa, Is-Sur Grinch
Your soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable
– Ir ruħ tiegħek hija munzell ta’miżbla tal biża’li tfur bl iktar taħlita ta’dispjaċir ta’żibel deplorevoli immaġinabbli
Mangled up in tangled up knots
– Imqabbad f’għoqiedi mħabblin

You nauseate me, Mr. Grinch
– Inti dardir lili, Is-Sur Grinch
With a nauseous super “naus”
– Bil-super dardir ” naus”
You’re a crooked jerky jockey and you drive a crooked hoss, Mr. Grinch
– Int ġerrej mgħawweġ u ssuq hoss mgħawweġ, Is-Sur Grinch
You’re a three-decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich
– Int sauerkraut bi tliet gverti u sandwich tat-toadstool
With arsenic sauce
– Biz-zalza tal-arseniku

Thurl Ravenscroft



