Vince Guaraldi Trio – Christmas Time Is Here Ingliż Lirika & Malti Traduzzjonijiet

Klipp Tal-Vidjo


Christmastime is here
– Il-milied qiegħed hawn
Happiness and cheer
– Hena u ferħ
Fun for all that children call
– Pjaċir għal dak kollu li jsejħu t-tfal
Their favorite time of year
– Iż-żmien favorit tagħhom tas-sena

Snowflakes in the air
– Snowflakes fl-arja
Carols everywhere
– Għanjiet kullimkien
Olden times and ancient rhymes
– Żminijiet antiki u rimi antiki
Of love and dreams to share
– Ta’mħabba u ħolm li taqsam

Sleigh bells in the air
– Qniepen Sleigh fl-arja
Beauty everywhere
– Sbuħija kullimkien
Yuletide by the fireside
– Yuletide ħdejn in-nar
And joyful memories there
– U memorji ferrieħa hemmhekk

Christmastime is here
– Il-milied qiegħed hawn
Families drawing near
– Familji jiġbdu qrib
Oh, that we could always see
– Oh, li dejjem stajna naraw
Such spirit through the year
– Tali spirtu matul is-sena

Sleigh bells in the air
– Qniepen Sleigh fl-arja
Beauty everywhere
– Sbuħija kullimkien
Yuletide by the fireside
– Yuletide ħdejn in-nar
And joyful memories there
– U memorji ferrieħa hemmhekk

Christmastime is here
– Il-milied qiegħed hawn
Families drawing near
– Familji jiġbdu qrib
Oh, that we could always see
– Oh, li dejjem stajna naraw
Such spirit through the year
– Tali spirtu matul is-sena

Vince Guaraldi Trio



