Klipp Tal-Vidjo
There’s a letter to your mother that is hidden is my desk
– Hemm ittra lil ommok li hija moħbija hija l iskrivanija tiegħi
That I wrote to her in a sober mind
– Li ktibtilha f’moħħ sober
It’s my apology for all the things I used to be
– Hija l apoloġija tiegħi għall affarijiet kollha li kont inkun
And swearin’ I’ll change over time
– U naħlef’ser nibdel maż-żmien
She might not believe me ’cause no one ever does
– Hija tista’ma temminnix’tikkawża li ħadd qatt ma jagħmel
Except her daughter that loves me true
– Ħlief bintha li tħobbni veru
God forbid all it takes for a boy to finally wait
– Alla jipprojbixxi dak kollu li hemm bżonn biex tifel fl aħħar jistenna
Just to be cherished and loved all the way through
– Biss biex tkun għeżież u maħbub it triq kollha
She lets me drink my liquor when I’m singin’ through the night
– Tħallini nixrob il-likur tiegħi meta nkun singin’matul il-lejl
She slaps my hand when it’s too much
– Hija slaps naħa tiegħi meta huwa wisq
She’s mean and she’s kind, strong and divine
– Hija medja u hi tajba, b’saħħitha u divina
And Lord only knows how tough
– U Mulej jaf biss kemm hu iebes
So dear Miss, by the time you see this
– Allura għażiż Miss, sal-ħin li tara dan
It’ll be in love or it’ll be in pain
– Ikun fl imħabba jew ikun fl uġigħ
May God bless and keep us
– Jalla Alla jbierek u jżommna
May you think kind of my name
– Jalla taħseb tip ta’ismi
And I know I’ve had my days and I’ve made my mistakes
– U naf li kelli l ġranet tiegħi u għamilt l iżbalji tiegħi
So please point me to the nearest perfect man
– Allura jekk jogħġbok ippuntani lejn l eqreb raġel perfett
I’ll gladly take advice from a man with no vice
– Bi pjaċir nieħu parir mingħand raġel mingħajr viċi
If it means I can hold your hand
– Jekk dan ifisser li nista’nżomm idejk
She was raised up proper and I was raised up
– Hija trabbiet kif suppost u jien trabbejt
With a poor working boy’s heart
– B’qalb tifel fqir li jaħdem
The way the light is beatin’ on her smilin’ cheeks this evenin’
– Il-mod kif id-dawl huwa beatin “fuq smilin tagħha ” ħaddejn dan evenin”
Is the finest of the world’s fine art
– Hija l-aqwa arti fina tad-dinja
So dear Miss, by the time you see this
– Allura għażiż Miss, sal-ħin li tara dan
I’ll be in love or it’ll be in vain
– Inkun inħobb jew ikun għalxejn
So may God bless and keep us
– Allura jalla Alla jbierek u jżommna
May you think kind of my name
– Jalla taħseb tip ta’ismi
And she’s standin’ in the doorway ramblin’ on about my old ways
– U hi standin’fil – bieb ramblin’fuq dwar modi qodma tiegħi
How they were reckless and free
– Kif kienu imprudenti u ħielsa
How all my imperfections and every ugly lesson
– Kif l-imperfezzjonijiet kollha tiegħi u kull lezzjoni kerha
Is worth every last second with me
– Jiswa kull l aħħar sekonda miegħi
![Zach Bryan](https://www.cevirce.com/lyrics/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/zach-bryan-dear-miss.jpg)