Thought I was together, was a mess
– Mi a kere ku mi tabata huntu, tabata un desaster
I should have never tethered in my twenties, my bad
– Mi no mester a mara mi mes den mi binti, mi maldat
Ancient news, I know and I digress
– Noticia antiguo, mi sa i mi ta papia
Just one more thing to say, I swear I’ll leave it like that
– Solamente un kos mas pa bisa, mi ta huramentá ku lo mi laga’é asina.
Three years of dust is on the ground
– Tres aña di polvo den suela
I can’t find the animosity anymore
– Mi no por haña animosidat mas
What a show, what a storm
– Ki show, ki tormenta
But I mean it now, honestly
– Pero mi ta bisa esaki na serio awor, honestamente
Hindsight is happiness
– E retrospectiva ta felicidad
And I hope you’re happy now
– I mi ta spera ku bo ta felis awor
I’m sorry that it went the way it did
– Mi ta lamentá ku el a sali manera el a sali
Retrospectively, I see where I was wind on fire
– Retrospectivamente, mi ta mira unda bientu tabata kima
Heard you finally fell in love again
– Mi a tende ku bo a bira enamorá di nobo
I hope she brings you peace of mind and holds you tighter
– Mi ta spera ku e ta duna bo trankilidat i ta brasa bo mas fuerte
Time tells your present to forgive
– Tempo ta bisa bo regalo cu bo ta pordoná
And I give credit to getting older
– I mi ta kere ku e ta bira bieu
I guess both of our lives started over
– Mi ta kere ku nos bida a kuminsá atrobe.
Soon as it was over
– Mesora ku e a kaba
Hindsight is happiness
– E retrospectiva ta felicidad
(It was muddy, but now it’s 20/20)
– (E tabata den lama, pero awor ta 20/20)
(It’s lookin’ pretty sunny up ahead)
– (E ta mustra hopi solo dilanti)
And I hope you’re happy now
– I mi ta spera ku bo ta felis awor
(Hands were bloody, made it about the money)
– (Mannan tabata sangra, tabata trata di plaka)
(I laughed, it wasn’t funny, damn)
– (Mi a hari, no tabata gracioso, maldito sea)
Wish you all the best
– Mi ta deseá bo tur e mihó
(I really mean it, it took a while to see it)
– (Mi ta bisa esaki na serio, a tuma mi un tempu pa wak’é)
(It took a while to understand)
– (A tuma mi un tempu pa komprondé)
And I hope you’re happy now
– I mi ta spera ku bo ta felis awor
You can’t rewrite the past, but you can learn from it
– Bo no por reescribe e pasado, pero bo por siña di dje
Learn from it
– Siña for di esaki
I was hopin’ we could clear the air, clear the ash
– Mi tabata spera ku nos por a kita e aire, kita e huma
And lookin’ back, all it took was time
– I mirando bèk, tur loke el a tuma tabata tempu
Hindsight is happiness
– E retrospectiva ta felicidad
(It was muddy, but now it’s 20/20)
– (E tabata den lama, pero awor ta 20/20)
(It’s lookin’ pretty sunny up ahead)
– (E ta mustra hopi solo dilanti)
And I hope you’re happy now
– I mi ta spera ku bo ta felis awor
(Hands were bloody, made it about the money)
– (Mannan tabata sangra, tabata trata di plaka)
(I laughed, it wasn’t funny, damn)
– (Mi a hari, no tabata gracioso, maldito sea)
I thought I was together, was a mess
– Mi a kere ku mi tabata huntu, tabata un desaster
I should have never tethered in my twenties, my bad
– Mi no mester a mara mi mes den mi binti, mi maldat