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Give a helping hand
– Dă o mână de ajutor
To your fellow men, oh, my—
– Pentru semenii tăi, oh, mea—
Ayy, what?
– Ayy, ce?
– Uite
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
Huh? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Huh? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
Hm, ayy
– Hm, ayy
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
Huh? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’, hm
– Huh? Ei nu vorbesc despre nimic, hm
Peekaboo, I just put them boogers in my chain
– Peekaboo, tocmai i-am pus muci în lanțul meu
Peekaboo, eighty-pointers like a Kobe game
– Peekaboo, optzeci de indicii ca un joc Kobe
Peekaboo, 7.62s’ll make ’em plank
– Peekaboo, 7.62 s ‘ll face’ em scândură
Peekaboo, poppin’ out, you better not smut my name
– Peekaboo, poppin ‘ afară, mai bine nu Negru de fum numele meu
Peekaboo, put two foreigns on the 405
– Peekaboo, pune două foreigns pe 405
Peekaboo, cacio e pepe if I’m doin pasta
– Peekaboo, cacio e pepe dacă fac paste
Peekaboo, why you actin’ tough on IG Live?
– Peekaboo, de ce te porți dur cu IG Live?
Peekaboo, you know my lil’ niggas off they rocker
– Peekaboo, știi Lil ‘ negrii de pe ei rocker
Peekaboo, surprise, bitch, it’s that nigga Chuck E. Cheese
– Peekaboo, surpriză, cățea, e negrul ăla Chuck E. Cheese
Peekaboo, let me FaceTime my opp, bitch, I’m up the street
– Peekaboo, lasă-mă să FaceTime opp-ul meu, cățea, sunt pe stradă
Peekaboo, yeah, it’s AZ, I’m puttin’ somethin’ to sleep
– Peekaboo, da, e AZ, adorm ceva
Peekaboo, he on the ground, I praise God and start stompin’ feet
– Peekaboo, el pe pământ, Îl laud pe Dumnezeu și încep să calc în picioare
Peekaboo, I put ten on his face, bitch, my shooter playin’
– Peekaboo, i-am pus zece pe față, târfă, trăgătorul meu jucându-se
Peekaboo, I hit it from the back, I told her move her hands
– Peekaboo, l-am lovit din spate, I-am spus să-și miște mâinile
Peekaboo, then slide my thumb in it where her, uh, at
– Peekaboo, apoi glisați degetul mare în ea în cazul în care ei, uh, la
Peekaboo, I’m on your top, I’m with Dot, bitch, don’t look back
– Peekaboo, sunt în vârful tău, sunt cu Dot, cățea, nu te uita înapoi
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
Huh? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’, hm
– Huh? Ei nu vorbesc despre nimic, hm
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, that’s my bitch
– Hei, Hei, Hei, Hei, Hei, Hei, Hei, asta e curva mea
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, that’s my bitch
– Hei, Hei, Hei, Hei, Hei, Hei, Hei, asta e curva mea
Hey, hey, hey, hey, with all that fake shit
– Hei, Hei, Hei, Hei, cu tot rahatul ăla fals
Hey, hey, hey, hey, ain’t the one to play with
– Hei, Hei, Hei, Hei, nu este cel de a juca cu
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, pull off in a Lam’
– Hei, Hei, Hei, Hei, Hei, scoate într-o Lam’
Double-park it all at Tam’s, Mr. Get-Off-On-Your-Mans
– Dublu-parc totul la Tam, Domnul Get-Off-on-your-Mans
If he hatin’, disrespect, you better follow up with hands
– Dacă el hatin’, lipsă de respect, mai bine urmați cu mâinile
Losses to the neck, but now I’m trophied up, I’m sayin’, like
– Pierderi la gât, dar acum sunt trofee, spun, ca
– Bing-Bop-boom-boom-boom-Bop-bam
The type of shit I’m on, you wouldn’t understand
– Tipul de rahat pe care sunt, nu ai înțelege
The type of skits I’m on, you wouldn’t understand
– Tipul de scenete pe care sunt, nu ai înțelege
Big-dog business, I would not hold your hand
– Afaceri cu câini mari, nu ți – aș ține mâna
Broke-bitch business, I could not be your man
– Rupt-curva de afaceri, nu am putut fi omul tău
Never got his ass whooped until we opened up that can
– Nu a fost niciodată fundul lui whooped până când ne-am deschis, care poate
Damn, alley-oop me bands, I’ma slam, jam
– La naiba, alee-oop mine trupe, i ‘ ma slam, jam
Freak bitch, I like my MAC touchin’ yams
– Freak fuckslut, îmi place MAC-ul meu atinge igname
Play that opp shit around me, I’ma tell you, “Turn it off”
– Joacă rahatul ăla de opp în jurul meu, îți spun, “oprește-l”
Heard what happened to your mans, not sorry for your loss
– Am auzit ce sa întâmplat cu mans dvs., nu pare rău pentru pierderea ta
Should’ve prayed before them shooters came and nailed him to the cross
– Ar fi trebuit să se roage înainte ca trăgătorii să vină și să-l prindă pe cruce
I let your boy get a pass, bitch, you lucky he soft, for real
– L-am lăsat pe băiatul tău să treacă, cățea, ai noroc că e moale, pe bune
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
Huh? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’, hm, ayy
– Huh? Ei nu vorbesc despre nimic, hm, ayy
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
What they talkin’ ’bout? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’
– Despre ce vorbesc? Nu vorbesc despre nimic
Huh? They ain’t talkin’ ’bout nothin’, hm
– Huh? Ei nu vorbesc despre nimic, hm
– Peekaboo