Roger Sanchez – Again Anglický Texty & Slovenský Preklad



Question: Have you ever had one of those days where nothing
– Otázka: mali ste niekedy jeden z tých dní, keď nič
Seems to go right?
– Zdá sa, že ide správne?
I mean you get up in the morning at what u think is the crack
– Myslím tým, že ráno vstaneš v tom, čo si myslíš, že je trhlina
Of dawn, only 2 realize that your alarm clock didn’t go off for
– Úsvitu, len 2 si uvedomiť, že váš budík nešiel preč pre
The 3rd time this week
– 3. krát tento týždeň
And now you are 2 hours late to work and you say to yourself
– A teraz meškáte do práce 2 hodiny a hovoríte si
Here we go again
– A je to tu znova
So you jump out of bed, brush your teeth, skip breakfast, run
– Takže vyskočíš z postele, umyješ si zuby, vynecháš raňajky, utečieš
Down the stairs, only to discover that you park in the tow away
– Dole po schodoch, len aby ste zistili, že parkujete v odtoku
Zone, which, had you been up on time, wouldn’t have been a
– Zóna, ktorá, keby ste boli hore načas, by nebola
Problem, but you weren’t up on time were you? which means they
– Problém, ale nestihli ste prísť načas, však? čo znamená, že
Took your car and now you have to go to the impound yard and
– Vzal si auto a teraz musíte ísť na zabavený dvor a
Pay that astronomical fine just to get it back and you think
– Zaplaťte tú astronomickú pokutu, len aby ste ju dostali späť a myslíte si
Here we go again
– A je to tu znova
Of course now you are 3 hours late to work, and when you finally
– Samozrejme teraz ste 3 hodiny neskoro do práce, a keď ste konečne
Get there, your boss just looks at you and says
– Choď tam, tvoj šéf sa na teba len pozrie a povie
There you go again
– A je to tu znova
Don’t even bother to explain, he says, ’cause I don’t wanna hear it
– Ani sa neobťažuj vysvetľovať, hovorí, pretože to nechcem počuť
Just get your shit and go!
– Zober si svoje sračky a choď!
Man you cant catch a break like me it’s like
– Muž nemôžete chytiť prestávku ako ja je to ako
I’m up in the club on a Saturday night, just kickin it with my
– V sobotu večer som v klube, len to nakopnem s mojím
Boys chillin’ having a good time, the dj throws on
– Chlapci chillin ‘ majú dobrý čas, dj hádže na
My favourite song I’m dancing with this sexy-ass honey
– Moja obľúbená pieseň I ‘ m dancing with this sexy-ass med
And in walks my girlfriend
– A v prechádzky moja priateľka
She takes one look at the situation, comes directly up to me and
– Pozrie sa na situáciu, príde priamo ku mne a
Proceeds to trip, oh man
– Prejsť na trip, oh man
Here we go again!
– A je to tu znova!

We go up, down, turn around
– Ideme hore, dole, otočíme sa
Baby here we go again
– Baby here we go again
We go left, right, and do it all night
– Ideme doľava, doprava a robíme to celú noc
Baby here we go again
– Baby here we go again

We go up, down, turn around
– Ideme hore, dole, otočíme sa
Baby here we go again
– Baby here we go again
We go left, right, and do it all night
– Ideme doľava, doprava a robíme to celú noc
Baby here we go again
– Baby here we go again

When I’m out in the clubs and I’m lookin’ fine
– Keď som v kluboch a vyzerám dobre
And I hear the same old tired lines
– A počujem tie isté staré unavené linky
I think
– Myslím, že
Here we go again
– A je to tu znova
U spent all night buying up the bar
– U strávil celú noc nákup baru
And they just turned down your credit card
– A práve odmietli vašu kreditnú kartu
There you again
– Tu si znova

So why is it that every time you get into a little disagreement with
– Tak prečo je to tak, že zakaždým, keď sa dostanete do malého nesúhlasu s
Your girl about something that just happened
– Tvoje dievča o niečom, čo sa práve stalo
She has to bring up 25 things that happened 2 years ago
– Musí vychovať 25 vecí, ktoré sa stali pred 2 rokmi
And add it up into one big problem that you didn’t even know
– A pridajte to do jedného veľkého problému, o ktorom ste ani nevedeli
Existed, oh!
– Existoval, oh!
Here we go again
– A je to tu znova
U see that? That’s just what I am talking about! Uh huh
– Vidíš to? To je presne to, o čom hovorím! Uh huh
That’s right
– To je pravda
There you go again
– A je to tu znova
You don’t even realize what you did, do you? You men are all alike
– Ani si neuvedomuješ, čo si urobil, však? Vy muži ste si všetci podobní
Just got one thing on your mind, don’t even pay attention to
– Len mám na mysli jednu vec, ani nevenujte pozornosť
What’s really important, like my feelings
– Čo je naozaj dôležité, ako moje pocity
I swear to God, I don’t even know why I put up with you
– Prisahám Bohu, ani neviem, prečo som sa s tebou zmieril
Ok… stop!
– Dobre… prestaň!
Let’s try this again
– Skúsme to znova

Here we go again
– A je to tu znova

We go up, down, turn around
– Ideme hore, dole, otočíme sa
Baby here we go again
– Baby here we go again
We go left, right, and do it all night
– Ideme doľava, doprava a robíme to celú noc
Baby here we go again
– Baby here we go again

We go up, down, turn around
– Ideme hore, dole, otočíme sa
Baby here we go again
– Baby here we go again
We go left, right, and do it all night
– Ideme doľava, doprava a robíme to celú noc
Baby here we go again
– Baby here we go again

We go up, down, turn around
– Ideme hore, dole, otočíme sa
Baby here we go again
– Baby here we go again
We go left, right, and do it all night
– Ideme doľava, doprava a robíme to celú noc
Baby here we go again
– Baby here we go again

We go up, down, turn around
– Ideme hore, dole, otočíme sa
Baby here we go again
– Baby here we go again
We go left, right, and do it all night
– Ideme doľava, doprava a robíme to celú noc
Baby here we go again
– Baby here we go again

When I’m out in the clubs and I’m lookin’ fine
– Keď som v kluboch a vyzerám dobre
And I hear the same old tired lines
– A počujem tie isté staré unavené linky
I think
– Myslím, že
Here we go again
– A je to tu znova
U spent all night buying up the bar
– U strávil celú noc nákup baru
And they just turned down your credit card
– A práve odmietli vašu kreditnú kartu
Uh oh!
– Uh oh!
There you again
– Tu si znova

Roger Sanchez



