Run-DMC – Christmas In Hollis Anglický Texty & Slovenský Preklad



It was December 24th on Hollis Ave in the dark
– Bolo to 24. Decembra na Hollis Ave in the dark
When I see a man chilling with his dog in the park
– Keď vidím muža chladiaceho so svojím psom v parku
I approached very slowly with my heart full of fear
– Priblížil som sa veľmi pomaly so srdcom plným strachu
Looked at his dog, oh my God, an ill reindeer
– Pozrel sa na svojho psa, oh môj Bože, chorý sob

But then I was illin’ because the man had a beard
– Ale potom som bol chorý, pretože ten muž mal bradu
And a bag full of goodies, 12 o’clock had neared
– A taška plná dobrôt, blížila sa 12. hodina
So I turned my head a second and the man had gone
– Tak som na sekundu otočil hlavu a muž odišiel
But he left his driver’s wallet smack dead on the lawn
– Na trávniku však nechal mŕtvu peňaženku svojho vodiča

I picket the wallet up, and then I took a pause
– Vytiahla som peňaženku a potom som si dala pauzu
Took out the license and it cold said “Santa Claus”
– Vytiahol licenciu a chladno povedalo “Santa Claus”
A million dollars in it, cold hundreds of G’s
– Milión dolárov v ňom, studené stovky G
Enough to buy a boat and matching car with ease
– Dosť na to, aby ste si ľahko kúpili loď a zodpovedajúce auto

But I’d never steal from Santa, ’cause that ain’t right
– Ale nikdy by som nekradol od Santu, pretože to nie je správne
So I was going home to mail it back to him that night
– Tak som išiel domov, aby som mu to v tú noc poslal späť
But when I got home I bugged, ’cause under the tree
– Ale keď som prišiel domov, odpočúval som, pretože pod stromom
Was a letter from Santa and the dough was for me
– Bol list od Santa a cesto bolo pre mňa

It’s Christmastime in Hollis Queens
– Sú Vianoce v Hollis Queens
Mom’s cooking chicken and collard greens
– Mama varenie kurča a collard greeny
Rice and stuffing, macaroni and cheese
– Ryža a plnka, makaróny a syr
And Santa put gifts under Christmas trees
– A Santa dal darčeky Pod vianočné stromčeky

Decorate the house with lights at night
– Ozdobte dom svetlami v noci
Snow’s on the ground, snow-white so bright
– Sneh je na zemi, snehovo biely tak jasný
In the fireplace is the yule log
– V krbe je vianočný denník
Beneath the mistletoe as we drink egg nog
– Pod imelom, ako pijeme vajcia nog
The rhymes that you hear are the rhymes of Darryl’s
– Rýmy, ktoré počujete, sú rýmy Darryla
But each and every year we bust Christmas carols, Christmas carols
– Ale každý rok sme poprsie vianočné koledy, vianočné koledy

Rhymes so loud, I’m proud you hear it
– Rýmy tak nahlas, som hrdý, že to počuješ
It’s Christmastime and we got the spirit
– Sú Vianoce a máme Ducha
Jack Frost chillin’, the hawk is out
– Jack Frost chillin’, jastrab je vonku
And that’s what Christmas is all about
– A o tom sú Vianoce
The time is now, the place is here
– Čas je teraz, miesto je tu
And the whole wide world is filled with cheer
– A celý široký svet je plný radosti

My name’s D.M.C. with the mic in my hand
– Volám sa D. M. C. s mikrofónom v ruke
And I’m chilling and coolin’ just like a snowman
– A chladím a chladím ako snehuliak
So open your eyes, lend us an ear
– Tak otvor oči, Požičaj nám ucho
We wanna say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
– Chceme povedať Veselé Vianoce a Šťastný Nový Rok




