Rosso si colorava
– Červená bola farebná
Come il quadro che ho nella stanza
– Ako obraz, ktorý mám v izbe
Il cielo con te quann dicive
– Nebo s vami quann povedal
“Vuless sta tutta a vita abbracciat accussi cu tte”
– “Vuless je všetko pre život abbracciat accussi cu tte”
Nata bucia, ma m’astrignev e parol ca tu me dicive
– Nata buria, ale m ‘ astrignev a parol ca mi to povieš
E o’ sacc, è colpa mia
– A o ‘ sacc, je to moja chyba
O’ sacc, è colpa mia
– O ‘ sacc, je to moja chyba
Baby, if you give it to me, I’ll give it to you
– Bab Bab
I know what you want, you know I got it
– Mám to, mám to
Baby, if you give it to me, I’ll give it to you
– Bab Bab
I know what you want, you know I got it
– Mám to, mám to
Baby, if you give it to me, I’ll give it to you
– Bab Bab
I know what you want, yeah, you know I got it
– Viem, čo chceš, Áno, vieš, že to mám
Oh, yeah, you know I got it
– Oh, e
Grigio il cielo a dicembre
– Šedá obloha v decembri
Come le curve dipinte dentro questo quadro
– Ako krivky maľované vnútri tohto obrázku
Pensavo fossi tu
– Myslel som, že si to ty
Che poco o niente ti ferma
– To málo alebo nič vás zastaví
Che poi risplendi anche stanca
– Že potom budete žiariť aj unavený
Ma tremi come una foglia
– Ale trasieš sa ako list
E po’ te ngazz’ pecche’
– A bit vás ngazz ‘nedostatky’
Nun ‘o ssaje neanche tu
– Nun ‘ o ssa tu
Baby, if you give it to me, I’ll give it to you
– Bab Bab
I know what you want, you know I got it
– Mám to, mám to
Baby, if you give it to me, I’ll give it to you
– Bab Bab
I know what you want, you know I got it
– Mám to, mám to
Baby, if you give it to me, I’ll give it to you
– Bab Bab
Oh, I know what you want, yeah, you know I got it
– Oh, viem, čo chceš, Áno, vieš, že to mám
Oh, you know I got it
– Oh, mám to.