Bhad Bhabie – OG Crashout Slovenščina Besedila & Slovenski Prevodi

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‘Cause that’s Bhad Bhabie, Bhad Bhabie’s going to do what Bhad Bhabie’s gonna fucking do (Ayo, X9), and there’s nothing you can do about it
– Ker je to Bhad Bhabie, Bhad Bhabie bo naredil tisto, kar bo Bhad Bhabie prekleto naredil (Aja, 9), in ničesar ne moreš storiti glede tega
She’s gonna fucking win, win, win, win, win
– Prekleto bo zmagala, zmagala, zmagala, zmagala, zmagala
The fuck you talkin’ about?
– O čem govoriš?

I don’t know who gassed these bitches up, but somethin’ needa be said (Somethin’ needa be said)
– Ne vem, kdo je uplinjal te psice, ampak nekaj je treba povedati (nekaj je treba povedati)
How ‘dis bitch think she ate? She just another bitch that I fed
– Kako je prasica mislila, da je jedla? Ona je samo še ena prasica, ki sem fed
Why you all in that man face, my pussy’s still on his breath (On his breath)
– Zakaj ste vsi v tem moškem obrazu, moja muca je še vedno na dihu (na dih)
I heard there’s money on Ve’s head, but ain’t nobody ’round here dead
– Slišal sem, da je denar na Ve-jevi glavi, vendar tukaj ni nikogar mrtvega
Bitch, keep talkin’ like you hot, I’ll have ’em layin’ at yo’ spot (Layin’ at yo’ spot)
– Prasica, kar naprej govoriš, kot da si vroča, jaz jih bom dal ležati na tvojem mestu (ležati na tvojem mestu)
OG crash out with the drum, I blink one-eighty-two shots
– OG crash ven z bobnom, utripam eno-osemdeset-dva posnetka
You the cry baby, you callin’ Ye ’bout the last diss that I dropped (Cry baby)
– Ti jokaj dojenček, kličeš se o zadnjem disu, ki sem ga spustil (jokaj dojenček)
You keep runnin’ back to your daddy, I don’t know when I last seen my pops (No)
– Kar naprej tečeš nazaj k očetu ,Ne vem, kdaj sem nazadnje videl svojega očeta (ne)
I just killed you on my third diss and my last one still hot (Still hot)
– Pravkar sem te ubil na moj tretji diss in moj zadnji še vedno vroče (še vedno vroče)
All ’em whips you seen in my last video, ain’t none of them shit props (Nope)
– Vsi biči, ki ste jih videli v mojem zadnjem videu, ni nobeden od njih sranje rekviziti (ne)
Bitch, you scared, you postin’ up Big Mama like she with you, bitch, you weird
– Prasica, prestrašen si, objavljaš veliko mamo, kot je ona s tabo, prasica, ti čuden
Miss Piggy used to be fat before the Ozempic
– Miss presence uporablja, da je maščobe, preden je Zempic
You’s a bop, bop, bop, tryna use me for my name (Use me for my name)
– Ti si bop, bop, bop, Poskusi me uporabiti za moje ime (uporabi me za moje ime)
If I crash out, mama crash out too, we got the same DNA
– Če se jaz zrušim, se tudi mama zruši, imamo isti DNK
You worry ’bout Bhabie killin’ this baby when that baby killin’ ’em babies
– Skrbi te, da bo Bhabie ubil tega otroka, ko bo ta otrok ubil otroke
Guess you really ain’t Daddy, baby, I’ma show you how to be a lady
– Ugani, da res nisi Očka, punči, Pokazal ti bom, kako biti Dama
Fuck this big bitch, I ain’t trippin’, get your foot out
– Jebi ta velika prasica, jaz nisem trippin’, dobili svojo nogo ven
Surround yourself with Blacks but still invited to the cookout, cracker bitch (Bitch)
– Obkrožite se s črnci, a še vedno povabljeni na kuhanje, krekerska psica (psica)
I ain’t backin’ down from shit, I feel like Curtis Jackson (Feel like Curtis Jackson)
– Ne bom se umaknil iz sranja, počutim se kot Curtis Jackson (Počutim se kot Curtis Jackson)
I gave the a belt the ass, and the whole world when this would happen
– Dal sem pas rit, in ves svet, ko bi se to zgodilo
How you born rich and you actin’ ratchet? You movin’ backwards
– Kako si se rodil bogat in se obnašaš kot ratchet? Premikaš se nazaj
How you got Atlanta accent? You foolin’ me, you from Calabasas
– Kako si dobil Atlanta naglas? Ti me zajebavaš, ti iz Calabasasa
I’ma make sure this the last song you gon’ make about me (Bitch)
– Poskrbim, da bo to zadnja pesem, ki jo boš naredil o meni (Prasica)
Face to face, you can’t do that with no makeup (No)
– Iz oči v oči tega ne morete storiti brez ličil (ne)
AP buss all the way down, your time on Jacob (Jacob)
– AP buss vso pot navzdol, vaš čas na Jacob (Jacob)
Every time you get a friend, you fucked they man, that’s why they break up (Bitch)
– Vsakič, ko dobiš prijatelja, si zajebal so človek, zato se razidejo (Prasica)
I think this ass fat just like Ari’, who gon’ say so? (Who?)
– Mislim, da je ta rit debel kot Ari, kdo bo tako rekel? (Kdo?)
You goin’ hard to get a plaque, but still can’t make one (Nope)
– Težko dobiš plaketo, vendar je še vedno ne moreš narediti (ne)
When you see me, you gon’ whoop me, bitch, where? (Haha)
– Ko me boš videl, me boš udaril, prasica, kam? (Haha)
Who the hell said that ‘Bama do it better, bitch, where?
– Kdo za vraga je rekel, da ‘ Bama naredi bolje, prasica, kje?
Lyin’ ’bout me, must be somethin’ in your teeth, bitch, where? (Bitch, where?)
– Lažeš o meni, gotovo imaš kaj v zobeh, kuzla, kje? (Prasica, kje?)
I know that you a 304, not me, bitch, where?
– Vem, da si ti 304, ne jaz, prasica, kje?
I swear to God, this ho delusional, you know that bitch weird (Weird bitch)
– Prisežem pri Bogu, to ho blodnje, saj veš, da je prasica čudno (čudno prasica)
I done made a couple M’s off OnlyFans, right here
– Naredil sem nekaj M ‘ S off samo Fans, tukaj
Ask Camilla, she’d tell you this stupid bitch weird (Weird bitch)
– Vprašajte Camillo, povedala bi vam to neumno psico čudno (čudna psica)
Why this bitch keep my name in her mouth? Bitch, weird
– Zakaj ta prasica drži moje ime v ustih? Kurba, čudno
You weird-ass bitch
– Ste čudno-rit prasica

Bhad Bhabie



