Video Posnetek
– (Mason)
Uh, it’s lonely at the top, lot of people are watchin’ and want me to flop
– Uh, na vrhu je osamljeno, veliko ljudi gleda in hoče, da propadem
I’m tellin’ the kids, if I can do it then anyone can, cah I came from nothin’
– Otrokom govorim, če lahko to storim, potem lahko kdo, Cah, prišel sem iz nič
One stop and search away from the block
– Ena postaja in iskanje stran od bloka
In this life, I don’t feel fear, only man that can make me afraid is God, uh
– V tem življenju ne čutim strahu, samo človek, ki me lahko prestraši, je Bog, uh
Negative press on the shade room, anythin’ good, it don’t make the blogs
– Negativni pritisk na senčno sobo, karkoli je dobro, blogi ne ustvarjajo
They didn’t sit at the table when it was chicken shop
– Niso sedeli za mizo, ko je bila trgovina s piščanci
Now it’s steak and lobster edamame and Pan-Asian cod
– Zdaj je zrezek in jastog edamame in Panazijska trska
My first bedroom smaller than a jail cell, now the crib’s on a ten-acre plot
– Moja prva spalnica manjša od zaporne celice, zdaj je posteljica na deset hektarjev veliki parceli
First time I committed a crime was petty, I couldn’t afford what the trainers cost
– Prvič, ko sem storil kaznivo dejanje, je bilo malenkostno, nisem si mogel privoščiti, koliko stanejo trenerji
First time I sold crack, I was just sixteen, witnessin’ that at that age was wrong
– Prvič, ko sem prodal crack, sem bil samo šestnajst let, priča, da je bilo v tej starosti narobe
Detached myself from every emotion, hopin’ I’ll get my paper long
– Ločen od vsakega čustva, upam, da bom dobil svoj papir dolgo
One brick phone, one iPhone, no SIM, listenin’ to the same old song
– En opečni telefon, en iPhone, brez kartice SIM, poslušanje iste stare pesmi
I’m jumpin’ the barriers, if the inspector get on the train, I’m gone
– Preskočim ovire, če inšpektor stopi na vlak, me ni več
Now the whip that I’m in’s an impatient one, put my foot on the gas when the light goes amber
– Zdaj je bič, v katerem sem, nestrpen, daj nogo na plin, ko lučka postane oranžna
Try touch me and guns will shoot, we don’t do kung fu and fight like Panda
– Poskusite se me dotakniti in puške bodo streljale, ne delamo kung fuja in se borimo kot Panda
My guy’s a convicted criminal, so he gotta hide from cameras
– Moj fant je obsojen kriminalec, zato se mora skriti pred kamerami
All of my bitches pretty as hell, I can start up a beauty pageant
– Vse moje psice lepa kot hudič, sem lahko začnete lepotno tekmovanje
How’d I end up all the way in Clapham, I started my day in NW2
– Kako sem končal vso pot v Claphamu, dan sem začel v SZ 2
Deliverin’ food direct to your door, you can leave a review like Deliveroo
– Dostava hrane neposredno na vaša vrata, lahko pustite oceno, kot je Deliveroo
Sticks outside for a special occasion, nank on hip that’s everyday shit
– Palice zunaj za posebno priložnost, nank na kolku, ki je vsakdanje sranje
Gotta thank God that I never did, dark and light, did sell it in twos
– Moram se zahvaliti Bogu, da nikoli nisem, temno in svetlo, ga je prodal v dvoje
Before I got the invite to Mike Rubin’s all-white party, 4th of July
– Preden sem dobil povabilo na vse belo zabavo Mikea Rubina, 4. julija
I was sat in the trap with a pack all night, cocaine fragrance, weren’t dressed in white
– Vso noč sem sedel v pasti s paketom, dišava kokaina, nisem bil oblečen v belo
Fifteen minutes away from the shot, but I said that I’d get there in less than five
– Petnajst minut stran od posnetka, vendar sem rekel, da bom tja prišel v manj kot petih
It gives me the ick when girls come around and try too hard to impress the guys
– To mi daje ick, ko dekleta pridejo okoli in poskusite preveč težko narediti vtis fantje
I sat and I told the Sony exec’, “If you give me a ten for a tape, I’ll sign” (Uh)
– Sedel sem in rekel soniju izvršitelju’, “če mi daš desetko za kaseto, bom podpisal” (Uh)
Everything’s gonna come to an end, when I counted an M, I was on cloud nine
– Vse se bo končalo, ko sem preštel M, sem bil na oblaku devet
If it weren’t rap, I would’ve been a pimp, I look at a bitch and I see pound signs
– Če ne bi bilo rapa, bi bil zvodnik, pogledam psico in vidim znake za funt
Plus one thousand aura, even if I don’t talk, they’ll feel our vibe
– Plus tisoč aur, tudi če ne govorim, bodo začutili našo vibracijo
Label execs don’t care if we’re murderers long as your catalogue’s bringin’ in revenue
– Vodjem založb je vseeno, če smo morilci, dokler vaš katalog prinaša prihodke
They’ll sign you and when you go broke and end up in jail, they’re quick to forget you
– Podpisali vas bodo in ko boste zlomili in končali v zaporu, vas bodo hitro pozabili
I can’t worry ’bout album sales, I got serious shit that I’m tryin’ to get through
– Ne morem skrbeti za prodajo albumov, imam resno sranje, ki ga poskušam prebroditi
How can they talk down on my name for tryna get paid, I’m playin’ a chess move
– Kako se lahko pogovarjajo o mojem imenu, da bi bili plačani, igram šahovsko potezo
GTA, I’m usin’ cheat codes, cheat at school in exams, I’m fucked
– GTA, uporabljam goljufive kode, goljufam v šoli na izpitih, zajebal sem
I cheat on my wife, but how can you blame me? I cheated life
– Varam ženo, ampak kako me lahko kriviš? Prevaral sem življenje
I weren’t supposed to make it this far, I got no grades, I ain’t even wise
– Ne bi smel priti tako daleč, nimam ocen, niti pameten nisem
Walk down Uxbridge Road, I reckon that one in three of these people high
– Mislim, da je eden od treh teh ljudi visok
Supply and demand, that’s how I get by, she tellin’ me how a trap boy’s her type
– Ponudba in povpraševanje, tako se preživim, ona mi pove, kako je past fant njen tip
I’m tryna not get too used to the life, I’m stayin’ inside, avoidin’ the hype
– Trudim se, da se ne navadim preveč na življenje, ostanem notri, izogibam se hipu
So many gyal that are wantin’ to fuck, I’m turnin’ them down, they’re wonderin’ why
– Toliko gijalov, ki hočejo fukati, jih zavračam, sprašujejo se, zakaj
I’m nonchalant, not shy, my entourage top five, I’m probably one of the—
– Sem nonšalanten, ne sramežljiv, moj entourage top pet, verjetno sem eden od—
I’ve gotta be one of the greats
– Moram biti eden od velikih
I’ll get number one album, easy, it’s not like the bar’s set high these days
– Dobil bom album številka ena, enostavno, danes ni tako, kot da je bar postavljen visoko
I came in the scene at an all-time low, I don’t know, but I think I revived the game
– Na sceno sem prišel na najnižji ravni, ne vem, ampak mislim, da sem igro oživil
I’ve been prayin’ that times will change
– Molil sem, da se bodo časi spremenili
Premeditatin’ a graceful exit, in the meantime, I’ll try maintain
– Premeditatin ‘ ljubek izhod, v tem času, bom poskusil vzdrževati
– V redu
– (Mason)