Drake – Fighting Irish Freestyle Slovenščina Besedila & Slovenski Prevodi

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I love you more
– Ljubim te bolj
– Dirigent
– Ja

The summer is over, I missed it, barrel was smoking, I kissed it
– Poletja je konec, pogrešal sem ga, sod je kadil, Poljubil sem ga
Ferris showed us the renders for Texas, it’s unrealistic
– Ferris nam je pokazal upodobitve za Teksas, to je nerealno
Cut ’em the check ’cause I hate reviewin’ the budgets and limits
– Odrežite jim ček, ker sovražim pregledovanje proračunov in omejitev
Just pay the man
– Samo plačaj človeku
The world fell in love with the gimmicks, even my brothers got tickets
– Svet se je zaljubil v trike, tudi moji bratje so dobili vstopnice
Seemed like they loved every minute
– Zdelo se je, kot da ljubijo vsako minuto
Just know this shit is personal to us, and it wasn’t just business
– Samo vedite, da je to sranje za nas osebno in ni bilo samo poslovno
Analyzin’ behavioral patterns, it’s somewhat suspicious
– Analiziranje vedenjskih vzorcev je nekoliko sumljivo
Niggas was never happy for me when I’d run up the digits
– Niggas ni bil nikoli vesel zame, ko sem tekel do številk
Or when I’m breakin’ world records still, as I guzzle a Guinness
– Ali ko še vedno podiram svetovne rekorde, ko pijem Guinnessa
Or when I get my fifth Maybach ’cause the color is different
– Ali ko dobim svojega petega Majbacha, ker je barva drugačna
‘Member we traded watches?
– Član smo zamenjali ure?
I gave you that Arabic dial, you gave me a numbered edition
– Dal sem ti tisti Arabski klic, Ti si mi dal oštevilčeno izdajo
You would even check up on my son like a pediatrician
– Mojega sina bi celo preveril kot pediater
Sure convinced the gang this shit was rooted in love when it isn’t
– Prepričan sem, da je tolpa to sranje zakoreninjeno v ljubezni, ko ni
Show me how different we are, there’s blessings in juxtaposition
– Pokaži mi, kako različni smo, v jukstapoziciji so blagoslovi
I guess now you boys gotta abandon your summer tradition
– Mislim, da zdaj morate fantje opustiti svojo poletno tradicijo
Cold shoulders I gave in the Hamptons, it come with the distance
– Hladna ramena, ki sem jih dal v Hamptonsu, prihaja z razdaljo
Figured we was always gon’ be close, like ovens and kitchens
– Mislil sem, da bomo vedno blizu, kot pečice in kuhinje
I was sadly mistaken, the loyalty wasn’t a given
– Žal sem se motil, zvestoba ni bila dana

It’s all good
– Vse je dobro
– Dirigent

And niggas cried the blues for you, sayin’ it wasn’t malicious
– In črnuhi so jokali za tabo, češ da ni bilo zlonamerno
Talkin’ ’bout we family, well, I’m not the cousin to visit
– Govorimo o družini, no, nisem bratranec, ki bi ga obiskal
God forbid we ever got to tarnish your public image
– Bog ne daj, da smo kdaj dobili, da omadežujejo svojo javno podobo
All that brother talk as if I really discovered a sibling
– Ves ta brat govori, kot da sem res odkril brata ali sestro
Six degrees, my memory’s retrievin’ our humble beginnings
– Šest stopinj, moj spomin prinaša naše skromne začetke
Niggas wanted trouble, grabbed the shovel and dug up some ditches
– Niggas želel težave, zgrabil lopato in izkopali nekaj jarkov
Cover my body in dirt, but that wasn’t me
– Pokrij moje telo v umazanijo, ampak to nisem bil jaz
That wasn’t me
– To nisem bil jaz
That was a body double, and we’ve done dozens of switches
– To je bil dvojnik telesa in naredili smo na desetine stikal
Niggas tried to light the front gate up, it wasn’t for Christmas
– Črnci so poskušali prižgati vhodna vrata, ni bilo za božič
I said a prayer that morning for Sean, and it wasn’t religious
– Tisto jutro sem rekel molitev za Seana in ni bila verska
It came from a place of desperation and utter submission
– Prišel je iz kraja obupa in popolne podrejenosti
Rappin’ was over for now, it came like a sudden decision
– Rappin ‘ je bilo za zdaj konec, prišlo je kot nenadna odločitev
I don’t give a fuck about you snakes or these other musicians
– Briga me za vas kače ali te druge glasbenike
Niggas started fuckin’ with my family, I’m goin’ to prison
– Črnuhi so začeli fukati z mojo družino, jaz grem v zapor
And we all crashin’ out together, my brothers complicit
– In vsi smo crashin’ ven skupaj, moji bratje sokrivec
Who put a pipe bomb in your trunk? It wasn’t Xzibit
– Kdo ti je dal cevno bombo v prtljažnik? Ni bilo nič
I’m tryna blow the doors off that bitch when you touch the ignition
– Jaz sem poskusil razstrelili vrata off, da prasica, ko se dotaknete vžiga
But then I gotta remember who made this shit come to fruition
– Potem pa se moram spomniti, kdo je to sranje uresničil

– Dirigent
It’s me
– Jaz sem

Who’s got the most to lose, and who’s in that other position?
– Kdo ima največ za izgubiti in kdo je v tem drugem položaju?
Signal conversations, well, I hope they got double encryption
– Signalni pogovori, No, upam, da so dobili dvojno šifriranje
I’d hate to see the empire crumble on judge’s convictions
– Ne bi rad videl, da se Imperij razpada zaradi sodnikovih obsodb
This nigga pulled a rabbit out the hat, and y’all love a magician
– Ta črnuh je potegnil zajca iz klobuka in vsi imate radi čarovnika
It’s funny to see you all rejoicin’ and huggin’ and kissin’
– Smešno je videti, da se vsi veselite in huggin in poljubljate
What are we celebratin’? I’ll rent out the club at Edition
– Kaj praznujemo? Klub bom oddal v najem na Edition
Nothing was the same with all you bitches and nothing’s forgiven
– Nič ni bilo enako z vsemi vami psicami in nič ni odpuščeno
But next time, bury me in gold, my blood is Egyptian
– Toda naslednjič me pokoplji v zlato, moja kri je egipčanska
The Dennis James come out when the vodka is floodin’ my system
– Dennis James pride ven, ko vodka preplavi moj sistem
I don’t have a drinkin’ problem, I got a subtle addiction
– Nimam težav s pitjem, imam subtilno odvisnost
I got my father’s habits and I got my mother’s permission
– Dobil sem očetove navade in dobil mamino dovoljenje
My dad has another child, I told him that wasn’t my sister
– Moj oče ima še enega otroka, Rekel sem mu, da to ni moja sestra
Grew up with dozens of Jews, churches with dozens of Christians
– Odraščal je z desetinami Judov, cerkvami z desetinami kristjanov
Also, developed a deep respect for the Muslim religion
– Prav tako je razvil globoko spoštovanje muslimanske vere
I’m starin’ at my daddy while y’all tell me I wasn’t that nigga
– Strmim v očeta, medtem ko mi vsi govorite, da nisem bil črnuh

That’s fuckin’ crazy
– To je prekleto noro
That’s crazy
– To je noro
That’s as far as I got
– To je, kolikor sem dobil




