Video Posnetek
– Penelope
Is it you? Have my prayers been answered?
– Si to ti? So bile moje molitve uslišane?
Is it really you standing there, or am I dreaming once more?
– Ali res stojiš tam, ali še enkrat sanjam?
You look different, your eyes look tired
– Izgledaš drugače, oči so videti utrujene
Your frame is lighter, your smile torn
– Vaš okvir je lažji, vaš nasmeh raztrgan
Is it really you, my love?
– Si res ti, ljubezen moja?
I am not the man you fell in love with
– Nisem človek, v katerega si se zaljubil
I am not the man you once adored
– Nisem človek, ki si ga nekoč oboževal
I am not your kind and gentle husband
– Nisem tvoj prijazen in nežen mož
And I am not the love you knew before
– In nisem ljubezen, ki ste jo poznali prej
Would you fall in love with me again
– Bi se spet zaljubil vame
If you knew all I’ve done?
– Če bi vedel vse, kar sem naredil?
The things I cannot change
– Stvari, ki jih ne morem spremeniti
Would you love me all the same?
– Bi me vseeno ljubila?
I know that you’ve been waiting, waiting for love
– Vem, da ste čakali, čakali na ljubezen
What kinds of things did you do?
– Kakšne stvari ste počeli?
Left a trail of red on every island
– Pustil sled rdeče na vsakem otoku
As I traded friends like objects I could use
– Ko sem trgoval s prijatelji kot predmeti, ki bi jih lahko uporabil
Hurt more lives than I can count on my hands
– Boli več življenj, kot lahko računam na svoje roke
But all of that was to bring me back to you
– Ampak vse to je bilo, da bi me vrnil k tebi
So tell me
– Torej, povej mi
Would you fall in love with me again
– Bi se spet zaljubil vame
If you knew all I’ve done?
– Če bi vedel vse, kar sem naredil?
The things I can’t undo
– Stvari, ki jih ne morem razveljaviti
I am not the man you knew
– Nisem človek, ki si ga poznal
I know that you’ve been waiting, waiting
– Vem, da ste čakali, čakali
If that’s true, could you do me a favor?
– Če je to res, mi lahko narediš uslugo?
Just a moment of labor that would bring me some peace
– Samo trenutek dela, ki bi mi prinesel nekaj miru
See that wedding bed? Could you carry it over?
– Vidiš tisto poročno posteljo? Ga lahko preneseš?
Lift it high on your shoulders and take it far away from here
– Dvignite ga visoko na ramena in ga odnesite daleč stran od tu
How could you say this?
– Kako si lahko to rekel?
I had built that wedding bed with my blood and sweat
– To poročno posteljo sem zgradil s krvjo in znojem
Carved it into the olive tree where we first met
– Vklesan v oljko, kjer sva se prvič srečala
A symbol of our love everlasting
– Simbol naše večne ljubezni
Do you realize what you have asked me?
– Se zavedaš, kaj si me vprašal?
The only way to move it is to cut it from its roots
– Edini način, da ga premaknete, je, da ga odrežete iz korenin
Only my husband knew that
– To je vedel samo moj mož
So I guess that makes him you
– Torej mislim, da ga naredi ti
– Penelope
I will fall in love with you over and over again
– Vedno znova se bom zaljubil vate
I don’t care how, where, or when
– Vseeno mi je, kako, kje ali kdaj
No matter how long it’s been, you’re mine
– Ne glede na to, kako dolgo je minilo, si moj
Don’t tell me you’re not the same person
– Ne reci mi, da nisi ista oseba
You’re always my husband and I’ve been waiting, waiting
– Vedno si moj mož in jaz sem čakal, čakal
– Penelope
Waiting, waiting (Penelope)
– Čakanje, čakanje (Penelope)
Waiting, waiting
– Čakanje, čakanje
Waiting, oh
– Čakanje, oh
For you
– Za vas
How long has it been?
– Kako dolgo je minilo?
Twenty years
– Dvajset let
I-I love you
– Ljubim te