Video Posnetek
Ha, ha
– Ha, ha
मरते, मरते, ये
– मरते, मरते, ये
Serotonin, serotonin
– Serotonin, serotonin
Where you hiding? Where you going?
– Kje se skrivaš? Kam greš?
Need that serotonin, serotonin, serotonin
– Potrebujete serotonin, serotonin, serotonin
Gets me going, gets me going
– Dobi me bo, dobi me bo
Getting dark outside
– Postaja temno zunaj
Dopamine declined
– Dopamin se je zmanjšal
Can’t be satisfied
– Ne more biti zadovoljen
‘Less you by my side
– Manj ti ob meni
Fifty thousand lunch
– Petdeset tisoč kosilo
Twenty bottles drunk
– Dvajset steklenic Pijan
Left without you, love
– Levo brez tebe, Ljubezen
I’m completely numb
– Popolnoma sem otrpel
System overdrive
– Sistemski overdrive
Algorithm’s fried
– Algoritem je ocvrt
You consume my mind
– Požreš moj um
You got all my time
– Imaš ves moj čas
Face is paralyzed
– Obraz je paraliziran
Fully compromised
– Popolnoma ogrožena
Make a grown man cry
– Naj odrasel moški joka
Come, let’s make a child
– Pridi, naredimo otroka
Serotonin, serotonin
– Serotonin, serotonin
Where you hiding? Where you going?
– Kje se skrivaš? Kam greš?
Need that serotonin, serotonin, serotonin
– Potrebujete serotonin, serotonin, serotonin
Gets me going, gets me going
– Dobi me bo, dobi me bo
Serotonin, serotonin
– Serotonin, serotonin
Where you hiding? Where you going?
– Kje se skrivaš? Kam greš?
Need that serotonin, serotonin, serotonin
– Potrebujete serotonin, serotonin, serotonin
Gets me going, gets me going
– Dobi me bo, dobi me bo
मरते मरते, ये
– मरते मरते, ये
I was nodding off, on that Aperol
– Bil sem pokimal off, na to Aperol
She’s got Adderall, she’s an animal
– Ima Adderall, ona je žival
Keep the cameras on, this that new freak-off
– Naj kamere na, to je, da je nova freak-off
And she gon’ make it soft, that’s gon’ piss me off
– In ona bo postala mehka, to me bo razjezilo
System overdrive, that pum-pum out the line
– Sistem overdrive, da pum-pum iz linije
Tell me that it’s hot, tell—
– Povej mi, da je vroče, povej—