Video Posnetek
Load up the Pro Tools and press three
– Naložite Pro Tools in pritisnite tri
Studio filled with Jack In The Box and Pepsis
– Studio napolnjen z Jackom v škatli in Pepsisom
Niggas watchin’ WorldStar videos, not the ESPYs
– Črnuhi, ki gledajo videoposnetke svetovne zvezde, ne Espiji
Laughin’ at B. Pumper, stomach turnin’, I get up and proceeded to write somethin’
– Smejal sem se B. Pumperju, želodec se je obrnil, vstal sem in začel pisati nekaj
Ab-Soul in the corner mumblin’ raps, fumblin’ packs of Black & Milds
– Ab-Soul v kotu mumblin ‘raps, fumblin’ paketi Black & Milds
Crumblin’ kush ’til he cracked a smile
– Crumblin ‘kush’ til je razpokan nasmeh
His words legendary, wishin’ I could rhyme like him
– Njegove besede legendarne, želim, da bi se lahko rimal kot on
Studied his style to define my pen
– Študiral je njegov slog, da bi opredelil moje pero
That was back when the only goal was to get Jay Rock through the door
– To je bilo nazaj, ko je bil edini cilj spraviti Jaja rocka skozi vrata
Warner Brother Records, hope Naim Ali would let us know
– Naim ali bi nam sporočil
Was excited just to go to them label meetings
– Je bil navdušen, samo da gredo na njih label srečanja
Wasn’t my record deal, but still, I couldn’t believe it
– Ni bila moja pogodba, a vseeno nisem mogel verjeti
Me and Rock inside the booth hibernatin’
– Jaz in Rock v kabini hibernatin’
It was simple math, if he made it, that mean I made it
– Bila je preprosta matematika, če ga je naredil, to pomeni, da sem ga naredil
Everything I had was for the team, I remained patient
– Vse, kar sem imel, je bilo za ekipo, Ostal sem potrpežljiv
Grindin’ with my brothers, it was us against them, no one above us, bless our hearts
– Brusimo se z mojimi brati, mi smo bili proti njim, nihče nad nami, blagoslovi naša srca
Use your heart and not your eyes (Baby, just relax your mind)
– Uporabite svoje srce in ne oči (dojenček, samo sprostite svoj um)
If you got time, then I got time (Yeah, yeah)
– Če imaš čas, potem imam čas (ja, ja)
Free your thoughts and watch them fly
– Osvobodite svoje misli in jih opazujte, kako letijo
Use your heart and not your eyes (Mm-hmm)
– Uporabite svoje srce in ne oči (Mm-hmm)
My nigga Dave had a champagne Acura
– Moj črnuh Dave je imel šampanjec Acura
A bunch of instrumentals I freestyled in the passenger
– Kup instrumentalov, ki sem jih freestiliral v potniku
That nigga wore several hats, a producer, a manager, director, and DJ
– Ta črnuh je nosil več klobukov, producenta, menedžerja, režiserja in DJ-ja
A hothead squabblin’, Bloods, Pirus, and Keeways
– Vročoglavi prepir, kri, Pirus in avtoceste
For this little thing of ours we called TDE
– Za to našo malenkost smo poklicali TDE
I watched you take some penitentiary chances to say the least
– Gledal sem, kako ste vsaj malo tvegali v zaporu
Remember in the county building with MixedByAli
– Spomnite se v okrožni stavbi z Mešanimbjali
We tried to freak the system just to make a couple ends meet
– Poskušali smo freak sistem samo, da bi nekaj konča izpolnjujejo
That’s my nigga for shit sure
– To je moj črnuh za sranje prepričan
He brought Q over, but Q didn’t rap, but he learned from our inspo
– Prinesel je K, A K ni rap, ampak se je naučil iz našega inspo
We split Louisiana chicken riverboat specials
– Razdelili smo Louisiana chicken riverboat specials
Sleepin’ next to 02R consoles to be our refuge
– Sleepin ‘ zraven 02R konzole, da bo naše zatočišče
He was homeless and I left home
– Bil je brezdomec in odšel sem od doma
Q said, “Dot, you won’t be slept on, you the nigga to bet on” (Use your h—)
– V je rekel, “Pika, ne boš spal, ti črnuh, na katerega bi stavil” (uporabi svoj h -—
Top had given us dominion in the home he lived in
– Top nam je dal oblast v domu, v katerem je živel
Hopin’ that we see some millions, God bless our hearts
– Upam, da bomo videli nekaj milijonov, Bog blagoslovi naša srca
Use your heart and not your eyes (Baby, just relax your mind)
– Uporabite svoje srce in ne oči (dojenček, samo sprostite svoj um)
If you got time, then I got time (Yeah, yeah)
– Če imaš čas, potem imam čas (ja, ja)
Free your thoughts and watch them fly
– Osvobodite svoje misli in jih opazujte, kako letijo
Use your heart and not your eyes
– Uporabite svoje srce in ne oči
Punch played Phil Jackson in my early practices
– Punch igral Phil Jackson v mojih zgodnjih praks
Strategies on how to be great amongst the averages
– Strategije, kako biti odličen med povprečji
I picked his brain on what was ordained, highly collaborative
– Izbral sem njegove možgane o tem, kar je bilo posvečeno, zelo sodelovalno
RET pushed the label the same, amongst the savages
– RET je oznako potisnil enako, med divjaki
Moose kept my name in the function that he would run in
– Moose je ohranil moje ime v funkciji, v kateri bi tekel
TEEZ kept the vultures away from me that was comin’
– TEEZ je držal jastrebe stran od mene, ki so prihajali
Sounwave let me borrow his clothes for shows as a hype man
– Naj si sposodim njegova oblačila za predstave kot hiper človek
To cook up in this room ’til the night ends
– Kuhati v tej sobi do konca noči
Time flies, I’m carryin’ debates of a top five
– Čas leti, prenašam razprave o prvih petih
Buryin’ my opps and allies
– Pokopal sem svoje opps in zaveznike
But I’d done a half job communicatin’ feelings of being stagnant
– Ampak jaz sem opravil pol dela, ko sem komuniciral z občutki, da sem stagniral
Life was gettin’ bigger than just rappin’
– Življenje je postajalo večje kot samo rappin
The business, what I was lackin’
– Posel, kaj mi je manjkalo
Top used to record me back when it was poor me
– Top uporablja za snemanje me nazaj, ko je bilo slabo me
And now we at the round table for what assures me
– In zdaj smo na okrogli mizi za to, kar mi zagotavlja
I guess my motivation was the yearnin’ for independence
– Mislim, da je bila moja motivacija hrepenenje po neodvisnosti
Poured everything I had left in the family business
– Natočil sem vse, kar mi je ostalo v družinskem podjetju
Now it’s about Kendrick, I wanna evolve, place my skillset as a Black exec’
– Zdaj gre za Kendricka, rad bi se razvijal, postavil svoj nabor spretnosti kot temnopolti izvršitelj
I jog my memory, knowin’ Black Hippy didn’t work ’cause of me
– Tečem spomin, vem, da črni hipi ni deloval zaradi mene
Creatively, I moved on with new concepts in reach
– Ustvarjalno sem nadaljeval z novimi koncepti v reach
Top, remember all them sessions we would strategize
– Na vrh, spomnite se vseh sej, ki bi jih strategizirali
To hit the streets, then come back, record three records? Ah
– Da bi šli na ulice, potem pa se vrnili, posneli tri plošče? Ah
To tell the truth, it fucked me up when D-Man passed
– Resnici na ljubo me je zajebal, ko je D-Man minil
The motive was the condolences, but the pride crashed
– Motiv je bil sožalje, a ponos je strmoglavil
I had to bypass old mythologies I had
– Moral sem obiti stare mitologije, ki sem jih imel
Put my heart on display like it was an iMac
– Daj moje srce na ogled, kot da je iMac
To all my young niggas, let me be the demonstration
– Vsem mojim mladim črncem, naj bom demonstracija
How to conduct differences with a healthy conversation
– Kako voditi razlike z zdravim pogovorom
If that’s your family, then handle it as such
– Če je to vaša družina, potem ravnajte tako
Don’t let the socials gas you up or let emotions be your crutch
– Ne dovolite, da vas družabniki napihnejo ali naj bodo čustva vaša bergla
Pick up the phone and bust it up before the history is lost
– Dvignite telefon in ga razbijte, preden se zgodovina izgubi
Hand-to-handshake is good when you have a heart-to-heart
– Stisk roke v roko je dober, če imate od srca do srca
Use your heart and not your eyes (Baby, just relax your mind)
– Uporabite svoje srce in ne oči (dojenček, samo sprostite svoj um)
If you got time and I got time (Yeah, yeah)
– Če imaš čas in imam čas (ja, ja)
Free your thoughts and watch them fly
– Osvobodite svoje misli in jih opazujte, kako letijo
Use your heart and not your eyes (Mm-hmm)
– Uporabite svoje srce in ne oči (Mm-hmm)