Kendrick Lamar – reincarnated Slovenščina Besedila & Slovenski Prevodi

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Que reflejan tu mirada
– Odsev tu mirada
La noche, tú y yo
– La noche, t

I got this fire burnin’ in me from within
– Ta ogenj gori v meni od znotraj
Concentrated thoughts on who I used to be, I’m sheddin’ skin
– Koncentrirane misli o tem, kdo sem bil, sem sheddin ‘ skin
Every day, a new version of me, a third of me demented, cemented in pain
– Vsak dan je nova različica mene, tretjina mene dementna, cementirana od bolečine
Juggling opposing kinds of fame
– Žongliranje nasprotujočih si vrst slave
I don’t know how to make friends, I’m a lonely soul
– Ne vem, kako se spoprijateljiti, sem osamljena duša
I recollect this isolation, I was four years old
– Spomnim se te izolacije, star sem bil štiri leta
Truth be told, I’ve been battling my soul
– Resnici na ljubo, boril sem se z dušo
Tryna navigate the real and fake
– Poskusite krmariti po resničnem in lažnem
Cynical about the judgement day
– Ciničen glede sodnega dne
I did bad, slight progression last year and it fucked me up
– Lani sem naredil slabo, rahlo napredovanje in to me je zajebalo
Reincarnated on this earth for a hundred plus
– Reinkarniran na tej zemlji za sto plus
Body after body, lesson after lesson, let’s take it back to Michigan in 1947
– Telo za telesom, lekcija za lekcijo, odnesimo ga nazaj v Michigan leta 1947
My father kicked me out the house ’cause I wouldn’t listen to him
– Oče me je vrgel iz hiše, ker ga nisem poslušal
I didn’t care about his influence, only loved what I was doing
– Ni mi bilo mar za njegov vpliv, Všeč mi je bilo le to, kar počnem
Gifted as a musician, I played guitar on the grand level
– Nadarjen kot glasbenik sem igral kitaro na veliki ravni
The most talented where I’m from, but I had to rebel
– Najbolj nadarjen, od kod sem, vendar sem se moral upirati
And so I’m off in the sunset, searchin’ for my place in the world
– In tako sem na sončnem zahodu, iščem svoje mesto na svetu
With my guitar up on my hip, that’s the story unfurled
– Z mojo kitaro na boku, to je zgodba, ki se je razvila
I found myself with a pocket full of money and a whole lot of respect
– Našel sem se z žepom, polnim denarja in veliko spoštovanja
While the record business loved me
– Medtem ko me je rekordni posel ljubil
I was head of rhythm and blues
– Bil sem vodja ritma in bluesa
The women that fell to they feet, so many to choose
– Ženske, ki so padle na noge, toliko, da izberejo
But I manipulated power as I lied to the masses
– Toda manipuliral sem z močjo, ko sem lagal množicam
Died with my money, gluttony was too attractive, reincarnated
– Umrl z mojim denarjem, požrešnost je bila preveč privlačna, reinkarnirana

Another life had placed me as a Black woman in the Chitlin’ Circuit
– Drugo življenje me je postavilo kot temnopolto žensko v Chitlin’ Circuit
Seductive vocalist as the promoter hit the curtains
– Zapeljiva vokalistka, ko je promotor zadel zavese
My voice was angelic, straight from heaven, the crowd sobbed
– Moj glas je bil angelski, naravnost iz nebes, množica je jokala
A musical genius what the articles emphasized
– Glasbeni genij, kar so poudarjali članki
Had everything I wanted, but I couldn’t escape addiction
– Imel sem vse, kar sem si želel, a zasvojenosti se nisem mogel izogniti
Heroin needles had me in fetal position, restricted
– Heroinske igle so me imele v fetalnem položaju, omejene
Turned on my family, I went wherever cameras be
– Obrnil na mojo družino, sem šel kamorkoli kamere biti
Cocaine, no private planes for my insanity
– Kokain, brez zasebnih letal za mojo norost
Self-indulged, discipline never been my sentiments
– Self-indulged, disciplina nikoli ni bila moja čustva
I needed drugs, to me, an 8-ball was like penicillin
– Potreboval sem droge, zame je bila 8-kroglica kot penicilin
Fuck love, my happiness was in that brown sugar
– Jebi ljubezen, moja sreča je bila v tem rjavi sladkor
Sex and melodies gave me hope when nobody’s lookin’
– Seks in melodije so mi dali upanje, ko nihče ne gleda
My first assistant was a small town scholar
– Moj prvi pomočnik je bil učenjak iz majhnega mesta
Never did a Quaalude ’til I got myself around her
– Nikoli nisem imel Kvaalude ‘ til dobil sem se okoli nje
My daddy looked the other way, he saw sin in me
– Moj oče je pogledal v drugo smer, v meni je videl greh
I died with syringes pinched in me, reincarnated
– Umrl sem z brizgami, stisnjenimi v meni, reinkarniran

My present life is Kendrick Lamar
– Moje sedanje življenje je Kendrick Lamar
A rapper looking at the lyrics to keep you in awe
– Raper, ki gleda besedila, da bi vas navdušil
The only factor I respected was raisin’ the bar
– Edini dejavnik, ki sem ga spoštoval, je bil raisin ‘ the bar
My instincts sent material straight to the charts, huh
– Moji instinkti so material poslali naravnost na lestvice, kaj
My father kicked me out the house, I finally forgive him
– Oče me je vrgel iz hiše, končno mu odpustim
I’m old enough to understand the way I was livin’
– Dovolj sem star, da razumem, kako sem živel
Ego and pride had me looking at him with resentment
– Ego in ponos sta me gledala z zamero
I close my eyes, hoping that I don’t come off contentious
– Zaprem oči v upanju, da se ne bom sporen
I’m yelling, “Father, did I finally get it right?” Everything I did was selfless
– Kričim, “oče, sem končno dobil prav? “Vse, kar sem naredil, je bilo nesebično
I spoke freely, when the people needed me, I helped them
– Govoril sem svobodno, ko so me ljudje potrebovali, sem jim pomagal
I didn’t gloat, even told ’em, “No,” when the vultures came
– Nisem se veselil, celo rekel sem jim, ” ne,”, ko so prišli jastrebi
Took control of my fleshly body when the money changed
– Prevzel nadzor nad mojim mesenim telesom, ko se je denar spremenil
Son, you do well, but your heart is closed
– Sin, dobro ti gre, a tvoje srce je zaprto
I can tell residue that linger from your past creates a cell
– Lahko povem, da ostanek, ki se zadržuje iz vaše preteklosti, ustvari celico
Father, I’m not perfect, I got urges, but I hold them down
– Oče, nisem popoln, imam nagone, vendar jih držim
But your pride has to die,” okay, Father, show me how
– Toda tvoj ponos mora umreti,” v redu, oče, Pokaži mi, kako
Tell me every deed that you done and what you do it for
– Povejte mi vsako dejanje, ki ste ga storili in za kaj to storite
I kept one hundred institutions paid
– Plačal sem sto institucij
Okay, tell me more
– V redu, povej mi več
I put one hundred hoods on one stage
– Na en oder sem postavil sto kapuc
Okay, tell me more
– V redu, povej mi več
I’m tryna push peace in L.A. 
– Trudim se za mir v L. A.-ju. 
But you love war
– Ampak ljubiš vojno
No, I don’t
– Ne, ne vem
Oh, yes, you do
– Oh, ja, imaš
Okay, then tell me the truth
– V redu, potem mi povej resnico
Every individual is only a version of you
– Vsak posameznik je samo vaša različica
How can they forgive when there’s no forgiveness in your heart?
– Kako lahko odpustijo, če v vašem srcu ni odpuščanja?
I could tell you where I’m going
– Lahko ti povem, kam grem
I could tell you who you are
– Lahko ti povem, kdo si
You fell out of Heaven ’cause you was anxious
– Padel si iz nebes, ker si bil zaskrbljen
Didn’t like authority, only searched to be heinous
– Ni maral avtoritete, iskal je le gnusno
Isaiah fourteen was the only thing that was prevalent
– Izaija štirinajst je bila edina stvar, ki je prevladovala
My greatest music director was you
– Moj največji glasbeni direktor si bil ti
It was colors, it was pinks, it was reds, it was blues
– Bile so barve, rožnate, rdeče, modre
It was harmony and motion
– Bila je harmonija in gibanje
I sent you down to earth ’cause you was broken
– Poslal sem te na Zemljo, ker si bil zlomljen
Rehabilitation, not psychosis
– Rehabilitacija, ne psihoza
But now we here now
– Ampak zdaj smo tukaj ZDAJ
Centuries you manipulated man with music
– Stoletja ste človeka manipulirali z glasbo
Embodied you as superstars to see how you moving
– Utelešena ste kot superzvezdniki, da vidite, kako se premikate
You came a long way from garnishing evilish views
– Prišli ste daleč od okrasitve zlobnih pogledov
And all I ever wanted from you was love and approval
– In vse, kar sem si kdaj želel od tebe, je bila ljubezen in odobravanje
I learned a lot, no more putting these people in fear
– Veliko sem se naučil, nič več postavljanja teh ljudi v strah
The more that word is diminished, the more it’s not real
– Bolj ko se ta beseda zmanjša, bolj ni resnična
The more light that I can capture, the more I can feel
– Več svetlobe, ki jo lahko zajamem, bolj čutim
I’m using words for inspiration as an idea
– Besede za navdih uporabljam kot idejo
So can you promise that you won’t take your gifts for granted?
– Torej lahko obljubite, da svojih daril ne boste jemali za samoumevne?
I promise that I’ll use my gifts to bring understanding
– Obljubim, da bom svoje darove uporabil za razumevanje
For every man, woman and child, how much can you vow?
– Za vsakega moškega, žensko in otroka, koliko se lahko zaobljubite?
I vow my life just to live one in harmony now
– Zaobljubim se, da bom zdaj živel v harmoniji
You crushed a lot of people keeping their thoughts in captivity
– Zdrobili ste veliko ljudi, ki so svoje misli držali v ujetništvu
And I’m ashamed that I ever created that enemy
– In sram me je, da sem kdaj ustvaril tega sovražnika
Then let’s rejoice where we at
– Potem se veselimo, kjer smo
I rewrote the devil’s story just to take our power back, ‘carnated
– Napisal sem hudičevo zgodbo samo zato, da bi vzel našo moč nazaj, ‘ carnated

Kendrick Lamar



